So what happens when he actually does what they want?
“Rather than separating children from parents, the Trump administration will hold children indefinitely with their parents, violating a court settlement and inevitably triggering a legal challenge.” – The NYT’sIf you had under 6 the total number of hours it’d take for the Democrats and media figures to decide that ending family separations isn’t a good thing, collect your winnings at the window.
But wait, I thought there was no legal reason for Trump to be separating families at the border and it was wholly his fault? You can expect the media, the same high minded media who told us family separations WERE THE ISSUE, to now champion legal challenges to the President’s EO that keeps families together…because of course they will.
"The ink isn’t even dry on the new executive order ending separation policy & some Democrats already arguing that keeping families together isn’t enough. Now they want them & their parents released after unlawful entry knowing full well that high % will never appear for hearing." - Sen. Marco RubioThere’s the mask slipping. This was always about catch and release being forced to return, not concern for kids spending 20 days in well equipped HHS shelters before going to live with family members in the interior. Surprised? Of course you aren’t. Anyone that thought this was all good faith outrage from the left was kidding themselves. Democrats didn't care under Obama, and they don't care now. This isn't about the kids. With Democrats, it's never really ever about the kids.
[Diaries List] Thank You MJA for the Linkage
H/T Konan The Bar Barron
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