By Rob Janicki
In the latest version of playground politics, President Obama has recently labeled the Republicans, through their proposed budget, as practicing "Social Darwinism." The label implies that the toughest do not merely survive, but prevail, and deservedly so. Doesn't that define Chicago style politics? Survival of the fittest is where it's at in politics and to some extent in life, except in politics it's a cage match to the death. There is no second place, even though liberals would like voters to believe there should be an equal outcome in all things, except this upcoming presidential election.
We are engaged in a winner take all, knock down, drag out fight to the finish ending on November 6th. So much for the "Uniter" bringing us to together in a new politics. To paraphrase the late Al Davis, "Just win baby!" In other words, winning is the goal, the end all, and all other altruistic ends, such as leading the nation for the betterment of all Americans, are farther, much farther, down the list of admirable goals to be achieved on behalf of all Americans.
What happens if Obama is re-elected with all this vitriolic rhetoric aimed at Republicans? Does anyone really believe that Obama could achieve anything in a second term? Not very likely. Republicans are poised at the edge of either retaking the Senate or coming close enough to prevent most of what comes from the the politically warped mind of Harry Reid, to ever pass the Senate. Still further, the Republicans will most likely maintain a majority in the House, if not increasing that majority. So, exactly what could Obama hope to achieve in a second term? Not much. He can't even pass a budget among his own party members. 511 of 535 members of Congress voted against his latest budget proposal.
A second Obama term will result in the continuing malaise of Obamanomics. Oh, the economy might incrementally improve, but that would not be because of Obama economic policies as much as American entrepreneurial exceptionalism. The bottom line is that Obama can not continue to bash all things Republican and attack Republicans on a personal level and expect any reconciliation should he win a second term. It just won't happen. It's contrary to human nature. If you hit your opponent with a 2 X 4, you have to expect your opponent will come back to hit you with a hammer and nail you in the process.
So, what does this mean to the average American? It means that Obama is willing to sacrifice the American people to satisfy his own political and personal ego. Obama, whatever you may think of him, surely realizes that he will be virtually neutered politically in a second term. So, how will Obama govern? He will do so with Executive Orders and in the process wreak even more havoc with the U.S. Constitution then he has already done. Obama, the lawyer, knows that it would take time for any executive order to be challenged in the courts and overturned and that is what his hole card would be. Rule by executive order, expect push back through legal challenges, hold your ground while whining all along that it's all based upon a racial animosity toward him. There is no rational argument to re-elect Obama, although Obama is sure to throw in "Social Justice", "Economic Fairness" and the rich should "Pay Their Fair Share" epithets to appeal to emotional morons.
I would prefer not to go through this again.
ReplyDeleteDS, thanks for cross posting this op. ed. of mine. I was surprised to see it here. I am humbled by the fact you would think enough of the content to want to post it on your site.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure.
ReplyDeleteI like your writting, Robert.
I agree with you, Gaius