Showing posts with label Let's Leave it at That..... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Let's Leave it at That..... Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

You didn't care......

Russia has tried to influence American society, it's internal affairs and elections before. You didn't care until you were told to care. There were statues that stood in place for over a 100 years. You didn't care until you were told to care.  You didn't care that your elected leaders spied, lied and were corrupt. You didn't care until you were told to care. People are killed by guns every day in cities like Chicago, Baltimore and New Orleans. You didn't care about gun violence until you were told to care.......

Monday, February 5, 2018

To Crunch or Not to Crunch. That is the Question

Doritos New Low Noise-High Performance 'Lady-Friendly' Chips

Ya know for far too long, ladies like myself have had to sit by the wayside as we watch our men enjoying the delicious flavored tortilla chips known to the world as Doritos. As much as we might try to enjoy them ourselves, certain things have always gotten in the way. The crunching for one, is far too loud!

As a woman, I pride myself on being as accommodating as humanly possible, and “too loud” crunching could interrupt a man when he is explaining to me why I am wrong, or while watching his favorite TV show. 

How can one be seen and not heard with all that CRUNCHING going on? Chomp chomp chomp! So unladylike! And the powder! Don’t even get me started on the powder. Why, my favorite pair of white gloves is all but ruined with red-gold nacho cheese stains from the last time I attempted to eat some!

But finally, the good people at Doritos have an answer to my womanly woes! They are now creating a lady-friendly version of their classic chips that will crunch less and be less “messy,” thereby preventing us from ruining our good white gloves or — heaven forbid — being compelled to lick our fingers. The chips will also be smaller in size — so that they may fit more comfortably in our tiny ladyhands and fit comfortably inside our tiny ladymouths — and will come in a package that we can fit inside our purses for discreet on-the-go snacking.

PepsiCo’s female lady global chief executive Indra Nooyi just gets us:
“When you eat out of a flex bag — one of our single-serve bags — especially as you watch a lot of the young guys eat the chips, they love their Doritos, and they lick their fingers with great glee, and when they reach the bottom of the bag they pour the little broken pieces into their mouth, because they don’t want to lose that taste of the flavour, and the broken chips in the bottom,” Indra Nooyi, global chief executive at PepsiCo said in an interview with Freakonomics Radio. “Women would love to do the same, but they don’t. They don’t like to crunch too loudly in public. And they don’t lick their fingers generously and they don’t like to pour the little broken pieces and the flavour into their mouth.”
This sounds really lovely and I personally am quite excited about all this. It’s great to be a woman these days. Hey, we can even be Colonel Sanders! And flavored tortilla chips are now no longer only the province of men, or just another incitement for lovemakin'. And I say that's a win Baby!

(The UK Independent)
H/T One Size Fittsal
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

He's Barely Seen the Spotlight and Has Already Become a Meme

Democrats, the Kennedy dynasty is over. Stop propping up the rotting corpse.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Pointed Hat Guy Takes Shot at Fake News Media

Pope Fran is Obviously Not a Fan of Fake News Purveyors Like CNN Either

According to NPR News
Pope Francis weighed in on the issue of freedom of the press and fake news as he delivered a sermon to a group of journalists Saturday about “the sins of communication."

The Pope made his comments to members of the Italian Periodical Press Union and the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies. Franics said  journalism is a field “dominated by the anxiety of speed” and is driven by sensationalism. Reliable information, he said, is at a premium. "There is an urgent need for news communicated with serenity, precision and completeness."  The Pope also spoke about the perils of disinformation and slander. 
“You shouldn’t fall into the ‘sins of communication:’ disinformation, or giving just one side, calumny that is sensationalized, or defamation, looking for things that are old news and have been dealt with and bringing them to light today.  They are very grave sins, which damage the heart of the journalist and harm people.”
This is not the first time the Fran has waded into media issues and the world can expect to hear similar sermons from the pope in the future. Francis made “fake news and journalism for peace,” the topic of his 2017 World Communications Day speech. NPR reported last year that the pope told “journalists and media consumers” that an interest in dredging up scandals is similar to “the sickness of coprophilia."  You'll have to look that up yourself if you really want to know......

Monday, October 9, 2017

The New World’s Oldest Villain

"Today many Americans will be celebrating Columbus Day. Many others will instead be commemorating something they call Indigenous Peoples Day. Which camp you fall in largely hinges on whether or not you think Christopher Columbus was a big fat jerk.

In schoolrooms across the nation, Columbus is increasingly being depicted as a villain rather than a hero—someone who trampled on the gentle and progressive natives just because he wanted to be an asshole and impede their inevitable progress.

And now the masked trust-fund brats of Antifa—who are aggressively attempting to knock out the very pillars of historically unprecedented privilege which enable them to commit idle acts of vandalism while living on SSI for their personality disorders and bleeding the state’s coffers for genital reassignment surgery, and who most definitely wouldn’t last twelve hours in any of the communist utopias they fetishize from afar—have declared today “Against Columbus Day” and are urging their acolytes to smash and deface any public monuments in honor of the man who, more than any other human in history, introduced the New World and the Old World to each other.

Still, they are absolutely correct that Christopher Columbus did not “discover” North America. In fact, Columbus never set foot in North America. Leif Ericson had established a settlement in Newfoundland roughly five centuries before Columbus first crossed the Atlantic.

They blame him for singlehandedly launching the transatlantic slave trade with the same sort of blind fervor that they choose to ignore Muslims’ much larger role in the enslavement and transportation of Africans, a trade which began long before and persisted long after Europeans got in (and left) the game. These same types clench their eyes shut and plug their ears at any mention that black Africans also played a primary role in the African slave trade.

And remember—the mighty indigenous peoples of the Americas couldn’t even figure out the wheel. The WHEEL. The average lifespan for Native Americans before Columbus committed “genocide” against them was around 35. It is now more than double that. When Columbus arrived in the New World, the total number of indigenous Injuns in what is now North America was less than two million. There currently are 5.2 million self-identified “Native Americans” in the USA alone and another two million or so in Canada.  That doesn’t sound like genocide to me........."

* Excerpted from Jim Goad's article @ Taki Magazine

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Godfather Goes All Humanitarian and Stuff ??

It's so easy sometime to see through liberal intentions. And when it's the entertainment elite with Millions in the bank asking for money for a cause, you can bet there is something in it for them, or they themselves are just donating their pocket money while pleading for you to give till it hurts. It's always about someone else's money.

After Hurricane Irma devastated the Caribbean island of Barbuda actor Robert De Niro, you know, the good liberal who wants to punch Donald Trump, quickly set up a meeting at the United Nations to plead for relief money for the Caribbean island.  During the meeting, De Niro hailed Barbuda as an “unspoiled beauty, a paradise found” but added, “we have a humanitarian crisis, an entire island destroyed.”

According to the Hollywood Reporter De Niro told the meeting:
 “We must act together to help the most vulnerable. The recovery process will be a long, hard road. … Working together with all of you, Barbuda can rise to be stronger and be more resilient.......”
De Niro probably hoped that the public and the media would view his meeting as an example of his good liberal humanitarian activism, but otherwise not look too closely. After all, the people of Barbuda were hit hard by the storm, with 90 percent of the island’s building damaged by Irma. But unluckily for De Niro, the public quickly discovered his true interest in the Barbuda–and it’s far from altruistic. 

As it turns out, Barbuda is home to the future Paradise Found Nobu Resort. The owner of the luxurious multi-million dollar getaway? Robert De Niro.

De Niro and his business partner James Packer bought the property in 2016 and have pumped millions into the former K Club, an exclusive destination known to be frequented by world elites like Princess Diana of Wales. The new, updated resort was still under renovation when the hurricane hit.

But even as he sat there pretending to care about the people of Barbuda, they don't seem don’t care much for him. When he first bought into the giant resort, the people of the island opposed his plans to gobble up hundreds of additional acres to be added to his luxury resort plans.  It appears that De Niro strong-armed the island’s government to bend to his will.

De Niro, who has a net worth of $200 million, now wants the nations of the world to write Barbuda a check for the repairs? The question is: how much of  of his concern is really for the people of the island , and how much is for the movie star’s resort?

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Tears and Angst

The overwrought, hyper-dramatic meltdown on the left in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory has been so unrelentingly entertaining that just when you think it can’t get any better this gem shows up: 
U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.
And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.
“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”
EPA employees stand to see some of the most drastic changes under the Trump administration, and they may be taking things a bit harder than other government workers.
The president-elect has vowed to repeal some of the rules they’ve toiled on for the last eight years during the Obama administration, including the Clean Power Plan rule to cut power plants’ greenhouse gas emissions.
While the world was literally burning around him, Obama kept his focus on keeping climate change hysteria at a fever pitch, most probably because he’s seen what it did for Al Gore’s bank account in the last 16 years. In order to pass out favors that he can cash in once he leaves office, he’s been expanding the reach and power of the EPA. It is now a regulatory, power hungry nightmare.

The one sector that didn’t experience sluggish growth the last eight years was the federal behemoth.  Obama has created a new, borderline wealthy class of government workers on the backs of the American taxpayers. It’s practically the sole reason that Virginia, despite still having a purplish appearance, is actually a blue state now.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United States

Borowitz © - London UK - In an unexpected televised address on Saturday, Queen Elizabeth II offered to restore British rule over the United States of America.  Addressing the American people from her office in Buckingham Palace, the Queen said that she was making the offer “in recognition of the desperate situation you now find yourselves in.”

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t end well,” she said.

The Queen urged Americans to write in her name on Election Day, after which the transition to British rule could begin “with a minimum of bother.”

Elizabeth acknowledged that, in the wake of Brexit, Americans might justifiably be alarmed about being governed by the British parliamentary system, but she reassured them, “Parliament would play no role in this deal. This would be an old-school monarchy. Just me, and then, assuming you'd rather not have Charles, we could go straight to William and those children of his who have mesmerized you so.”

Using the closing moments of her speech to tout her credentials, the Queen made it clear that she has never used e-mail and has only had sex with one person “only very occasionally.”

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Yet Another Senseless Beer Pong Related Shooting

Should We Ban Non-Government Regulated and Supervised Beer Pong??

2015 will be remembered as the year when beer pong related shootings became an epidemic. For the third time this year, the seemingly innocent drinking game has caused an eruption of gun violence; this time in New Mexico where one man was killed and two others injured. When will the cowards in Congress act to ban this preventable cause of death?
The Albuquerque Journal reports that one man died and two others were injured, one critically, after a game of beer pong went horribly awry. 18-year-old Arturo Villa, 17-year-old Jaime Acevez, and 17-year old Ignacio Vasquez started last Saturday night out by going to a house party. Unfortunately, there was a shooting at that place, so they decided to find a less violent location to get their groove on. They picked wrong.
At another house party Villa and Acevez found themselves in a beer pong game with 18-year old Esias Madrid and 22-year-old Jack Daniel Trujillo. Acevaz was so confident with his pong skills that he bet his watch against one of the men from the other team’s watch. As a general rule you should never bet in a drinking game when your opponent’s name is pretty much “Jack Daniels.”
As you can imagine, Acevez and Villa were defeated, but they didn’t want to give up the watch because they are sore losers. Soon a fight broke about between the two groups and because they take their beer pong seriously in the ABQ that meant a gun fight.
Madrid shot Villa in the neck, killing him and Trujillo shot Acevez critically wounding him. Vasquez was also shot, though not seriously wounded. Madrid was arrested and charged with an open count of murder, while Tujillo remains at large.
By my count, this is the third beer pong related shooting this year:
In May, 39-year old black guy Ronald Wayne McNeil crashed a college graduation party and got into a fight over the rules of beer pong. He left to get his Glock and came back to fire 14 shots at the partiers, killing 19-year old Lacie LaRose.
In July, 27-year old black guy Manus Shannon was trying to distract his beer pong opponent by waving a loaded gun in his face. What was supposed to be a joke turned serious when Shannon inadvertently pulled the trigger. The bullet struck one man in the hand and another in the shoulder.
There have been four mass shootings in the US this year, but two of those were terrorist attacks, so in reality there have been two. If two mass shootings is an epidemic, as the liberals claim, then 3 beer pong shootings must be a super-epidemic.
Why aren’t the democrats jumping all over this? Sure, this wave of increasing beer pong violence is perpetrated exclusively by minorities, but everyone knows that this is a game privileged white men play as a pretext to rape and racism. If democrats really want to make us safer, they should move to ban beer pong, close the “table tennis loophole” and crack down on Coors Light straw purchases.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Obama Vows to Ramp Up U.S. Pillow Fight Against ISIS

Plans to Use Two Pillows Instead of One

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter 
Under pressure at home and abroad to wage a more robust war against the Islamic State, Obama administration officials said Thursday that the U.S. is prepared to expand its “rules of engagement” in the fight after the extremist group’s horrific attacks in Paris.
Top national security advisers to President Obama said the U.S.-led coalition is increasing airstrikes against fuel trucks and other “high value” targets of the terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said attacks on fuel conveys reflect “changed tactics.”
White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said surveillance flights by coalition partners have provided the U.S. with intelligence to bomb oil infrastructure of the Islamic State, also known by the acronyms ISIL and ISIS.
“We’ve increased the targeting of ISIL oil infrastructure in recent days with great success in targeting trucks that were carrying oil that brings significant amounts of revenue to ISIL......”

So while the Russians and French are taking out communication facilities, headquarters and training camps in order to chop off the head of the snake, Obama plans to use the might of the U.S. Air Force and Navy to bomb oil barrels and TRUCKS.  While your at it Barry, why not drop a few 1000 pounders and murder a couple of goat herds while your at it. Yeah, that will show um! 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lost in the News of the Day.....

As the blogs rehash Fridays news and repost the same stuff we read all weekend:  of the celebration of men who think they're women, of a traitorous administration's deal with the devil,  of the lives of the most violent people in society are the only lives who matter, and of a generation of journalist and politicians that years ago were calling military men like him baby killers now come to his defense as a war hero....    As society continues it's slow decent into chaos lead by progressive intent on dragging us into an Orwellian high tech version of the 8th century, very little is said on the 46th anniversary of what was once believed the impossible and only dreamed of; America's greatest achievement and the pinnacle of human civilization. 

In the early morning hours of July 20, 1969, the entire world looked up from their mundane lives and watched as Americans first stepped foot on the moon.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Well, Isn't That Special

"I have never felt bigger, blacker or gayer than when I have had my nails done in a nail salon operated by Asian Americans. I found experimenting with wearing nail polish thrilling. But salons gave me anxiety, and now I know why... I have never felt as economically and racially exploitative as when I’ve gotten a manicure.
If I ever do paint my nails again, I’ll do the painting myself. That’s a discomfort I can live with....."   

Perhaps Ms.Thrasher should quit feeling so bad about itself and take bull by the tail horns and capitalize on the situation. With  government taxpayer money set aside for minority business start ups, he could always open a line of black gay owned manicure and pedicure parlors catering exclusive (cause they can do that) to gays, trans-genders and drag queens. I tell ya, I'm seeing dollar signs here....

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Another Reason to Avoid McDonald's...... besides the Crappy Food

By Robert Janicki

Well, it looks like McDonald's has caved in to the pressures of the liberal mob of labor activists.  If you didn't think much of McDonald's before, I can't imagine this will improve your outlook for Mickey D's.
"McDonald's will raise the wages it pays to its lowest-earning workers to $1 above the local minimum wage, in the latest sign of wage pressures increasing in the U.S.
The move, which Wall Street Journal reported first Wednesday, will not apply to the fast-food chain's franchises, which make up the vast majority of its business. Instead it will affect 90,000 workers at the 1,500 restaurants it owns in the U.S.
By lifting the minimum wage it pays on July 1 and raising wages throughout the payscale up to restaurant managers, McDonald's will raise the average wage for its hourly employees to above $10 by the end of 2015, the company said...."
Wages are determined by local labor wage markets.  That's the free market concept of capitalism.  Minimum wage jobs were never intended to support families and the vast majority of those working in minimum wage jobs are single and living at home with a family income above the average $50K per year.  Meanwhile, liberal activists would have everyone, mostly the economic illiterate that walk among us, to  believe that greedy business owners are using these minimum wage earners as slaves, when in fact employers are paying what is necessary to attract unskilled labor in their labor market area.

Minimum wage jobs are entry level learning experience opportunities for teenagers, college students and others under 25 years of age, requiring virtually no experience and minimum skills involving basic math and the ability to verbally communicate with co-workers and customers beyond crude sign language attempts like a chimp might make.    

The liberal line always brings in imaginary families of four with the minimum wage earner over 40, as examples of the absolute necessity of raising the minimum wage.  This is the liberal's method to emotionally shame opponents of artificially instituted minimum wage levels in order to dominate the debate among low information types oblivious to the economics labor wage markets.

What will happen over time is predictable.  Employers will hire less workers to accomplish the same work product as before any minimum wage increase.  And, in an age of technology, employers will most certainly turn to technology to replace workers.  So, in the end, minimum wage increases will result in a decrease in the numbers of those employed in these unskilled jobs and an increase in automation technology to accomplish the same work product.  

Of course, those engaged in automation technology innovation and development will be handsomely rewarded for their years of education and experience in their technical fields of endeavor, unlike hamburger flippers at McDonald's, who are more interested in agitating and striking for higher minimum wages in a shrinking labor market of their entry level jobs.  So much for developing experience in the wonderful world of work. 

Perhaps they can seek jobs as community activists in Occupy This or That movements. 
Wait!  Those jobs traditionally pay less than the prevailing labor wage rate.  Never mind.

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Politics Make for Some of the Strangest Decisions in D.C.

by Robert Janicki
In what could be the strangest political turnaround in recent times, comes this news in the face of the recent bungling by House conservatives in mismanaging a revolt against Speaker John Boehner.
As soon as the voting for the Speakership was over, Boehner announced some new changes in committee assignments and chairmanships.  Most thought that the bloodletting had begun, with Boehner apparently bludgeoning the conservative upstarts for their audacity in challenging his leadership.  Moves were made by Boehner and hard core conservative bloggers became enraged.
Now comes some quiet changes that very could bode well for the influence of House conservatives in the 114th Congressional Term.
Rather than punish and isolate those who opposed him as leader, Boehner surprised many on Friday by embracing an immigration plan that's tougher than lawmakers had expected. It would block President Barack Obama's recent limits on deportations and undo protections for immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.
As the rebellious hard-liners celebrated, mainstream Republicans said Boehner's decision probably portends firmly conservative approaches to other issues. That would complicate life for some of the more moderate Senate Republicans and ensure fierce battles with the Democratic president.
Now, I don't want to throw cold water on what could become something positive for all House Republicans, but I have to admit that I am holding off any celebration until I actually see some consistent movement in the Republican House caucus toward a more conservative stance.  
The key point here is to see a consistent and measured movement to the right in the House.  A one time bone thrown to House conservatives will do nothing to assuage their concern for the same old practices of the Republican establishment leadership in the House.  
Boehner had better be prepared to make this move to the right a regular practice, or else things may only get worse for all House Republicans, thus giving Democrats a wedge to derail a Republican House agenda going forward.
Conservatives have to understand that despite Republicans having a substantial majority in the House, they still have an uphill battle with more moderate Republican Senators, who have their own battles to pass legislation in the Senate.  Some of what comes out of Congress, will undoubtedly find a presidential veto waiting to be exercised by Barrack Obama.  That may not always be a bad thing, since, if exercised regularly by Obama, it will firmly characterize Obama and Democrats as the "party of NO!", a label Democrats enjoyed hanging on Republicans and caused them problems at the ballot box.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Great News for Public Funded Grant Seeking Climate Change “Scientists.”

Commies Agree To Keep Pushing ‘Climate Change’ Hoax 

Yes, it's great news. The leaders of Communist China and Communist America, led by one of the worlds foremost climate change expert, Secretary of State John F. Kerry, have agreed to agree that their nations, as two of the most notorious polluters of mother earth, should maybe try to do something about all that.

No mention of the over-populated and world class polluters of the Indian Sub Continent, Southeast Asia or the rest of the backward third world who seem to get off the hook when it comes strict regulations or forking over money for things like this. Then again, they got no Climate Change Scientist or money to extort for the cause.  
"The landmark agreement, jointly announced here by President Obama and President Xi Jinping, includes new targets for carbon emissions reductions by the United States and a first-ever commitment by China to stop its emissions from growing by 2030.
Administration officials said the agreement, which was worked out quietly between the United States and China over nine months and included a letter from Mr. Obama to Mr. Xi proposing a joint approach, could galvanize efforts to negotiate a new global climate agreement by 2015."
During a joint press conference Wednesday, the two presidents said lots of nice words about each other and their very productive meeting over the last two days, during which they agreed, according to President Xi, “to continue to advance the development of a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States. We had in-depth discussions on the priority areas for advancing such relationship” (i.e. Obama agreed to bend over for our Chinese masters....) 

But we are hoping that means more Star Trek cosplay.

They also agreed that terrorism is bad, so yay! There’s international consensus on that, finally.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Are We Facing a Pending Viking Invasion?

Secretary of Defense Chucky Hagel

I doubt anyone reading these words has any problem believing we are indeed presently being led by a small group of Numbskulls with very little knowledge of world affairs, affairs of state or national governing, am I right on this?

So it should comes as no surprise that a supposedly intelligent person who managed to convince people to vote him into office,  who is then picked from the basket and put in charge of one of the most important positions concerning our national defense could come up with a very unusual, if not ridiculous idea. These are the times in which we live.....

Traditional Right
"Alice, in the form of the American taxpayer, is wandering ever deeper into the Wonderland that is the Pentagon. An article from the October 15 Army Times is titled, “Hagel devises new mission for Army: Coastal defense force.”
In the real world, the first question facing any proposal for “defense” is, what is it supposed to defend us against? 
Before an enemy could land in strength on our shores, it would have to defeat the U.S. Navy. Exactly who is in a position to do that is not clear. Neither Russia or China qualify. The Royal Navy just isn’t what it used to be. The French are dastardly enough to try anything, but how much threat is posed by landing the French Army is not clear.
 How on earth could a seemingly sane Secretary of Defense suggest such a thing? 
Somewhere in the Pentagon is a wall locker where Secretary Hagel, upon taking office, checked his brain, his backbone, and his balls. It is one of many lockers containing the same body parts from previous senior civilian defense appointees. Can we ever put someone in the Secretary's position who refuses the operation?"
Are we not being told of a pending Viking raid, or maybe the mighty Cuban Army is on the move? 

With our land borders wide open to invaders from who knows where, and our military being played as pawns in political maneuvering at home, only an administration like we are witnessing could come up with ridiculous ideas like this.

After the appointment of a former first lady with no experience, save flying around on government aircraft, as secretary of state, followed into the office by a failed narcissistic  presidential candidate the world pays no attention to, I thought just about anything was possible with choosing of important positions of leadership in the country. I was correct.   

Monday, September 29, 2014

More of Your Tax Dollars at Work For America

 A $300,000 Study on How Bicycles Work?
 The Week 

While the movements of bicycles may seem fairly straightforward to most people, Washington is a bit confused. Apparently feeling that "even the simplest models of a bicycle with a rigidly attached rider have yet to be completely understood," the National Science Foundation spent $300,000 on a nearly four-year study of how bikes work.

Our Government is Puzzeled by the Mysteries of 19th Century Technology

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis and was titled "Human Control of Bicycle Dynamics with Experimental Validation and Implications for Bike Handling and Design."

Despite the extensive research that goes into designing bikes for events like the Tour de France, the study begins by claiming that the last century of research "has resulted in no useful design guidelines for the construction of bicycles with desired handling qualities." Worse yet, "Deeper questions regarding the fundamental control methods and objectives of a human rider also remain unanswered."

The researchers distilled their results into a slide presentation that establishes key points like the fact that bicyclists use their eyes, ears, and sense of touch while riding. The slideshow also features video of a researcher attempting unsuccessfully to ride a bike on a treadmill.