Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Woman Pleads Guilty in the UK's First-Ever "Cyber-Farting" Case

Via Collin Rugg @CollinRu on X 
"A woman pleads guilty in the UK's first-ever "Cyber-Farting" case, spanked with penalties after sending videos of herself farting to her boyfriend's ex. 25-year-old Rhiannon Evans caused "distress or anxiety" to her boyfriend's ex. 
"She proceeds to pass gas by placing the camera on her bottom and passing the gas," said prosecutor Diane Williams. "Miss Evans passing wind, her face smiling at the camera." 
The "victim," Deborah Prytherch, said the booty belches made her feel unsafe in her own home. "It was purely malicious. She was smirking throughout, she found it hilarious but the victim didn’t." 
Evans must attend 15 rehabilitation sessions, 60 days of alcohol abstinence monitoring, and a two-year restraining order following the cheek squeaking stunt. She is no longer allowed to "harass" the "victim." 

"What are you in for?" 
 "Killing people with a hammer and putting their bodies through my wood chipper. You?"
 "Sending videos of farting." 
 As the murderer slides down the bench away from her, a tiny squeak is heard in the jail cell.

I guess we shouldn't mock a prestigious legal system that's been in place for hundreds of years. But once the land of Churchill and Monty Python, now the land of felonious flatulation.

Imagine standing before a judge, accused of malicious wind deployment. "Your Honor, I plead guilty to first-degree cheek squeaking with intent to disturb." And the punishment? 15 rehabilitation sessions—for what? Learning how to clench?

I'd be curious what our cousin across the pond 'Feargal the cat's' take is on this....... 

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