Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Is Joe Biden Really Just an Insensate Sockpuppet??


Aged white man with 43 years representing Delaware in D.C. tweets about systemic racism:
"The fact is systemic racism touches every facet of American life, and everyone — no matter your race or ethnicity — benefits when we build a more equitable America."
I think it's unlikely that Biden wrote this himself. Has he internalized critical race theory ideology? I doubt very seriously if he even read this, and if he did, if he understood it. If he did write it, did he understand what it says about his own ascendancy in American political life? Considering all Biden's insensitive and racist remarks over the past 40+ years - yes it's a solid bet Biden did not say that.

You have to deny apparent reality if you believe that Shufflin' Joe is really in charge of anything. His handlers, the unknown and definitely unelected Progressive Politburo are running the show. Biden is our Potemkin president. The angry left are speaking for him. Most everything he says is either read from a prompter, or quoted from notes in hand.

And every time we see Joe, there standing behind him just off camera, always masked and dressed in dark colors, hovering over Joe like the Grim Reaper waiting patiently to drag the carcass away, is Kamala.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

You Too Can Sign Up For Dorsey's Truth Squad Minions

The Tweeter is recruiting volunteer truth interrupters' to crack down on misinformation they say is running rampant across their site. The site announced the launch of "Birdwatchers" on Monday to empowering certain users to flag misleading tweets. So-called Birdwatchers will discuss what's misleading about a flagged tweet and then be able to rank those comments, with the goal of allowing seemingly unpaid users to take a hands-on approach to combating your lies and falsities.

The Official Tweeter Support Account posted the announcement with a video of an failed attempt at humor of an egregious example of a necessary flagging of falsehood: "Whales are not real. They're robots funded by the government to watch us."  Now, you don't have to read between the lines to understand the mentality that came up with this idea.

At first, Birdwatch will only be open to a few users who apply to join the program, traditional fact-checkers and other high-profile people.  Birdwatch replies to tweets will meanwhile only be visible on a separate section of the site. But eventually Twitter hopes to include the replies on the regular site, building a Wikipedia-style system of relying on users to combat misinformed and blatantly false tweets.

IP's, User Names and Locations would surely not be cataloged. *wink wink*

Brandy Zadrozny of NBC News, said the program has "promise," but cautioned that Twitter doesn't seem to have a plan to prevent retaliation against Birdwatchers. Twitter said it'll adapt the program based on user feedback before debuting it on the whole site.
Once again, you don't have to read between the lines as to understand how the left will look at this and who it's pointed at.  Regardless of how it's presented to the public, we all know it will be turned against political speech.  Birdwatch comes after Twitter spent months trying to combat and flag falsities censor certain political views during the recent election.

I suspect the first time a high profile center-right politician gets publicly Birdshit on, conservatives will flood tweeter with so may intentionally false nonsense tweets like "Whales Aren't Real......" as to make the whole thing a big tweeter bird headache.

Power To The Correct People!

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Your Sunday Open Thread

 Your Beloved Blog Editrix turns things over to you, the readers. 

Post your links. Say your piece.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Honoring the History of the Democrat Party, Biden Hangs Portraits of Slave Traders in Oval Office.

On Wednesday, AP photographers got a look at President 46's personal changes to the Oval Office shortly before he arrived at the White House to begin work. Right away they noticed that the portrait of populist President Andrew Jackson was gone, replaced by a portrait of notorious womanizer, Benjamin Franklin.

It was also noticed hanging above the Oval Office fireplace portraits of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, along with two participants in the Slave Trade, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. As of time of this posting, no word of outrage from Alyssa Milano, Black Lives Matter, the congressional Black Caucus or Don Lemon.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Guy Who Once Sold His Own Driveway is Now Your President

We all have known someone like this.  They think they know a lot more than they really do.  And when they talk about how things work, it's with so much confidence that you figure there must be some genuine smarts behind it, but in actuality, they are just full of shit.

They manage somehow to stick around a long time, so it’s hard to imagine the person is completely clueless and inept.  But once you start really paying attention to the things they say, you begin to wonder.  What would happen if you put the person in charge of something challenging?

When Joe Biden was vice president, he wasn’t in charge of much of anything.  When he was in the U.S. Senate, he wasn’t in charge of much of anything either.  And he hasn’t had a job in the private sector in more than 50 years. To find out how Joe handles actual responsibility, we have to look a little deeper.

National Review's Kyle Smith reminded us recently that Joe Biden has already shown us what he’s made of.  Joe once thought he saw a huge real estate opportunity and displayed his managerial ineptitude on a grand scale.  It was a fixer-upper he thought he could buy cheap and make a few simple tweaks to. Kinda the way the Joe of today sees America.

As Smith recounts in lurid and often comical detail, this did not go well at all:

"A couple of years into his Senate career, Biden had a dream of living grandly by buying on the cheap a former du Pont manse, together with a huge chunk of land, for $200,000. The house was boarded up and soon, probably, to be torn down. But Biden saw something in it. Sure, it needed some fixing up. Never fear, Joe is here! Joe is a can-do fellow.

The first winter he and Jill spent in the house, it used up 3,000 gallons of fuel oil. It turned out the third floor was wide open, to the stars. Squirrels were living up there. Oops. The judgment on display here is not great. Next year, Biden starting selling off bits of the land for development to pay for improvements such as storm windows.

Small problem here: One of the lots he sold off was his own driveway, and the new owner blocked it off so he couldn’t pass through it. So Joe built a second driveway, which turned into a swamp in winter. He sold off another piece of property that, it turned out, included the front of that second driveway, so he couldn’t use that one anymore either. So I built a third. He hated that one for being a dumpy little thing. Eight years went by, and he made a deal to buy back the original driveway, the one he sold off when he first bought the house. Which cost him a fortune in landscaping to reshape."

It’s worth the time to click over and read the whole thing.

Now to be fair, this was a long time ago. You might say, OK, Joe has learned a thing or two since then, he’s more experienced now. He must have a better understanding of how things work than he did back then.  That’s a reasonable theory.

But Joe still runs around proposing insane ideas to problems he doesn’t understand.  Witness his “plan” to address COVID, which consists of  a) a bunch of things DJT has already instituted; and b) a mask mandate Joe would lack the authority to impose as president.  Sounds like the guy who bought that house back in the ’70s.

This is a guy who complains that “families are reeling” and notes how many people are on unemployment.  Yet he wants to confiscate more capital from the companies that could be hiring them.  Kind of like the guy who sold a piece of land to get money and found out he had sold his own driveway.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

25,000 Politically Pure Armed Military Install the New President

North Korea is again making noise, Iran is testing missiles near US Navy Ships, and a caravan of illegals is headed for our border. The new administration fears it's own people. The World Smells Weakness.


~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

An Obese Man Who Think They're a Woman Has No Business in The Nations Physical or Mental Health Policy

Joe Biden (?) just named the Pennsylvania Transgender Secretary of Health to be US Assistant Secretary for Health. No really.
"President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday that he will nominate Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania’s top health official, as his assistant secretary of health. Levine, a pediatrician, would become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate."
If this was really Joe's idea or those who handle him, this is a hideous choice and one that can only be explained by the leftist subservience to two gods.  The first is the worship of the “first [fill in your racial/ethnic/sexual minority here]” to hold as certain post as if immutable characteristics such as genitalia or melanin (or variable ones such as mental instability) were, themselves, qualifications for office. The second is his utter obeisance to the cause of transgenderism.

Regardless of Levine’s desire to be something that he is manifestly not, that would be a woman, Levine’s character makes “her” unsuitable for confirmation and “she” should not be confirmed. Levine, while ordering Pennsylvania nursing homes to accept Wuhan patients, removed his own mother from a nursing home to keep her safe, cold-bloodedly condemning thousands of infirm and elderly Pennsylvanians to a preventable death.

In a sane nation, Levine would be indicted for manslaughter in Pennsylvania and not be in line to establish health policy for the nation. But then, in a sane nation Joe Biden would not be on the cusp of becoming president.
