Friday, May 25, 2018

ESPN Doubles Down: Brings Back Keith Olbermann

Just a day after the Wall Street Journal published an article titled, “How a Weakened ESPN Became Consumed by Politics” the sports network announced they were raising the profile of the self-aggrandizing blowhard, a man reviled by his past co-workers, the one known as Keith Olbermann.

Olbermann, sports correspondent for CNN, host of ESPN's SportsCenter, political commentator at MSNBC, chief news officer of the Current TV network, host at ESPN2 and TSN2, fresh from his gig doing a little known political web series for from a cheesy set that looked like it was rescued from a dumpster behind a local community theater company and sounding as if being broadcast from an abandoned warehouse somewhere in New Jersey, has been back at the network doing a variety of odd jobs (cleaning the ladies room, poking through the desks of laid-off producers for unopened snacks). He’ll now be doing radio and making a variety of appearances on network shows.
"The new pact with Olbermann will likely be dissected by some right-leaning commentators, many of whom have hammered ESPN over an alleged left-leaning bias." Olbermann has been a frequent – and forceful - critic of President Trump and other Republicans on social media and other mediums."
Um, no, he’s been a snarling, unhinged left-wing psycho, wrapping himself in outrage and smearing anyone he disagrees with. And as USA Today also notes:
"Olbermann, who left ESPN for the first time in 1997, gained prominence outside sports by hosting Countdown, a political show on MSNBC and Current TV. Olbermann had a show on ESPN2 from 2013-15."
Not exactly a rock of stability for a network that’s in deep trouble. With every change of management and new round of layoffs, it’s easy to think ESPN has hit rock bottom and is ready to make a change. Olbermann's bathering should please the SJW crowd just fine we're sure, and maybe the network could bring in Rosie O'Donnell to do some expert Lesbian Wrestling analysis.....

(USA Today)

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