It's also time the media dawns their african beads and present us in-depth special seminars and discussions of Black History. You know, like NPR interviewing the editors of race obsessed media outlets to give us their stories of gathering obscure history (intentionally hidden from them). Stories like that of black archeologist 'Jackson Lee Jefferson' who, while digging for sand clams in the Egyptian desert in 1912, found hieroglyph cravings near the great pyramid field that once translated by black scholars, found to include the words "Mercedes Benz". Proving beyond doubt the ancient Egyptians invented the automobile. But Jackson Lee Jefferson and his works mysteriously disappeared soon after his earthshaking revelations and hidden from the world.
February is always a good time for the crazies to get their 15 minutes.
So without further ado....let's do this and get this over with.
Great Moments in Black History
A young Barry Soetoro, after missing the ball on the 3rd strike, turns to
the umpire and announces he is changing the rules.
Little Barry's continuing failure to hit the ball proved to be a preview of
much bigger failure in the future.
Note: Eventually, Barry grew up, changed his name and played with other balls.
You're Welcome!
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~
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