Thursday, March 19, 2020

Today in Chinese Coronavirus Craziness

Don't have any idea who most of theses people are in the vid below,
 but my guess they're restless entertainment industry attention whores....

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Baltimore Mayor Implores Residents to Stop Shooting Each Other For Awhile. " We're Gonna Need The Beds"

In a sad commentary on the majority black cities of America, Wednesday Baltimore Mayor Jack Young had to take to the podium to pleaded with residents to stop shooting each other so that the city's limited number of hospital beds could be better used. "I want to reiterate how completely unacceptable the level of violence is that we have seen recently. We will not stand for mass shootings and an increase in crime." Baltimore has seen an uptick in violence since last week that included a shooting Tuesday night resulting in seven victims transported to hospitals in serious condition.

"We cannot clog up our hospitals and their beds with people that are being shot senselessly because we're going to need those beds for people infected with the coronavirus."

Ironically, despite the increased violence, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby has taken action to suspend criminal prosecution in the city in order to reduce the risk of the coronavirus spread. Mosby ordered her staff Wednesday to drop pending criminal charges against anyone who has been arrested for charges including drug possession and prostitution, green lighting the very type of crimes that breed the violent street underworld that is doing the shootings. The actions taken by the two city officials appears to send a mixed message. The city is calling for an end to violent crime while at the same time announcing that there will be no punishment for it. And I'm sure coronavirus is high on the list of importance for the cities territorial pavement apes.

Some things are just so self-evidently imbecilic that they don't even deserve the effort to put forth a full and proper snark.

[WJZ Baltimore]
H/T Konan The Bar Barron

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

WAPO - Okay Okay Fine, DJT Didn't Dissolve the Pandemic Response Team Like We Said After All.

For weeks now, the anti-Trump media has been beating their drum and saying the White House used to have a “pandemic response team” and that DJT in a fit of stupidity got rid of it. Because hey, we never have pandemics! Who needs them?  This has been shouted thousands of times over the course of the past weeks by the soft skulls on the tweeter, from major newspapers to fake cable news networks, and in every Democrat campaign rally.

It turns out this story originated with an op-ed in the Washington Post written by one Elizabeth Cameron, who ran the White House pandemic office under Barky Obama. Some sort of change was made to her former domain when the Trump Administration took over and Cameron was apparently butthurt DJT touched it. So she fired the off a shot that Democrats and their media leg humpers have been riffing off ever since.

Just One Problem: It’s not true.....

Silly Rabbit. Very few elements of government are ever disbanded, and it always seems a little suspect to believe that had happened in this case. What does happen, just like in the business world is that areas of responsibility are shifted, the names of things are changed and sometimes resources are redirected. Sometimes an independent entity is deemed better housed in a more established agency, not “disbanded” or “dissolved”, just moved down the hall or changed form. Happens all the time. 

Tim Morrison, former senior director for counter-proliferation and bio-defense on the National Security Council, felt compelled to offer the Post a rebuttal piece. Morrison was there and knew exactly what happened, and while I’m sure they were reluctant to do it, the Post allowed Morrison to correct the record:
"It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. 
As The Post reported in 2015, from the Clinton administration to the Obama administration’s second term, the NSC’s staff “had quadrupled in size, to nearly 400 people.” That is why Trump began streamlining the NSC staff in 2017. One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one. 
It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled."
SO,  the pandemic response team wasn’t dissolved at all. It was reorganized to be more efficient and allow the true experts to have a clearer path to offer their expertise to the president. The Elizabeth Cameron piece that started this whole narrative was either a complete lie or the work of a person who didn’t know as much as she thought she did about what was really going on. Either way it should have been fact-checked. 

So now that the record has been corrected does anyone really think the original narrative is going to fade away? Do you really think Democrats are going to stop running around claiming DJT “dissolved the pandemic response team” just because it’s patently false? Of course they won’t, which is why it’s irresponsible for the Washington Post to public claims like this in the first place.

They allowed a disgruntled former Obama official to publish a baseless hit piece, and that created a narrative that will long outlast the correction of the record they published yesterday. This is how nonsense takes hold in our political discourse. A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on. Especially when the media are willing to help give the lie a head start

[Dan Calabrese]
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

With Apologies to Edward Hopper

 Nighthawks Solitude

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, March 13, 2020

Joe Biden Calls an Audible

Assuming himself to be the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party, Smokin' Joe Biden hires a wartime consigliere in hopes of  putting away 'Bernie the Red' and addressing concerns of the organizational mess that have plagued his campaign.  It's not a real head-scratcher at all that he changes the play call and replaces his campaign manager after what we've witnessed, but it's who he chose to fill position that has us kinda smiling.

According to the Washington Examiner, the new Biden campaign manager is Jen O'Malley Dillon.  For those not familiar with Ms. O'Malley Dillon, she has a very interesting background. She worked as field director for president Al Gore's 2000 ill-fated presidential campaign, as Iowa field director for president John Edwards' 2004 and again on his 2008 failed presidential campaigns.  O'Malley Dillon's work also includes deputy campaign manager for scandal ridden former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and a reelection campaign for my own Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, who in 2014 lost a seat to republicans that had been solidly held by democrats since 1883.

But most notably, she was the 2020 presidential campaign manager for the Psychedelic Warrior Beto O'Rourke's utter embarrassing attempt at a national election campaign.  She's now in position to play a major role in the fate of the Democrat party and their comical attempt to prop up Joe Biden to regain the White House.

The Biden Campaign just gets weirder and weirder.....and this little spectacle may be a preview of things to come. LOL!!

[The Nation]
[Bayou Buzz]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Not Sure Obama's Court Jester Is One To Be Giving Guidance on Such Matters

"In the past, Joe Biden has shown terrible judgment and incompetence in the face of public health issues. The Obama White House had to publicly apologize for and clean up after Biden when his irresponsible remarks caused panic during the swine flu outbreak in 2009. 
Just weeks ago, he was openly critical of President Trump’s early move to restrict travel from China to the United States in response to the coronavirus – a decision which medical experts agree helped impede the spread of the virus to this country. Yesterday his campaign actually raised the vile conspiracy theory that the President purposely allowed the coronavirus to spread. In times like this, America needs leadership and Biden has shown none. 
President Trump acted early and decisively and has put the United States on stronger footing than other nations. His every move has been aimed at keeping Americans safe, while Joe Biden has sought to capitalize politically and stoke citizens’ fears." - Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 Communications Director

Someone should have called Hillary Clinton who apparently as Obama's Secretary of State traveled back in time in 2009 and helped cure the SARS epidemic in 2002-2003

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~