What better person could Obama choose to chair a commission to look into Gun Violence, Mental Illness and American Culture then America's favorite goof-ball, Joe Biden.....
from Bethany Mandel:
The president is well-known for asking groups of people to gather to discuss problems of national importance, including task forces on: working families, the middle class; Guantanamo Bay, commercial advocacy, Hurricane Sandy rebuilding, interagency ocean policy, childhood obesity, Puerto Rico’s status, federal contracting opportunities for small businesses, climate change adaption, financial fraud enforcement, and many, many others. A search on the White House website for the words “task force” yields 86,000 results.
What exactly have these task forces accomplished? What legislation has been put forth? What executive orders have been put into effect? What do they do besides issue reports?
Two of the most famous initiatives the White House has began, the Middle Class Task Force and the Jobs Council, can give you some idea.Read More
That is the best photo of Biden I've ever seen. I love it when liberals are in charge of fixing the problems they created.