If any other human had uttered the patent nonsense that has emanated from this person’s mouth, they would have been given the Dan Quayle treatment long ago. But because of the effortless and pseudo-lucid way in which she spouts stunningly stupid statements, people claim she’s smart. Much of this is pushed by sexually frustrated hipsters who thing if they White Knight her that she may notice them. Seriously, when was the last time you heard a member of Congress praised for a high school science fair project? Or being called a “scholar” because you have a bachelor’s degree?
But what happens when she goes up against someone who actually understands the subject matter, who is smart, and who recognizes that AOC compares unfavorably to your random bag of clawhammers? We now have the answer to that.
I’m not going to give you a transcript of this because I want you to watch it.
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