We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us
When Hernán Cortés landed in the new world, he saw a vast and
powerful empire stretched before him. He wanted to conquer it, but faced
numerically superior forces of well-trained fighting men. He looked for
its Achilles heel and found it working in the fields, the kitchens and
the laundries. This powerful empire thrived by the strength of its upper
classes, but lived on the work of its lower classes. Cortés mobilized
the lower classes to attack the higher, and rode that wave of revolution
into power, which allowed him to reach his actual objective: the gold
ornaments of the elites.
Those who want to destroy Western culture use the same method, and they
are succeeding. They approach with a sob story about the lower classes
being oppressed, and mobilized those against the elites. In doing so,
they turn the society against itself and in the ensuing confusion have
been able to live off it as parasites. These parasites take many forms:
politicians, advertisers, journalists, lawyers, bureaucrats, authoritarians and others who depend on being “useful” by
being in power. They make their profit off of what the majority wants to
purchase, think, hear, and use as an identity.

Consider the boy in the above photo. He is what every person on earth
hopes their little boy will be: masculine, creative, analytical and
moral. He has few toys, but he lives in a nice house in a stable place.
Social order is more expensive than people think, and worth more, too.
He is an innocent, even at the advanced age of nearly a decade, and he
idealizes an innocent future: maybe the military, maybe science, but
probably a college education and then a chaste relationship and family
just like him. People refuse to understand this, but that right there is
the best it gets as a human.
All of the drama about looking for an
exciting life or something cutting-edge is designed to hide the fact
that most people cannot have what this little boy does. Their
IQs are too low, their cultures too disorganized, their values too
And so they gnash their teeth and envy this little boy.
They will never admit it, but if they could, they would be him. Since
they cannot, they will try to destroy him, although since they are
socially aware humans they will not do so directly. No: they will teach
him neurotic politics, sell him pop culture encouraging self-pity and
consequent degeneracy, sabotage the social order around him and turn all
the women he might have into self-obsessed whores.
That will destroy
him, but not get what he has to others, but the worst aspect of the crowd is its notion that if only a few can have what is best, it is better that no one have it. That is the raw unvarnished face of humanity.
Any society which insists that an insane idea is “equal” to a sane one,
or a sane person equal to an insane one, has gone against Darwin, God
and common sense and will destroy itself.