As the dem presidential candidate field begins to take shape, everyone still standing is going to have a target on their back no matter how pure they are. The most Right Reverend Al Sharpton is chiming in on how Mike Bloomberg is not the only person that has some racial baggage in their lilly white closet. When Al starts with this routine you know the shakedown is on and some hefty checks to Sharpton's National Action Network are gonna be written to make amends and ensure Sharpton's fire is pointed in other directions.
Sharpton said on MSNBC’s 'Squinty & Meatpuppet in the Morning' Monday the top Democrats in the 2020 presidential field all have “racial baggage,” urging them not to attack Mini Mike Bloomberg as a way to distract from facing questions about their own records.
"Mika, don’t want to see him as a leaf that the other candidates dump some of their racial baggage. … I want to know what Bernie’s gonna say about the vote he did for the 1994 crime bill, where people went to jail."As a leaf....???
Now, what Sharpton is doing here is making it clearly known that Bernie and Joe and the lady from Minnesota all have racial issues and they must ask for forgiveness. From the Reverend Al himself. FYI, Bloomberg is a longtime cash contributor to Sharpton's National Action Network.
Al also knows Mike can pay the ransom so he is not worried about Bloomberg coming through with a truck full of cash. However, those other lily-white Dems running better also be put on notice that Al needs to forgive you if you want to be accepted as truly repented to the black community.
The great American shakedown via the Rev. Al continues and if you are ever running with a ‘D’ after your name and have ever been caught repeating a Dave Chappelle joke, you better be willing to pay up to be seen as righteous once again.
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