Monday, January 13, 2025

An Asian View from My Couch

I thought I'd share this with you guys because I can't help but giggle when I think about it.  One of my classmates from the Catholic International School we both attended in Belgium and have remained close friends every since, is here for a long awaited visit by her to the Villa de Sarcastica.

She's Japanese, sharp witted and every since her first visit and resulting culture shock, she has loved the South and its culture. Saturday, after some wonderful Burgundy Beef takeout and bottle of good Pino, we settled in for the evening for some brainless American television. After awhile she turned to me and with a straight face inquired as to why there are no handsome white men in TV commercials? "They're all 5ft painfully pale unshaven curly headed sissy looking beta males that look like they'd break a shoulder if they bumped into a door jam."

I liked to have fell of the chair laughing. Then it dawned on me she probably saw more white males that night than I had seen in ads in entire last three months. 

How True it is that foreigners can see us as we refuse to see ourselves sometime.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

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