Sunday, September 8, 2019

Someone Left The Playpen Gate Open Again

We’re living in an age where people who seem to know nothing are being told they know everything. Such looks to be true of David Hogg. But he can’t be blamed for being wholly ignorant and completely inexperienced in the world, he’s 19. He’s not supposed to know anything.

After the Marjory Stonemen Douglas shooting the media selected a group of kids who were anti-gun and then pushed their faces into the camera lens with whispers of, “Just say things as if you know. Because you magically do. It’s a miracle. You just know stuff. Speak as if it’s so.” The result was a cringefest of gullible teens being used by people who knew better.

Observing young people with absolutely no perspective whatsoever claim themselves the saviors of society as they’d realized what, for some unknown reason, all humans before them had failed to see…watching them on television shout the naive mantra that because of them there would never be another mass shooting was awful. They were being used as pawns toward a political end, unaware of any real-world mechanisms: the intricacies of danger and defense, the wheels of government and how they (don’t) turn, the history of crime vs availability of guns, and the sophistication of factors in the commission and rise of violent crime, morality, psychiatric medication, religion, media, the disintegration of the family, plus all the other things people argue about where murders are concerned.

But, perhaps, most of all, the unprepared adolescents didn’t understand the realities of the 11-minute news cycle. A gaggle of the soft skulls believed the future was all theirs. It wasn’t. The media picked a story and rode it ’til the ratings waned. Then it was on to the next thing. Buh-bye.

But the Hoggster seems intent upon being that person. The one he was told he was by a media that gave him a 4-second spotlight. Like a pimple on a teenager's face, he keeps popping up now and then. This time he’s changing his rhetoric to fit the passing preference of the moment. For David Hogg, perhaps this will be his new crusade, the fight against white racist America and gun violence and its cause, the one we’re all aware of: white supremacy.

Maybe little David should spend a weekend watching Chicago Television News.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

~ Make It A Double, Bartender ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, September 6, 2019

Morbid Obesity Is a Great Way for Black People to Combat White Supremacy??

Weaponizing Obesity & Stupidity. This may be the stupidest thing I've read in a long time, a descent into Toxic SJW Propaganda and General Lunacy from a publication that use to teach young girls how to apply mascara without looking like Alice Cooper, and give advice on how to keep 'Him' from getting to second base. People with no morals and little intelligence have taken over and infected the media in all it's aspects from digital to print and advertising pointed at the young.

Case In Point:
"Fat is a descriptor in the same way that black and queer are descriptors. And fat is somewhat similar to black and queer in more than just that way; it's also a word that encompasses a marginalized identity. For me, fat is a way of saying "f*ck you."
Fat stigma is also tied to anti-blackness, in that being black is the abundance that white supremacy seeks to shrink. It's the negative stereotypes created by white supremacy that reinforce the idea that we are naturally fat, and with that many of the negative associations tied to the word today.
The more we call ourselves fat, and the more we realize that it's not bad to be fat, the more we're tearing down walls built by racism."
The fat acceptance freaks want to remove the racist stigma of being obese by pretending that it’s a perfectly healthy lifestyle choice because black people are suppose to be fat......because of a little figurine in a museum. Fightin' racism one chitlin' at a time.

If not wanting to die of obesity-related conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer that are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death somehow makes you a white supremacist in the minds of those smelly fat black divas you see waddling around everywhere, then sign me up.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Climate Townhall Supercuts: Dems Ban Just About Everything

The town hall created roughly 57.4 Tons of Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Hot Air and Political Nonsense, including a woman who asked Bernie Sanders how he would help curb overpopulation of the earth and he implies increased access to ABORTION to curb population growth in order to prevent climate change. Let’s just state for the record: talking about needing “population control” through ABORTION for the sake of CLIMATE is talking EUGENICS. The fact that a presidential candidate is willing to entertain this vile idea is not only disgusting, it should be disqualifying. 

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Feesh, All She Smells is Feesh!

Thousands to Attend BBQ Outside Home of Vegan 
Who Sued Neighbors Over Smelly Meats!! 

Three Cheers for the Aussies!

New York Post:
Thousands of people are roasting an Australian vegan who took her neighbors to court over the smell of meat and fish from their barbecue — by planning a massive cookout outside her home. 
Cilla Carden made headlines this week for her legal beef, in which she claimed the odors from her neighbors’ barbecues had destroyed her quality of life, 9News reported. Now more than 3,000 people are planning to attend a cookout outside her Perth home, organized on a Facebook page called “Community BBQ for Cilla Carden.”  
“Don’t let Cilla destroy a good old Aussie tradition, join us for a community BBQ, and help Cilla Carden GET SOME PORK ON HER FORK,” the event description reads. The barbecue is scheduled for Oct. 19 — and vegans are not welcome, the page says. Carden’s legal battle with her neighbors began last year. Her complaint was tossed out of court earlier this year, and she filed an appeal. The appeal was also rejected in July, but she has vowed to keep fighting.
The Feesh, All She Smells is Feesh!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

NPR: Temperature Be Racist

The data are not wrong, but it’s for reasons anyone with a basic understanding of nature can understand. It has nothing to do with race, but if you’re today’s media, everything has to be about race. So leave it to your taxpayer subsidized National Public Radio (NPR) to tout a report that says it tends to be hotter where minorities live.

So take it away, NPR:
"Across Baltimore, the hottest areas tend to be the poorest and that pattern is not unusual. In dozens of major U.S. cities, low-income neighborhoods are more likely to be hotter than their wealthier counterparts, according to a joint investigation by NPR and the University of Maryland’s Howard Center for Investigative Journalism. 
Those exposed to that extra heat are often a city’s most vulnerable: the poorest and, our data show, disproportionately people of color...."
For all the attention NPR pays in its lead paragraphs to race and income levels, you have to read far into the story to find that NPR knows the real cause of the temperature disparities. It’s something anyone who has ever lived in a city of any size knows very well. It's called concrete and steel!!!

None of this is new or surprising. It’s hotter in cities than it is in suburbs. It always has been. And NPR didn’t just find this out when it decided to do this “study.” Instead, it’s clear what NPR did was take a temperature disparity that’s already well known and see if it could turn it into a racial story by matching up the temperature differences with race and income differences.

It was not too much of a stretch to guess that the disparities would overlay each other, even if it’s obvious that the one is not the cause of the other. And just like that, one more thing that has nothing to do with race is made to be about race by a media obsessed with the subject. Now you know. Even the temperature is racist.

I eagerly await the woke left’s attempts to figure out how to boycott it and shame it out of acceptable society.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, September 2, 2019

Tariq Nasheed Explains This Weekend Chicago Shooting Stats

Tariq Nasheed is a popular Black Nationalist and Afro-Centric propaganda filmmaker who has taken on the job of polishing the turd of black history revision. He's also "they're turning the frogs gay" Alex Jones crazy.  Nasheed took to Black Twitter Friday to inform his followers and all of Chicago of his latest installment of crazy......
So I know you're not surprised at the reaction to this latest glowing example of black cultural psychosis.....
And it goes on and on......

~ Thank You Big Fur Hat @IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Scientist Says She’s Received ‘Yoda-like advice’ from Shrubbery

I'm not old enough to remember the sixties. I am a child of children of the sixties & seventies, and have worked with many who were there and were part of making the sixties the sixties. So I am very aware that there was a time when if someone told you that a tree spoke to them, it was a very good sign the there was some 'Orange Sunshine' or 'Brown Microdot' floating around somewhere. But when you hear statements like that today, it gives you pause. And if weren't for those intrepid intellectual truth seekers of New York Times, you might never have learned about the scientist who was advised by an oak tree to pursue her studies. Which brings us to Dr. Monica Gagliano......
from the NYT:
"Monica Gagliano says that she has received Yoda-like advice from trees and shrubbery. She recalls being rocked like a baby by the spirit of a fern. She has ridden on the back of an invisible bear conjured by an osha root. She once accidentally bent space and time while playing the ocarina, an ancient wind instrument, in a redwood forest. “Oryngham,” she says, means “thank you” in plant language. These interactions have taken place in dreams, visions, songs and telekinetic interactions, sometimes with the help of shamans or ayahuasca. 
Back in 1973, an explosively popular book, “The Secret Life of Plants,” made pseudoscientific claims about plants, including that they enjoy classical music and can read human minds. The book was firmly discredited, but the maelstrom made many institutions and researchers reasonably wary of bold statements about botanical aptitude. 
Regardless, last year Dr. Gagliano published a heady and meandering memoir about the conversations with plants that inspired her peer-reviewed work, titled “Thus Spoke the Plant.” She believes, like many scientists and environmentalists do, that in order to save the planet we have to understand ourselves as part of the natural world. It’s just that she also believes the plants themselves can speak to this point. 
“I want people to realize that the world is full of magic, but not as something only some people can do, or something that is outside of this world,” she said. “No, it’s all here."

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead, and the white knight is talking backwards, and the red queen's off with her head, remember what the dormouse said.
Feed your head. - Grace Slick


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director