Friday, June 19, 2015

Tragedy Narrowly Avoided as FLOTUS Arrives in Venice


Venice - Tragedy nearly struck the adoring throngs of admirers at  Venice Airport as First Lady Michelle Obama and her sizable entourage arrived for their visit. The crowd, some on the verge of shock, repulsed as the First lady emerged from her plane to greet the crowd and dignitaries.......

Some of the European Media and Italian Fashion Magazine Photographers on the tarmac closest to the steps of the plane dropped their note pads and equipment and ran yelling "Non riesco a guardare...Non riesco a guardare" as they sensed impending horror.

This image of the harrowing incident, taken by a photographer who bravely weathered the episode unscathed, shows a gust of wind raising up the First Lady's dress as she deplanes, almost exposing her trunk and America's First Genitals to the Italian public. 

Fortunately, no one was injured at the scene during the confusing rush to get away from the area, although one member of the Italian Honor Guard in shock did accidentally discharge his rifle into the air as he passed out and fell to the ground.

Emergency room Doctors and local Psychiatrists have been alerted in case of another public recurrence of the incident during the First Lady's visit because of the windy conditions of Venice this time of year.