Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Biden Administration committed to Ferreting out Racism in the Democratic Party!

Attorney General Merrick Garland announces an investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department" (NYT).

The whole “City X last had a Republican mayor in [year]” thing has become kind of an all-purpose giggle line for us on the right.

But seriously, except for a weird one-day thing, Minneapolis has had nothing but Democratic mayors dating back to the early sixties. The City Council (per Wiki), which governs the PD, has 12 Democrats and one Green (and that’s it). The Chief (nominated by the mayor, approved by the City Council) is a Black man who has held the post since 2017, and whom you’d have to guess is not a Republican (not because he’s Black, but because he got the job). And I’d guess you’d have to go way back in time to find a Chief who wasn’t Democrat-leaning.

So who hires these cops? Who trains them? Who disciplines them? Who provides their rules of engagement? It’s Democrats all the way down.


Your Wednesday Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
You May Talk Among Yourselves.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, April 19, 2021

America Circa 2023

"Citizen #12,352,559. Our records indicate that you no-call / no showed for your Covid Booster / compulsory estrogen injection yesterday.  Social Workers are being dispatched, please remain still. "

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Sunday Matinee






Friday, April 16, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Your Thursday Overnight Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
You May Talk Among Yourselves.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

“Blood and Revenge are Hammering in my Head.”

If you ask a casual reader of Billy Shakespeare to name the Bard’s most villainous character, odds are the answer will be Richard III. Hands Down. Richie is indeed a murderous scoundrel. From the very first scene, he tells the audience exactly who he is, what he’s planning to do, and why. There’s no mystery to Richard.

But some readers more familiar with Shakey's plays may suggest a lesser known Aaron, the villainous Moor from Titus Andronicus.  Aaron is a black guy who torments, well, just about everyone.  He’s a freed prisoner of war, the lover and consigliere of Tamora, the Goth queen who marries the Emperor Saturninus.  Aaron’s got power, swag, riches, and hot jewel draped babes to lay.  And yet.....he’s unsatisfied. Material success is not what matters to him.

He despises the whites, foes and allies alike, and he’s driven by a compulsion to destroy their society. Unlike in the case of Richie III, Shakey never offers a glimpse into what makes Aaron tick.  No monologue or soliloquy about wrongs done to him in the past or evils perpetrated by whites that made him the monster he is. But Aaron is very defensive about his race; he defiantly throws it in the face of other characters.

But throughout the entire course of the play, no one oppresses him specifically because of his race. Indeed, his race does not hinder his estimable success. He's living the high life as a black man basking in luxury among whites....respected, feared, obeyed by those in power, and yet everything he does is geared toward punishing those who elevated him and destabilizing the society that allowed him to achieve influence.  And you just want to say to the guy.....what the fuck is your problem man?

The sweet Tamora asks that very question:
My lovely Aaron, wherefore look’st thou sad, 
When every thing doth make a gleeful boast?
Aaron’s reply?
Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,
Blood and revenge are hammering in my head. 
But why? Why the anger and hatred? By not answering that question, Shakey has inadvertently given us the most relevant 21st-century black character of any playwright in history.

A character living in a society in which he is afforded all possible opportunities while, even as he takes advantage of those opportunities, he harbors nothing but hostility toward the majority population, even if he can point to no specific reason why they deserve such enmity. His very identity is based upon hatred of whites.

There’s no specific wrong that’s being avenged or injury that served as a catalyst for the rage. There’s just an angry black man who looks gift horses in the mouth and yanks their teeth for pleasure. A black man who finds more satisfaction in being at war than he does from achieving success. A black man who feels entitled to that war, even if he cannot name a single concrete reason why he personally should be.

Behold the black New York Times and Washington Post and MSNBC journalists. The black Biden administration officials and the black Hollywood producers. The black athletes and academics, all who live lives that would make 98% of people on earth green with envy, yet who seem to find fulfillment only in anti-white, anti-West rage. Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand, Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

If you could hear the innermost thoughts of someone like the NYT’s 1619 project author Nikole Hannah-Jones, or that vile media pustule Joy Reid, that’s exactly what would be playing on a loop.

Thug life Shakespeare!

*Note - Of course, the slobbering "Woke" academics are now injecting the "Critical Race Theory" into classic works such as Shakey's plays, and read what was not there until they put it there: "We have this Black character, Aaron, who is… pretty much any negative stereotype you can think of that relates to the Black identity, he embodies it. So, we’re talking about hypersexuality is embedded in his character. Evil is embedded in his character. Violence, of course, is embedded in his character. He even talks at one point about how blood and revenge are hammering in his brain."

[Folgers Shakespeare Library]
[Excerpts from David Cole @ Taki Mag]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

No Time for Fact-Checking?? Russian Foreign Ministry Lady Kicks CNN Square in the Nads.

A Russian Foreign Ministry Lady has delivered a sharp kick to the groin of CNN after the alleged news network used a misleading month old video to illustrate an article about Russia’s purported war preparations.

In a message to the network, worthy of a most excellent Snark Mistress, she wrote:
"Dear CNN TV channel and its staff. We realize that you have no time for fact-checking, since you’re so immersed in ideological struggle for the triumph of liberalism,  but to present Ukrainian tanks at a Ukrainian train station, with Ukrainian train carriages in the background, as Russia’s preparations for war is a bit too much."
But she wasn't through with them. Seems she's fully aware of the network's reporters propensity for vodka shots and Hot Russian babes:
"Perhaps CNN correspondents in Moscow should devote more time to their professional duties rather than focus on participating in public night life in Russia."
Pretty ironic for a boastful network that claims the media's personal eagle eyed fact checkin' watch dawg hall monitor, the bulbous headed weenie Tater Stelter.

[Sputnik News]
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, April 12, 2021

Presenting Your Crazy Person Du Jour:

As the renowned Philosopher and Alabama Football Legend Forrest Gump is rumored to once opined "Mu Momma told me it's not nice to make fun of crazy ladies with green hair".

My Momma made no such proclamation.  

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal 
and MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning