Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Your Official Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
 Please Keep All Weapons In Plain Sight 

This Week Your Hump Day Open Thread Is Sponsored By: 
"Unamerican and Uncosmopolitan, Despicable Hooligans".....John Kerry

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Run For Them Hills Boys. We're Out Numbered!


Leading into the midterm elections, so far at least 29 30 House democrats have wussed out and are declining to run for reelection. This doesn’t bolster the democrat's media buttboys increasingly frantic message that American democracy hangs in the balance.  What it does imply is that the fleeing Democrats don’t want to serve in the minority because of the horrific concept of being a minority, because being a minority like the poor souls they have convinced they represent, is beneath them. And they whine like two year olds when they are. 

An article in the leftist rag 'The Nation' on the announced retirements and democrats’ anticipated “evisceration" and is relentlessly depressing for leftist faithful.  Some lawmakers, like Bernie Sanders, have publicly called for a change in strategy, saying that the democrat party has “turned its back on the working class.”

The democratic agenda last year focused on paying working people not to work,  keep kids out of school and screw you poor people, stay at home and eat chicken wings.”

If Sanders means “white” working class, he should say so directly. The “white” isn’t like the “l” in “salmon.” It’s not silent. But Biden and the dems remains deeply in denial about its failures, like the phony wealth transfer scheme called Build Back Better, to their doomed year-long push for federal take over of free and fair elections. Voting rights legislation failed because Senate Republicans were unified in blocking any Stop Democrats From Cheating bills, and their useful idiots in the media cared more about the filibuster than Black people voting. You can’t discuss Democrats’ woes without mentioning the outrageously partisan media performances.

The pandemic, which Biden promised to defeat, a core campaign bullshit promise, spiraled out of control due to the administration's incompetence and conflicting information . The monthly child tax credit payments, which Biden promised would cut child poverty in half, didn't, and have now ended. But in some areas increased substantially the 25'' rim shop businesses. 

Biden should’ve realized sooner that later his far left progtard wing are certified sociopaths.  Instead of 'Asteroid Collides With Earth',  it's 'Stupid Earth Fails To Avoid Asteroid Collision.'  Among other things, the progtard wing blames Biden for not keeping a campaign promise about student loan debt, another bullshit campaign promise he knew wouldn't fly, but the soft skulls rallied around. The White House’s attitude has been to double down on condescension, expressing contempt for law and order and the American working class, the very voters the democrats claim as their own.

The legitimate media should be shouting from the rooftops about the immense damage that may take years to repair if possible, that Biden and democrats have caused the country over the past year. Anything less is barely a notch above CNN.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Friday, February 11, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Music Chair of Music

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Standing Up to Pee Gives Boys an Unfair Advantage in Physics 🧐

Yes, you read the headline correctly. In the latest example of gender politics taken to its absurd end, three Australian college professors believe that "playful urination practices may give boys an advantage over girls when it comes to understanding physics."

The three professors didn't publish their thoughts on a satirical website.  They published on Tes, a website that provides "educational materials, jobs, news, and courses from the world's best community of teachers and school leaders."

In the article entitled "Taking the pee out of physics: how boys are getting a leg-up", Anna Wilson, Kate Wilson, and David Low argue with a straight face that peeing standing up provides an advantage for boys over girls. Explaining what prompted their conclusion about the advantages peeing standing up gives boys, the professors write,
"The gender gap in physics, and other related subjects including engineering, has long been a cause for concern."
After casually going through a list of possible explanations for why young women might not perform as well in physics as do young men — things like lack of female physics teachers, cultural pressure and expectations, and gender bias in the teaching materials — they conclude: "there may be another reason, too." 

The Age Old Secret of Patriarchal Dominance - The Projectile Arc

After noting that girls lag in areas of physics that deal with projectile motion, the article reveals:
"Like many parents of small (and not-so-small) boys, two of us (KW and DL) have observed the great delight young males take in urination, a process by which they produce and direct a visible projectile arc." 
Laying further groundwork for the assertion that standing up to pee aids in learning physics, the three detail the ways in which peeing standing up is a central yet fun part of the male life:
"The fact that boys (and men) play with their ability to projectile pee is hardly contentious. Boys are trained to pee into toilet bowls with floating targets, a huge variety of which can be bought on Amazon; Amsterdam Airport Schiphol famously cleaned up its urinals by encouraging men to hit flies etched next to the drain. 
All this is experienced up to five times a day, so by 14, boys have had the opportunity to play with projectile motion around 10,000 times. And 14 is when many children meet formalized physics in the form of projectile motion and Newton’s equations of motion for the first time."

So according to the three esteemed college professors, peeing standing up is not only a "delightful" activity for boys (who I have been told take to an entirely different level of activity on a regular basis as they get older) but also gives boys an intellectual advantage over girls also.  But to their credit they do acknowledge that "there is no simple way to provide girls with the same opportunities for exploring projectile motion" that boys have. While the authors of the article don't propose it, in today's world it may not be a stretch to assume that the next step for progressives pursuit of equality and social justice on college campus would be to make it illegal for men to pee standing up.....

H/T Konan The Bar Baron

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Your Official Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
 You May Talk Among Yourselves.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

North Korea Dominates Olympic Gold

MFNS Pyongyang - Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un made a rare appearance on Nork TV today to congratulate the North Korean Olympic Team on their dominate performance so far in the opening week of the Beijing Olympic games.

Kim told the North Korean people their Supreme Leader "was confident the Nork Team will once again demonstrate to the world the strength and superiority of the North Korean people and their Olympic athletes."  Kim assured the people the blackout of the Olympic telecast in the country is in retaliation of the DPRK long historic domination of the games.

DPRK News Official Metal Count:
Supreme Leader Kim did give comfort to his people's discrimination as being saved the "annoying voice of bubble head commentators drone on in painful detail about heroic human interest stories like a part Mandarin, part Nigerian athlete with 25 brothers and sisters, who lived in a tree and overcame a debilitating childhood disease like infantile toe fungus to become a 400 meter Ice Hurdler and a unworthy faux hero to people of color the world over."  Or having to experience the "space alien looking Tara Lipinski and her freakishly flaming gay side-kick" who acts like he dropped acid and raided Cindy Crawford's makeup kit, and dresses like he broke into the Liberace Museum as they do their snarky commentary on ice dancing which Supreme Leader Kim called "a public display of erotic fetishes involving skates, and not true sport."  

And according to the Official DPRK News Agency:
"American Government Puppet, Jo Biden, who touts himself as the "Nations Largest Athletic Supporter", said yesterday at a joint news conference with German guy, that he can't wait till the gymnastics start. "I'm a big fan of gymnastical matches and our guys and gals in tights".

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Just a Shameless Punchline at This Point.

With Jeff Zucker gone, the crew that CNN used to attack “misinformation” and worked to silence rival outlets is suddenly vulnerable.  Zucker, Brian Stelter, Oliver Darcy, and others took “cancel culture,” once the preserve of left-wing universities, and “normalized” it for political and pecuniary gain.  Stelter, who turned the name 'Reliable Sources' into a cruel irony, worked with reporter Darcy and others to do the dirty work and actively sought to censor and smear other news outlets and content creators, cloaking its efforts in the noble garb of supposed fights against “disinformation.”

The Karma Bus is fueling up.
More on the Subject Here & Here

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & Gator Doug@Daily Gator for the Linkage! ~

Friday, February 4, 2022