Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Botox Queen's Secret Is Out......

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY - Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, May 15, 2020

Media Ramps Up Frontal Assault on Unmasking Scandal

Lacking any self-awareness of being on a channel that routinely engages in nutty left-wing conspiracy theories and outrageous rhetoric, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle kept up her network’s insistence that there was “nothing” to see regarding the controversy swirling around top Obama administration officials – including Joe Biden – urging the unmasking of Michael Flynn.

Following days of her fellow liberal hosts down playing the scandal in between the scare-mongering and the Orangeman bad choruses, Ruhle assured viewers the scandal was “completely made up” and a “nonsense story.”
“This morning, nearly 86,000 Americans have died from coronavirus....But the President and his allies are laser focused on a different story, one they completely made up,” Ruhle declared during the 9:00 a.m. ET hour. She bitterly added: “Something that they now are calling ‘Obamagate.’ It means nothing........The President has called it the greatest political crime in our country’s history, but it’s not.”

Thursday afternoon, Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace used nearly identical language, ranting that the scandal was a “fantasy,” like “the political version of the Tooth Fairy” or Santa Claus.  

Despite Wallace’s spin that this was Trump deflecting blame, her quickness to dismiss a legitimate story as a conspiracy theory, plus Joe Biden’s repeated lies that he was in no way involved in the investigation into Michael Flynn, may say more about how worried they are for 2020, than it does about Trump.

No doubt, The High Princess of Conspiracy Theories, Ricky Maddow, is surely feeling all invigorated about now....

[Media Research Center]

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Since When Did CNN Become a Satire Site??

CNN wants you to know that CNN took a poll, and according to that CNN poll people trust CNN more than anyone CNN says.

According to RedState, CNN is so proud of the fact that they decided to air the CNN poll on CNN, and then CNN host Lil' Tater Stelter tweeted it out because if anyone should report on how loved CNN is, it’s CNN.

This is like someone being their own character witness. Any and all claims should be taken with a grain of salt because it’s pretty well understood that no one is going to speak ill of themselves, especially if there’s money on the line. Hilariously, this seems to go over the heads of CNN, including Stelter who actually did tweet the poll results out after they aired on his network, which according to CNN is trusted by 55 percent of America. (enter laugh track here)

(Full Disclosure: Your beloved Editrix also took a poll and found I was the most captivating, alluring and fetching blogger in the surrounding 6 acres by a 99 percentage rate (margin of error +/-50 %)

Keep in mind that this is the same network that just tried to hide its own poll released on Tuesday that showed President Donald Trump was winning against Biden in battleground states. “Striking [numbers] about trusted sources…,” tweeted Stelter, with what I assume was a straight face.

It’s also the same network that attempted to sell the idea that host Chris Cuomo dramatically came out of quarantine after overcoming COVID-19 despite the fact that he actually had come out previously to travel to his property in a different part of New York where he got into an altercation with a man on a bicycle. This is the same Cuomo that later called people who leave their homes during a pandemic “fools.”

It’s the same Network that couldn’t help but have disgraced porn lawyer Michael Avenatti on to discuss Trump 74 times in the span of 10 weeks and is now hosting a Coronavirus townhall that features environmentalist mascot, that little weird kid Greta Thunberg. What expertise she has on the virus hasn’t been explained.

All this to point out that CNN is a joke network with joke reports, and the network reporting that it’s the most trusted name in news, especially on COVID-19 reporting, is like a con-artist telling you the latest iPhone he’s selling is legitimate. You’re going to wind up with less than when you started thanks to the interaction.It should be understood that when it comes to news sources. Fox News and even conspiracy central, NBC News Ugly Step-sister MSNBC, consistently trounces CNN by millions while CNN can hardly place in the top 20 in terms of shows.  

~ Thank You WHATFINGERNEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Even This CNN Anchor Was Stunned by Obama's Former China Ambassador's Outrageous Claim

It takes a practiced vulgarian to make a sailor blush. Likewise, it takes a truly outrageous remark by an former Obama administration official to dumbfound even a soft skull CNN anchor.

Generally speaking, if politicians go viral, it’s either because they’ve done something heartwarming, said something stirring or they’ve said something really F**king stupid. Enter Max Baucus, once Obama’s ambassador to China.  This video doesn’t feature Baucus with a puppy or giving an inspirational speech to some first responders, so you guess which one it is.

What brought on the reaction from CNN’s Hala Gorani was what Moldy ol' Max said answering her question about the China situation:
“Now in the United States, if anybody says anything reasonable about China, he or she feels intimidated, worried his head is going to be chopped off. 
Back in the ’30s in Germany, it was very similar. We’re entering an era which is similar to Joe McCarthy back when he was red-baiting in the State Department and attacking communism, and a little bit like Hitler in the ’30s.”
The Washington Free Beacon pointed out that Baucus sits on the board of advisers for the Alibaba Group, one of China’s largest technology firms, and is also on the board of directors of Ingram Micro, which was purchased by a Chinese company in 2016. Bought and paid for, Moldy Max is doing the Chinese's bidding and protecting his own personal gravy train at the expense of American owned industries.  At least the befuddlement the typical TDS infected CNN anchor is something that indeed speaks volumes.

[excerpted from a post @ The Western Journal]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Let's All Join Hands [virtually, of course] and Say a Prayer for Poor Squinty Scarborough

Poor Joe Scarborough: the pro-Trump media is so mean to him!  Squinty Joe opened this Mornings Squinty & Meat Puppet Show by moaning about how the pro-Trump media criticizes him for his "mistakes" lies.  In contrast, sobbed Scarborough, those same meanies ignore Trump's many "lies." Play us a sad song, Joe...
NB- Joe was awfully upset over being called out for having falsely claimed, as we noted, that "everybody saw [coronavirus] coming in early January." In fact, as late as March 10th, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio was on . . . Morning Joe, encouraging people to go about their lives normally, claiming there was "very little threat" for the majority of New Yorkers. 
And Joe was similarly distressed for having been criticized when he retweeted a doctored video falsely suggesting that Vice President Mike Pence was carrying empty boxes of PPE as a photo op. Working to weasel out of that blooper, Scarborough came close to blaming his children, suggesting he was distracted because "actually being dad, I was running around." Those darn kids! 
As Morning Joe viewers know, Scarborough likes to ride his verbal hobbyhorses into the ground. Today's was "fainting couch," with Scarborough repeatedly saying that Trump supporters in the media got on their fainting couches over Joe's "mistakes." 
Be sure to check the end of the video, where Scarborough pretends to be on the verge of a breakdown as he imitates the outrage of the pro-Trump media. (No Oscar for you Joe)
Note: just yesterday, a supposedly contrite Scarborough, commenting on his Twitter feud with Sen. Ted Cruz over the doctored Pence video, tweeted, "I gotta work on some things myself. I've got to do better." That didn't last long!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Fact Free MSNBC Claims Vlad Putin Was Behind Dropping the Michael Flynn Case

After weeks of Andrea Mitchell Reports gladly repeating Chinese Communist Party talking points, Mitchell and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence and current MSNBC contributor Frank Figliuzzi declared without any evidence at all that Russian President Vladimir Putin had something to do with the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against former General Michael Flynn.

After Mitchell breathlessly summarized the “stunning” and “unprecedented” decision on Flynn, she saw something sinister in the Thursday phone call between President Trump and Putin. “Frank, first, all of the implications here, and the fact that he then called Vladimir Putin yesterday. She then asked Figliuzzi to, “Talk to me about your counterintelligence concerns here.”

Figliuzzi was certain that the phone call and the decision to drop the case were connected, “Yeah, I think they’re actually linked. The dismissal of charges against Flynn and conversation by the president with Vladimir Putin, stone cold adversary of the United States on the very same day, that’s not a coincidence.”

Whether Trump is allegedly a puppet or merely trying to appease Putin was left unsaid, but Figliuzzi maintained that the Flynn investigation was an urgent matter of national security, “The Flynn interview that is at issue here by the FBI was all about resolving the question of whether Mike Flynn was a counterintelligence threat to the nation as he entered into the national security adviser role. It was about figuring out how to neutralize, resolve and counter that threat. So when the president gets on the phone with Vladimir Putin and the topic comes up in the same conversation, the concerns have not yet been resolved.”

A retired three-star general is a national security threat? That’s a bit of a stretch.

Mitchell and Figliuzzi are simply wrong. The Trump-Putin phone call was on Thursday, the same day that the DOJ made the decision public, but the recommendation to drop the plan was made last week by U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen. But since when did facts mean anything to the bunch of soft skulls at MSNBC.

So, We’re back to Russia.. WOW.. That’s not a double down, that’s like a quad-down. These people know no shame.

And I might need remind the reader, this same nutty F**ker Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, who once told Lyin' Brian Willams Trump was signaling White Supremacist by raising the American Flag from half staff on August 8th 2019.

I kid you not:

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director