Arizona State to Teach 'problem of whiteness' Course
The Examiner
An English class now being offered at the Arizona State University gives students the opportunity to learn about the alleged “problem of whiteness” in America, Campus Reform reported Thursday. The course being offered for the Spring 2015 semester is called “Studies in American Literature/Culture: U.S. Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness.” The course, Campus Reform said, citing Pundit Press, is being taught by Lee Bebout, a white assistant professor of English at the college.
Students enrolling in the course will read "The Possessive Investment in Whiteness," "Critical Race Theory," "Everyday Language of White Racism," "Playing in the Dark," and "The Alchemy of Race and Rights." So far, 18 students are enrolled at the college's Tempe campus, Lauren Clark said.
It's really no surprise that a public college would offer such a course. As we reported last year, a white privilege conference recommended courses and methods designed to immerse students in the subject, while at the same time indoctrinating them in Marxist ideology and brainwashing them to believe that America is an inherently evil nation. Speakers at the conference also expressed a desire to either reduce or eliminate the influence of Christianity in America.
"I've learned I'm a 'vulgar Marxist,'" said Kankakee Community College adjunct professor Stephanie Baran, "because I desire to see the entire dismantling of the system versus the other, softer, kinder, brutal Marxists." Over 2,400 teachers and students attended the conference last year and were told, among other things, that the white race was created in 1681. Another speaker encouraged attendees to consider ways to stifle free speech. Christianity was also attacked as a tool that promotes racism......Read More
And we wonder why kids are coming out of college as race-baiting fools who lack basic knowledge or life skills. American history? Not important.