World’s First Robot Chef Makes 2000 Different Dishes,
Demands $0/hour in Pay
ACC - Say hello to the not too distant future. In the next 10 years robots will change our world in huge ways. They will upend labor markets and change our politics. Add in the Oculus Rift which makes real live virtual reality yours for $500, and watch out. You think the Internet changed your life? Just you wait.
"The world’s first robot chef took a bow on the grand stage when it cooked for attendees at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Shanghai this past weekend.
The machine, designed by London’s Moley Robotics, is slated to host a library of 2,000 dishes to pull from by the time it’s launched for the consumer market in 2017. The machine is able to stir, adjust the hob, pick up bottles, pour jugs, and perform other movements.
The robot display at CES 2015 came with a pre-equipped kitchen, as it is necessary for it to have an understanding of the placement of utensils and ingredients, though the consumer model will also be able to be integrated into pre-existing kitchens, reported Crave Online."
I'm sure eventually there will be a more shapely MOTOGIRL version for those who tend to lean more towards the knuckle dragging side of manhood.......But until then, make your own damn sandwich! ;)