Thursday, December 7, 2017

Democrats and Their Alabama Train Wreck

This is *NOT* how do outreach to Black voters.

Black voters across Alabama are calling out a campaign flyer with extremely racist underpinnings from Senate Campaign of Democrat Attorney Doug Jones, taking to the Tweeter and pointing out how it’s a ridiculous attempt to mobilize Black voters. It’s as if the Dems believed black people were considering voting for Roy Moore until some brilliant strategist posited: “What if he were black, though?” The flyer is reductive in its oversimplification of the black mind as only caring about black issues.

The Doug Jones ad, which has gone viral, in part exemplifies the reason the Democrat Party has been marginalized as a party that only exists on the coasts and in urban areas. While the policies of the party may be more progressive and black-friendly, the boobs of the Democrat leadership are really more prejudiced and shortsighted than their southern Republican counterparts, and next week’s Senate election is a perfect example.

The Democrat Party is a trash dump. It is the reason Hillary Clinton lost. It is the reason Donald Trump is president. They pocket black votes and black dollars, and take them back to the national party to spend in districts where they know they’re going to win.

Until the stories surfaced about Roy Moore’ alleged predilection for prepubescent ponytail-wearers, the Democratic Party had wholly abandoned Alabama and most of the south. It treated minorities and Democrat-leaning whites in the South like every black character in horror movies,  necessary casualties left behind for the greater good. 

Now that Dems think Doug Jones has a chance to score them a rare southern Senate seat, they have turned to Alabama’s black electorate as if they were in the state the entire time and proceed to drive the train into the ditch.......

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

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