Saturday, March 20, 2021

In Case You Missed It: DSLS

This Week in Dumb Sh*t Liberals Say. 

* Hank Johnson: GOP Rep ‘Endorsed’ Lynching Because Trump Opened the Floodgates 

* WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki: Businesses Won’t Raise Prices if We Raise Taxes 

* Dem Rep. Sanchez: Not ‘Appropriate’ for Journalists to See Inside Border Facilities Holding Children 

* The Black Website 'Root' calls for genocide against white people…

* Obese Land Whale: 'Republicans 'Trying to Kill as Many Americans as Possible' 

* Ted Lieu: Trump Gave ‘Permission to Attack’ Asian-Americans

And what list of stupid comments would be complete without a word from America's Foremost Race Baiter Joy Reid?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS  & ABOVE TOP SECRET for the Linkage! ~

Friday, March 19, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Your Thursday Overnight Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix turns things over to you, the readers.
Post your links. Say your piece. 


Celebrities Rush to Condemn Anti-Asian Violence Now That the Perp is the Proper Color

Entertainment celebrities are rushing to blame the shooting deaths of eight people in the Atlanta on anti-Asian racism, despite the police indicating that race wasn’t the motive. According to a law enforcement spokesperson, the attack on 3 massage parlors killed 8 people, 6 of the dead were Asian.

Celebs like alleged comedian and former Snoop Dogg's cum receptacle Chelsea Handler, D list actor George Takei, and director Rob Reiner joined the stampede to the tweeter to blame the shootings on racism with no evidence. And of course, some celebrities even blamed Republicans and DJT.  Sheriff Frank Reynolds of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office said the investigation so far appears the shootings weren’t racially motivated and the suspect was out to stop “a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate.”  He has been charged with 8 counts of murder.

The fact he is White is all Hollywood needed.

My question here is THIS: where in the hell have these hypocrite celebrities been all these months as elderly Jews were being beat on street corners, Asians beaten to the ground in broad daylight and protesters targeting Asian stores for looting raids and vandalism.  Need I answer that??

I do understand this is award season, and the entertainment industry are somewhat consumed with patting themselves on the back and being recognized by other elites for a movie or TV series who's audience wouldn't fill a half dozen good size college football stadiums. But now, we have a White Male perp..... with a gun!!!  Their Hypocrisy is astounding.

Podcaster and Comedian Steve Inman has a special message for the BLM Hypocrites and their deflection of responsibility for today cultural climate of violence and Racist Agenda:
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Biden Promotes Useful Idiot Who Failed to Take Down 45

 Voluntary Useful Idiots Vevgeny "Eugene" Vindman & Brother Porky Vindman

On February 7, 2020, two days after DJT was acquitted in round 1 of the sham impeachment circus, Vevgeny Vindman and his twin brother Porky Alexander Vindam were unceremoniously fired and quickly escorted off the White House grounds when they showed up for work.

The story the media put forth was of brothers troubled by a phone conversation, the first to raise an alarm about the president's phone call in which they claimed (solely on their own interpretation of his words) threatened to withhold Congressional allocated defense funds if Ukraine wouldn't gin up a fake investigation into Joe Biden and his son.  At the time, Eugene Vindman was a legal advisor to the National Security Council on which Porky Vindman was the Director of European Affairs. Very well placed. Who could dispute such Men?

Both brothers reported their concerns to John Eisenberg, the NSC's legal advisor. Eisenberg didn't share the brother's twisted interpretation of the conversation after review of their flight of fantasy. Apparently Eugene had been looking for attention and a vehicle for promotion.  So he chose to jump into the impeachment parade even though both participants of the conversation denied Vindman understood what was said.

His congressional testimony was unimpressive and practiced. The Media and Dems celebrated his heroism. 

Here is a passage from Vindman's 2020 Merit Evaluation:
"Over time, LTC [Y.] Vindman displayed increasingly poor judgment and failed to learn from his mistakes. On multiple occasions, his unprofessional demeanor made NSC staff feel uncomfortable. Despite express guidance from his supervisor, he continued to add himself to meetings with senior NSC staff where he did not add value. 
LTC [Y.] Vindman's substandard performance—his lack of judgment, failure to communicate well with his superiors, and inability to differentiate between legal and policy decisions—caused him to lose the trust of NSC senior leadership. … With additional counseling and experience, LTC [Y.] Vindman's performance may improve. He would benefit from additional experience in a slower paced work environment subject to less pressure and scrutiny. In time, he may become a better attorney."
According to Politico, after the election the evaluations having been deleted, Vindman's name was placed on a list of promotions headed to the Senate for approval after Sen. Tammy Duckworth threatened to hold up all promotions above lieutenant colonel if Secretary of Defense Mark Esper wouldn't assure her in writing that the White House hadn't intervened to keep Alex Vindman off the list — an assurance she never got.

Now Vindman has his promotion to full Colonel despite his part in deception, pushed heavily in public by the forces of overthrow, to help torpedo a sitting president.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, March 15, 2021

Attention: New Directive from the Social Justice Ministry of New Truths

 Stop this activity at once or endure the wrath of the ankle biters!


A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Your Weekend Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix turns things over to you, the readers.
Post your links. Say your piece. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director