Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012 DNC Convention Schedule

Reaganite Republican

Dems to Meet in Charlotte Sept. 3, 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention
(Sept. 3, 2012) @ Charlotte, North Carolina:

4:00 PM  Opening Flag Burning Ceremony

4:05 PM  Singing of "G-D America" Led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

4:10  PM Pledge of Allegiance (to Obama) 

4:15 PM  Ceremonial 'I Hate America' by Michelle Obama

4:30 PM  Tips on Dodging Sniper Fire - Hillary Clinton

4:45PM  Al Sharpton Leads Castrati Choir in 
Performing 'Great Balls of Fire'

5:00PM  UFO Abduction Survival - Joe Biden

5:30 PM  Eliot Spitzer on 'Family Values' (via satellite)

5:45 PM  Special Tribute to Delegates (all 57 states) 

6:00 PM  [Presidential Smoke Break] 
6:30 PM  Vegan hors d'oeuvres, foreign mineral water served

7:30 PM  Airing of Grievances by the Clintons

9:00 PM  Innovation Online by Anthony Weiner

9:15 PM  Tribute Film to Freedom Fighters at Gitmo - Michael Moore

9:45 PM  Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangel

10:00 PM  Denunciation of Recalcitrant Gun-Clingers followed by festive Charlton Heston piƱata - Rosie O'Donnell

10:45 PM  Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for Iraq and Afghanistan 

11:00 PM  Obama Energy Plan Symposium/Tire Gauge Demo

11:15 PM  Free Governor Blagojevich Rally

11:30 PM  Obama Tongue-Bath, performed by Chris Matthews

11:45 PM Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish - Obamessiah Presidin'

12:00 AM Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher

12:01 AM Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior
12:05 AM Celestial Choirs Sing

2:00 AM  Goose-Stepping New Black Panthers March Past/Salute Presidential Review Stand in Honor of Now-Eternal Regime

 3:00 AM  Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech  

Note: One omission: Memorial recognition of Obama's surrogate son, Trayvon, will be in conjunction with the 12:05 AM event.



  1. You forgot the opening presentation of the rainbow colors by the Army's 5th Prancer Division

  2. I didn't read the part where they roast the chubby white guy in the front.
