And It Will Not End Well For Anyone
by Robert Janicki
Protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, are prepping full-time for the moment the St. Louis County Grand Jury renders a decision whether Ferguson police office Darren Wilson will be charged in the death of 18 year Michael Brown back in early August. The announcement could come at any time. Authorities have indicated they will not announce in advance when the decision will come down. I suspect that authorities are brainstorming on the best time of day or night to make the announcement in order to throw off what will surely be wide spread protests of varying intensities in and around Ferguson and St. Louis County.
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (D) activated the Missouri National Guard on Monday to back up local police in Ferguson, St. Louis and Missouri State Police for expected protests breaking out when the Grand Jury decision is made public.
Protesters aren't interested in real justice. They are interested in vigilante justice. They are demanding that Darren Wilson be charged with first degree murder. Anything less will be unacceptable to this mob of domestic terrorists. The protest activists have said it's time for white people to feel uncomfortable and they will take it upon themselves to teach whites what the feeling of being uncomfortable is all about. If this isn't domestic terrorism, I'm not certain what the definition of domestic terrorism might be.
The activists have come up with a long list of targets they plan to include in their protests. The vast majority of these targets are completely unrelated to the incident in Ferguson, which raises the question of the protesters motives. Targeting Boeing, Anheuser-Busch, Emerson Electric, and the St. Louis Art Museum, etc., doesn't make any rational sense, unless the protesters want to start some kind of rebellion between whites and blacks.
The protesters claim they do not want to see violence, but their planning seems to belie their real motives and intentions, which appear to be to set a series of events in motion that will do little to contain violence and everything that will lead to inciting violence among the masses of people in Ferguson and the surrounding area of St. Louis County.