Thursday, January 2, 2025

I've Resisted Until Now

I was advised by better angels to not post anything about the NYE incident in New Orleans because of my obvious anger about what happened in the place I work and Love. I resist no longer.

We already have plenty of introductory, contextual material as a framework to understanding that the terrorist attack on Bourbon St. is not only more than meets the eye, but part of a greater pattern by which we should all be outraged. Outraged, not just sad. 

It is all part of the narrative warfare raging all around us, which should bring us both hope and a holy outrage. This time it comes in the form of a statement by Soros-backed Orleans Parish DA Jason Williams.  This slug Williams words are not only telling concerning New Orleans, but if we’re sharp, we’ll start to connect this reaction to other aftermaths of tragedies.  

Williams is now calling for European-like surveillance measures to defend against terror attacks. The far-left DA, who went viral for being carjacked in 2023, says things are about to change for large-scale events.
"I think you're going to see a lot of things change in this country in terms of how we handle large-scale events. I think you're going to see things change in terms of the level of surveillance that we have in this country." 
"We push back against some of that. But when you look at places like the UK and other European places where CCTV is very commonplace... it can look for signs or indications of an attack."
Orleans Parish deserves to have safety and this guy is not going to provide it.

Before we surrender ourselves to an omniscient security state how about we grab our Intel Community and security agencies like the FBI by the ankles and shake out the Deep State incompetents that hate American public they are supposed to protect and demand they do the job they are supposed to do.

The New Orleans Terrorist posted allegiance to ISIS months ago. All those 87,000 armed IRS agents need a transfer to a boiler room screening the digital world.  Does not this Soros buttboy even realize the perpetrator was surveilled while committing the crime?

As the fog continues to clear on decades of mind control and mass psychosis, it is safe to live and think by a simple precept: Every time government says they are doing something for our “safety,” they are taking our rights away under false pretenses. It means, at best, that they are capitalizing on the tragedy, and at worse, that they created it.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

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