There’s much talk now among the talking heads and flapping rectum class on television about the recent events come to be to known as "Weinergate". As I look back at what newspapers, magazines, websites, and cable news did to cover Weinergate, I can only feel embarrassed for them because they clearly took the lazy way out.
Seriously, CNN's in-depth coverage consisted of...talking to Weiner's office and accepting his usual insistence that he’s ‘fighting for the common folk’ instead of spending a great deal of time taking pictures of wee wew and e-mailing them hither-and-yon and hitting up women half his age. To them, end of the story. CNN, let me give you some advice. When Jon Stewart mocks your coverage and essentially scoops you, you're doing something wrong. Hello!
And over at the asylum known as MSNBC, the entire torrid affair was just called the usual 'Rightwing Conspiracy'.
Real reporters would have been digging more deeply than just talking to a press secretary or repeating a carefully crafted press release. The real reporting on both sides was done by the blogosphere. You hear that, New York Times? Bloggers did your job for you. You may not have cared to spend time researching the story, but DailyKos sure did! And say what you will about Andrew Breitbart, the fact is he got the story right from the start and the rest of the world had to catch up.
Quit turning a blind eye and just being PR puppets for the Democrat party. Where is your skepticism and verification, your integrity? It's because of your built-in bias that Barney Frank and Charlie Rangel, to name just two, would probably be in jail if you were doing your job! But I don't see it happening any time soon. So until then, I guess we'll have to get used to you media watchdogs lying on the porches of your master's ivory towers while the blogosphere gets out the real truth.
Liberals, decades ago, co-opted the MSM and made it a co-conspirator in depriving citizens of the truth, with the MSM knowingly and quietly advancing the liberal agenda all under the guise of reporting the "news".
ReplyDeleteJoseph Goebbels,Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, would have been proud of America's liberal left for advancing their propagandized political agenda. Goebbels understood the power of the media in his time. Today Goebbels would be trying to shutdown, or at least manipulate the internet, because he would have realized its power to undermine the party line and to minimize the party's hold on power, the power over the mind by manipulating what minds perceive as truth.
Andrew Breitbart's latest efforts in Weinergate conclusively prove the power of a free and open internet to provide the truth when people are willing and determined enough to find the truth.
Good post DS. You're really getting good at this blogging thing.
Back to work creating content over at CP, while the boss is off playing poker again.
Great post DS.
ReplyDeleteRob, yes, I did play poker last night. I was doing really well for the first couple of hours, and then...oh well, s*** happens.
Could you hold on to that check I gave you for a few days before cashing it?
Cash only, Robert. Cash only!