The Coming Clinton Downfall
excerpts from Chateau Heartiste:
"The Clinton Machine is about to be decommissioned. This is true even if she manages to steal a win on Nov 8. Investigations into her criminal misdeeds will dog her for the life of her time in power (not long). The lid is about to blow on the Clintons’ long history of corrupt pay-for-play dealings that they have been able to conceal from the public for so long because they have had a compliant and friendly media to shield them from exposure.
Thanks to the alt-right, scattered shitlord uprisings, and the Golden Don, the media’s suppression of the truth about the Clinton crime syndicate is unraveling before our eyes. The rabbits are scurrying everywhere and anywhere they can find shelter from the wolf’s slashing teeth......"
And what of her Girl Friday, Huma?
"I laugh whenever I see Huma’s Vedic mug. She’s the type of craven creature that can only come to exist in a late-era, openly distressed bureaucracy. Nakedly power hungry, Machiavellian, completely indifferent to the struggles of the Historic American Nation. Just a wicked, black-eyed, soulless political climber who happens to be one of the most powerful advisors in the world.
Do you think she has the interests of the farmer in Kansas foremost in her mind? Does she get a patriotic rush when poring over America’s storied history or take pride upon hearing a a perfect pitch rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner?
She is the portrait of a globalized, hostile elite. Unelected, unaccountable, and completely alien to the people of the nation she “represents”. A doll-eyed technocrat married to a human penis who peddles influence at the expense of the American people. The ultimate betrayal of the white man’s trusting nature by scheming middle managerial minorities distilled into a single HUMAn being......"