Thursday, October 20, 2011

President Recommends Slacks for Slackers

Middle Finger News Service - President Obama is urging anyone seeking the many jobs he's  created, to ditch the unemployed look and dress for success if they really want a spot back among the American working class elite.  

Last night, Obama told supporters who paid exorbitant sums of money for a mediocre chicken dinner and to hear him try to speak:
"Listen, people, I'm creating the jobs out there - if you really want back into the American work force, you need to trade in those lounge pants for a pair of slacks and show the rest of us you really want it. This isn't class warfare, this is just some friendly advice from a wealthy employed American to 9.1% of the country."
Obama's non-campaign/campaign bus trip comes as his $447 billion jobs bill remains stuck in the Senate two weeks after introducing it because Senate Democrats "hadn't gotten around to it" yet. Senate Majority Leader "Dingy Harry" Reid (D-NV) acknowledged the delay, saying he and the others had been "a little sidetracked" watching Ken Burn's "Prohibition" series on PBS. 
 "You never know when a future employer could be in the 12 Items Or Less line in front of you at Wal-Mart. You just  never know. I'm not saying you need to be all dolled up when you're filing for your third unemployment extension, but those ratty sweats you're wearing, they were made by offshore workers - dressed in slacks. I think you catch my drift."
Obama has also found himself in a deadlock with congressional Republicans who think the government should let the unemployed dress how they want since they have so little else to hold onto. However, the president says it's this exact mentality that has led to the fashion crisis in Europe and the widespread acceptance of large men in tiny speedos.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A First Lady's Work is Never Done

Our nations First Lady wears many hats, and takes  the responsibilities of her given position seriously. With the President on the road promoting his jobs bill, and the Vice president out doing whatever he does, she takes the opportunity to do some important work for the nation in their absents. 
Michelle Obama painting over Joe Biden's 
crayon graffiti in the West Wing restroom


Monday, October 17, 2011

Is MSNBC and Other Media Complicit in 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest?

Journolist 2.0: Occupy Wall Street Emails Show MSM, Dylan Ratigan, Working With Protesters To Craft Message. 
Big Journalism has learned that the Occupy Washington DC movement is working with well-known media members to craft its demands and messaging while these media members report on the movement. Someone has made the emails from the Occupy Wall Street email distro public and searchable. The names in the list are a veritable who’s who in media. 

Journolist 2.0 includes well known names such as MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan, Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi who both are actively participating; involvement from other listers such as Bill Moyers and Glenn Greenwald plus well-known radicals like Noam Chomsky, remains unclear. The list also includes a number of radical organizers, such as Kevin Zeese.

In these emails we see MSNBC’s Ratigan, hawking his book in the footnotes, instructing occupiers on how properly to present their demands and messages while simultaneously appearing on television reporting “objectively” on the story (when he’s not taking part in the protests himself as content.)

See the emails & whole story here.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

An American Bowel Movement: The OWS Protest

I've been both amused and concerned at pictures and video interviews taken at some of  the NYC 'Occupy Wall Street', and especially the media comparison to the Tea party movement. I whole heartedly support the First Amendment; the public peacefully protesting the establishment's mistakes or perceived wrong doings.

But as usual, the media again has it wrong.  

The comparison doesn't hold true and the whole movement may back fire for many reasons. First, this is just another leftwing hate America movement taking to the streets. The fact they're angry, that people are being unfairly forced to cover the costs of other's mistakes (and bailed out by taxpayers) may hold true, as it is for the TEA party. But the TEA party's focus is having to support, through higher taxation, a deadbeat unskilled socialist welfare state being called for in the streets today.

The media machine trying to give the an impression of a TEA Party like movement, never understood the movement from the beginning. They've been so blinded by their hatred of all opposition of their views that they're incapable of rationally examining their TP's tactics and strategy. 

The OWS crowd believe the TEA Party is a corporate sponsored movement, so they're creating an opposing union sponsored movement without realizing that they're outnumbered by a true grassroots movement with wide support from average taxpaying Americans. What corporation could hire a million people to go to thousands of  rallies nationwide on a single day, and keep it completely hidden from the press.   

OWS allying themselves with labor unions is playing with fire, to say the least. The movement is a mixed bag of differing ideas and philosophies; calls for more government spending which can only be funded by huge increases in debt,  some calling for getting rid of all debt, some for massive taxation and eating the rich. 

You've got factions calling for attacks on the banking structure, factions fighting for greedy unions, factions fighting for Obama, and others wanting his head, factions fighting for a more socialistic governance, factions calling for anarchy and the end of Western Civilization, all with no real, coherent game plan. What happens if something like the  pro-Obama forces, the unions and the college students and their vision of a socialist Utopia, get the upper hand and try to turn the movement into a pillar of support for the corrupt and inept Obama administration? The true anarchists aren't going to fall in line with the union goons. They really want the destruction of the existing social order, not the growth of an already malfeasant organization which has used its power and force, more than any other group, to place our nation and civilization in such a precarious position. Infighting will drag this movement apart and possibly lead to violence.  

Top this all off with high ranking Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who's fortune was made in part on WALL STREET, not mention voting to bail out the Banks, and Wall Street,  announcing publicly support for the protesters.

And America's favorite multi-millionaire Eco-Capitalist Pig, Al Gore, posted statements of support on his web site yesterday.
 “The message — and the solutions — should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention since the economy went into a recession that continues to sock the middle class while the rich have recovered and prospered. The problem is that no one in Washington has been listening.” 
So far, there isn't any coherent lists of “demands”, just   sophomoric rants, conflicting and often irrational demands (worthy of Ted Kaczynski) for what this one group, or that group whines for. Basically, the same crap we've heard for years, just turned up a notch.

So in reality, what we have here is basically a loose confederation of disenchanted old hippies and revolutionist trying to relive the 1960's, brainwashed, tragic hipsters with expensive educations bought with money borrowed from BANKS, or the money earned by their parents from the very EVIL CORPORATIONS they protest, opportunity seeking anarchist and filth troublemakers who probably can't hold a job when  they find one anyway.

So for now, if your going to march through the streets, occupy parks and disrupt the everyday lives of people trying to make their way in this society, just put on clown suits and makeup, and at least make it entertaining to us.

Caution: Strong Language and Diminished Mental Capacity


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Obama/Biden 2012 Will Travel Green When They Campaign in the 57 States

 "The rest of the balloon looks like George Soros…" Mr Chris

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

''From each according to his ability...........".

Image Seized for the Masses from: