Showing posts with label Great Moments in History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Moments in History. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Why We Can't Have Nice Things.....

James Carville famously once said of Paula Jones,"If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." Well,  we know now what you get if you drag an invitation to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner through the alley behind the Comedy unattractive, unhinged and shamelessly vulgar leftist with a voice that will peel paint named Michelle Wolf.  #Keep It Classy Dems

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Matt Damon Is Pissed and He's Leaving You!

Haven't we heard it time and time again.  Hollywood "Stars" shooting their mouths off about leaving the country if certain politicians win election. We heard it when Bush ran, when Romney ran, and again, believing there was no chance in hell they'd actually have to back it up, laughingly shot their mouths off during the months leading to Trump's victory. What we haven't heard is a whole lot of the wealthy pretenders and self-appointed moral superiors announcing they're following through on their threats. We lookin' at you Whoopie.......

Enter Matt Damon, the anti-gun star of the gun-wheeling Jason Bourne movies who announced that he would "move to Mars" if Trump won. The line was a kinda-sorta word play on his then-recent "The Martian." Now we're learning that while he's not going to mars for real with Elon Musk, he is making good on his promise to leave.

According to Page Six, Damon is so fed up with Trump and people like you, that he's moving to the beautiful gun-less paradise of Australia, where he reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales.
“Matt’s telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he’s moving the family to Australia” because the activist actor disagrees with Trump’s policies. The president’s frequently butted heads with liberal Hollywood A-listers including Meryl Streep. He’s also telling friends he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids."
It also gives Damon a chance  to escape the shit pile he stepped in with his not so well received comments about the wave of sexual assault allegations shaking Hollywood. 

The hollywood hypocrite is a staunch proponent of  gun control and gun bans. As he told an Australian crowd in 2016, he wants to ban all firearms in "one fell swoop"...just like Australia:
“You guys did it here in one fell swoop [in 1996] and I wish that could happen in my country, but it’s such a personal issue for people that we cannot talk about it sensibly,” Mr. Damon said during a promotional engagement in Sydney for the movie "Jason Bourne."
We'd like to bid Matt Damon a Fond addio, Au revoir, Tot ziens.  We hope he cleans up his Harvey Weinstein mess one day, and we do thank him for sticking to his guns promises.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Gees, Even Democrats Are Telling Hillary To Shut Up Already!

Beware of This Individual Stumbling Around Aimlessly Telling Anyone Who Will Listen
That She Should Be The President of the United States. If She Knocks, Don't Let Her In. 

I never thought I'd every hear Maud Behar call Bill Clinton a "virus in the Democrat party", or Hillary's own people admit she has a stunning lack of self awareness and it's time to shut up and stop embarrassing them. But there it was, Patti Solis Doyle, Hillary Clinton’s former presidential campaign manager admitting what you know a lot of dems are saying privately, that it was a bad idea for the former candidate to be insulting millions of Americans who didn't vote for her in a recent speech. They think it's time she puts a sock in it for the sake of the party as Clinton’s behavior is approaching nightmare levels of bad PR. 

The campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s doomed attempt to win the Democratic nomination in 2008 spoke to S.E. Cupp on HLN about Clinton bad-mouthing Americans.
"Look, this, this was bad, I can’t sugarcoat it. She’s put herself in a position where Democrats are going to have to distance themselves from these remarks and distance themselves from her, particularly those Democrats that are running in states that Donald Trump won like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan.”
Clinton’s comments were made before the Asia Today Conclave in Mumbai India on her international 'It's Everyone's Fault But Mine That I'm Not President' book tour.
“So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward, and his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards. You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights,” you didn’t like women y’know, getting jobs, you don’t want, y’know, see that Indian American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is, I’m gonna solve it.”
Stress, booze and age have caught up with our intellectual superior, the bitter, corrupt and greedy evil old bat with the shrill and grinding voice who spews her incessant bitching and moaning about losing the White House.  Someone just needs to tell her SHE lost the election with one 'basket of deplorables' remark, a fleeting moment of honesty of how she feels about real Americans. Someone needs to tell her she's just a hairy wart on American politics now. 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hillary's Late Night Phone Call To the President

Hillary Clinton phoned the President’s office shortly after midnight. “I need to talk to President Trump, it’s an emergency!” exclaimed Hillary. After some cajoling, the President’s assistant finally agreed to disturb his boss’s important study time.......

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

World Taekwondo Federation Had To Change Its Name Because Y'all Are Dirty

World Taekwondo president Choue Chung-won and delegates pose for a photo before the 2017 World Taekwondo championships in South Korea

Why We Can't Have Nice Things!

The World Taekwondo Federation announced Friday it was rebranding itself as "World Taekwondo" because it is too pure for this dirty world. For 44 years the group has been known as WTF, but that has obviously become, well, problematic. 

"In the digital age, the acronym of our federation has developed negative connotations unrelated to our organization and so it was important that we rebranded to better engage with our fans," World Taekwondo (formerly WTF) President Choue Chung-won said in a statement.  Unveiling a new "f**k"-free brand and logo, the sporting body said the change "reflects its commitment to evolving and adapting to remain relevant with today’s modern audiences."

[BBC Sports]                               Thank You MJA for the Linkage

I Think It's called Stupidity By Osmosis

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Happy Birthday You Ol' Buzzard

Associate Justice Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg - aka Notorious RBG - Makes 84

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, December 1, 2016

One Final Humiliating Failure: “Operation Beethoven”

The United States has certainly racked up its fair share of embarrassing, hair-brained attempts
to take down Fidel Castro over the past 60 years.  But what happened yesterday may have
been our government’s most cringe-worthy attempt yet: The CIA completely bungled an 
attempt to drop a piano on Castro’s funeral procession.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fidel Assumes Room Temperature