Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bette Midler Exercises Her Inner ‘Tokyo Rose’

Tokyo Rose was a name given by Allied troop to in English-speaking radio broadcaster of Japanese propaganda working to demoralize troops abroad and their families at home by exaggerating and emphasizing wartime difficulties and military losses. Tokyo Rose, Hanoi Jane, and now.....Malibu Bette! There’s a lot of talk about “propaganda” these days, what with fake news and all. But Midler has actually regressed to crude 20th-century fascist tropes of mass persuasion on the tweeter:
Yes, Republican regretters! In your sore hearts, you know the Resistance Army is right and must win! Lay down your Second-Amendment weapons of war. Surrender! Save yourselves and your country. Your Bad Orange President has hypnotized you, and you have fallen low. Reclaim your individuality and self-respect. The left is not your enemy. We are your friends. Join us for peace!
Are you tired of the fight, Republican regretters? Are you lonely out there, with no one on TV to reflect your beliefs? Are you sick of batty actors, shriveled old singers, and humorless comedians calling you bigots, filling your ear holes with condescending abuse day after day? You can make it stop. It’s not hard. Pick up your ethics, morals, and values (which as used by Malibu Bette are all synonyms, BTW) and dump them in the garbage on your way over to the Left Side before it's to late. 

I wonder. Does Malibu Bette’s use of Tokyo Rose cant qualify as cultural appropriation? And has Bette committed racism by aping the historical propaganda techniques of East Asian peoples of color without their consent?

[RS Diaries]

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