Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Jane Fonda Planning A “Shrine” to Herself…

Even Jane Fonda needs a reminder of her fabulousness.
It never ceases to amaze me why Hollywood insist on reminding the world that they are nuttier then squirrel turds.....

NY Post
At 77, the actress is building a “shrine” to herself that she hopes will boost her recently faltering confidence.
“I’ve found myself backsliding a bit of late in terms of where my thoughts have tended to reside (not always with the generosity of vision I wish for) and my confidence has been iffy for the past four months,” the stunning star wrote in a blog post Sunday, her 77th birthday.
“So, while meditating today an idea came to me: I’m going to create a shrine to myself – or, at least, the self I wish to be, the self who began to manifest when I was a young girl before the s–t hit the fan,” she continued.
The “shrine” will be a small place filled with items that remind Fonda of “the qualities that represent my best self.” So far, she plans to include a school report from the fourth grade.
She’ll spend the new year collecting objects and symbols that “remind me that I’m brave.”
“I’ve been forgetting that,” she revealed.
Brave is not necessarily the word that comes to mind when I think of you, Ms. Fonda.