Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Media Disdain for America Looks Like

It did not even take one day. On Sunday, CNN soft skull host S.E. Cupp drew attention for a message she sent out, addressing the conflict taking place between President Trump and the members of the media. Following another coronavirus briefing where the President had pointed words of dismissal for some in the press corps, Cupp sent out this missive of defense on behalf of her profession.
In less than 20 hours, the members of the media completely invalidated Cupp’s tweet. The long-running battle between Trump and the press we have seen in place for years now has not abated during this viral crisis. In fact, both sides appear to be gritting teeth and narrowing eyes during this crisis.

One of the benefits of people being sequestered in their homes is they have the opportunity to see the journalists of this country acting in biased fashion on a nearly daily basis. A number of business owners who have lent their corporate efforts to aid in getting the supply chain fed with needed goods were in attendance. One who spoke at the briefing was Mike Lindell, the maker of My Pillow. As Lindell spoke, the members of the media lost their collective minds, and lashed out in ugly fashion. CNN cut away from the briefing as Lindell was speaking:
Note how Velshi gives no details as to why Lindell was there. This is a supposed journalist, who struggles with the basics of journalism. A journalist might be somewhat curious to look into things, to find out that Lindell has converted 75% of his company’s assets and workforce towards producing much needed surgical masks for the healthcare workers.  this is what is passing for journalism these days.

You would think that in a time of crisis that the press would rise up and react to such a sprawling challenge. We would expect when the country is cast into turmoil the media would serve as a guide and strive to deliver needed information. Instead, we have watched with regularity as journalists have devolved into petulant scolds.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, March 30, 2020

Joe Biden's “Wayne’s World” Campaign

Saturday Night Live, back when it was actually funny, once had a running sketch called “Wayne's World” portraying two metal-head fans broadcasting on a local access television station from Wayne's mom's basement. That is precisely where the Biden campaign is right now, confined to his basement and broadcasting to empty airport lounges with makeup overdosed CNN anchors.  He occasionally rises from his hole to appear on a podcast, a town halls, or stumble through a pathetic “shadow briefings” teleprompter reading to counter daily White House coronavirus briefings.

While the White House briefings have gone on unimpeded every day, the “shadow briefings” seem to have gone AWOL. Then again when you attract 2,800 viewers- which is probably less households reached by the mythical Wayne and Garth basement extravaganza, perhaps it is good that his handlers decided against any more torture.  And ol' Joe is very much uncomfortable with the situation because he is a politician built for another time. He can hire all the tech-savvy people he wants so that he could get his message out, but there is only so much one can do with those tools. The tools in the wrong hands results in disaster, and we are seeing that with Biden.

At this point, Joe appears to be the most pitiful candidate for President ever. In his last CNN town hall, he managed to pull in about 1.15 million viewers according to Neilsen Ratings.
Conversely, DJT's town hall regarding coronavirus on Fox News brought in 4.2 million viewers. While Biden was finishing third in his time slot’s rating, Trump brought in the largest audience ever for such an event. I venture a half of those 1.15 million tuned in just for a laugh. I know I did before boredom set in and that documentary on the Donner party on the Weather Channel was infinitely more interesting.

Watching Joe bumble through his Wayne’s World candidacy thus far has convinced many that Biden will be either dead or in a nursing home before his term is completed.

Behind the Scenes At Biden's Basement - Earl Done This 



You would think people who have a habit of stepping on rakes would be a little more careful where the step.....

When DJT announced that two US Navy hospital ships would be deployed to support the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Ricky Maddow scoffed. He mocked the president’s promise in a segment that was filled with his standard mixture of lofty arrogance, righteous indignation, and obnoxious condescension. Oh Ricky. Foiled Again! 

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ugly, Stupid and Wormy is not Donald Trump's Fault

I have to admit that I wasn’t paying much attention to much social media on Wednesday until I saw Kathy Griffin trending. “Oh no,” I thought to myself, knowing full well what was to come when my index finger touched her name in the trending feed on Twitter, “we’ll never hear the end of this one.” And yes, it appeared for a little while, we wouldn’t.


The horror her husband has to live with daily must be all-consuming as he pauses at his jugular vein while shaving and says to himself, "Today is the day I free myself from this torment."

Dispatches From the Frontline of a Local Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Self Quarantine

From the desk of Scooter Van Neuter

The reason I haven't written anything for a while is because our home has become ground zero for the coronavirus, and the situation is dire.
It all started when my girlfriend Sissy and I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant close to Disneyland last month. At that point, the coronavirus was barely in the news, so we were oblivious to the danger.

Anyway, while using the restroom, my genitals inadvertently made contact with the toilet handle, hand dryer button, and soap dispenser (how is not important). I thought little about it at the time.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks later when I started showing symptoms of a bad cold. Sissy was watching a news report on the Wuhan virus and suddenly came to the startling realization that we had recently eaten at Hung-Lo while in California. My blood turned to ice water as I remembered the bathroom incident and I told Sissy about the accidental contact.

I regret a lot of things I've done in my life - the thong incident, the lobster dare, the drunken, inappropriate comments to that cage fighter's slutty 10-year-old daughter, urinating on the police dog, etc., but none more than telling Sissy about the Chinese bathroom. The result is now Sissy won't come near me unless we're both wearing surgical masks - me wearing two - one on my face and one on my genitals. In order to not accidentally touch her face, Sissy also wears oven mitts and secondary face protection (Halloween mask), which makes her look retarded.

As if our normal life isn't compromised enough by this hideous disease, even date night has turned into a farce, with Sissy Skyping me from the bedroom in that meter maid outfit I like so much, while I rub up against the lawnmower in the backyard shed. To make matters worse, I'm now suffering from a festering rash which I fear may be agricultural, and thus untreatable.  After all this, you would think I'd be bitter, but nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, I'm upset with the Chinese for ruining date night and likely killing me with an infectious disease, but my religion (Reformed Appliantology) dictates that I forgive them.

Scooter Van Neuter.com

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Friday, March 27, 2020

And Now For Something Completely Different.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

Looks Like Someone Needs a Snickers Bar!

...and people wonder why we've never elected a female president.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~