Embolden by the success of recent television hit shows that depict scenes of gay sex, ABC/Disney has decided to double down and awarded a new TV show to one of the nations most outspoken gay spewers of hate and anti-Christian bigotry, Dan Savage. Even worse, the sitcom will be based on his own life and ironically titled: "Family of the Year."
Here is a sample of the kind of person ABC sees as worthy of network television time (links courtesy of Freedom Outpost)
A perusal of Dan Savage's work reveals a career built on advocating violence, even murder, and spewing hatred against people of faith.
Here is a sample of the kind of person ABC sees as worthy of network television time (links courtesy of Freedom Outpost)
* Bullied former presidential candidate Rick Santorum via a internet campaign to redefine his last name, which fits the definition of cyber bullying. He even expressed the desire to rape Santorum on television.
* Claimed he licked door handles at Gary Bauer's campaign office in hopes of getting people sick.
* Pushed for mandatory abortions.
* Called Christian students "pansies" in front of their peers and claimed the Bible was BS.
* Has wished Republicans were all dead (Isn't it interesting how these degenerates call for the deaths of those that oppose them? Yet, play the victim when law is upheld against them? (And I'm still not hearing anyone in the gay activist community rebuke this guy's comments.)
* Used vile language against Ben Carson
* Said he wished Carl Romanelli was dragged behind a pickup truck till nothing was left but the rope.
* Expressed the desire to sexually assault actor Brad Pitt.His advocation of violence resulted in this:
Recently the Family Research Council released video footage of Floyd Corkins, the homosexual activist who walked into the lobby of the Family Research Council in August 2012 with a semi-automatic pistol and a backpack filled with 100 rounds of ammunition and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Corkins shot the Family Research Council’s security guard, Leo Johnson, who then successfully subdued him before he was taken into custody.
During an FBI interrogation, Corkins stated that he intended to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces.”
Prosecutors said that Corkins planned to leave FRC after the attack and go to another conservative group to continue the reign of terror. A handwritten list of three other groups was found with Corkins’ belongings. An investigation of Corkins’ computer found that he identified his targets on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website.For more on Savage and his mental illness see the video for yourself: