Friday, September 7, 2012

What We Saw At The DNC...

Matthew N.

Matthew's Week End Commentary
 The Lunatic's Asylum

It's finally over. The great big jamboree for the preternaturally stupid, the aging hippies, the Welfare Pimps, and the Professional Poor and Aggrieved is done. The City of Charlotte can now relax, even if it will take several days from the cloud of pot smoke and the aroma of bullshit to dissipate upon the eight winds. The moans and groans that I have heard over the last few days from those friends who live in my adopted Second City were the sort one usually only associates with someone dying of a very painful, and terminal, disease.

The people of Charlotte are damned happy this morning to have this three-ring circus, this travelling bordello of politics, this concentration of the worst elements of American society, finally gone.

I watched a great deal of the coverage of the DNC, mostly because I was interested to see what new form of as-yet-unidentified mental disorder they managed to invent, and then turn into a campaign rally cry. I was quite disappointed, to tell the truth, for the most obvious mental deficiencies on display were plain, old, garden-variety denial and pathological lying.

These people do not inhabit the same reality as the rest of us, and you get the distinct impression that some of them actually realize that their comrades are in this state of hallucination, but they must -- probably because there's a paycheck in it for them -- pretend to play along, and if the pretenders are at least halfway decent folks to begin with, the deceit shows all too readily on their faces. The faces they have to glue on before the television cameras while their mouths tell you complete lies, and their eyes betray the fact that even they don't believe a word they're saying..

The only thing that came out this confab of douchebags in Charlotte was more of the same, only with lessened expectations. I guess a certain someone has learned his lesson about making promises he either couldn't, wouldn't, or had the foggiest idea of how, keep.

 Here's a synopsis of the last couple of days of the DNC:

Fishnet Friday


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bill Clinton Apologizes for Speech


Former President Bill Clinton apologized last night for reading what he called “a severely abbreviated” version of his Convention speech, saying that he had planned to read a “very educational and interesting” nine-hour version but lost his nerve.

“I don’t know what happens to me when I get up in front of a crowd like that,” he said. “I kind of tighten up and feel the need to rush through things.”

Mr. Clinton said that the longer version of his speech “was packed with good stuff,” including a detailed proposal to fix the United States Postal Service, an elaborate discussion of America’s fisheries and waterways, and a complete recitation of the Fleetwood Mac back catalogue.

As it was, the shortened version of his speech was interrupted by standing ovations many times, including for his reading of a section of the Manhattan phone book.

Mr. Clinton acknowledged that his speech went over well with its intended audience of diehard Democrats, who responded with many congratulatory e-mails and over twenty thousand proposals to get laid.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dog Eats Biden's Speech, Campaign Says He May Just Wing It



Democrats Push Platform Filled with Misinformation


The Democrats party platform is filled with misinformation. This misinformation is worth examining:
The Republican Party has turned its back on the middle class Americans who built this country.

President Obama shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, preventing the creation of thousands of high paying jobs at a time when unemployment in the construction industry is near 15%.  Meanwhile, Mitt Romney is fighting to prevent the Obama administration from shutting down the coal industry. He’s promised that one of his first actions as president will be to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project.

The Democrats talk a great game. Unfortunately, the Democrats’ actions fall far short of their words.

This part of their platform is BS, too:

They think that if we simply eliminate protections for families and consumers, let Wall Street write its own rules again, and cut taxes for the wealthiest, the market will solve all our problems on its own.  

Over 980,000 small businesses file their taxes as individuals. If President Obama’s tax policies were implemented, these entrepreneurs would get hit with one of the biggest tax increases in US history.

What’s more intellectually dishonest is the fact that the Romney-Ryan tax plan calls for eliminating lobbyist-inspired deductions while lowering tax rates. Middle class families don’t hire lobbyists to get preferential treatment. Corporations do. That means that the Romney-Ryan tax reform plan will shut down preferential treatment for corporations.

The ACA piles tons of compliance costs on small businesses. That’s on top of the massive tax increase President Obama wants.

Is it any wonder why jobs aren’t getting created?

This isn’t pure rhetoric but it’s close:

They would repeal health reform, turn Medicare into a voucher program, and follow the same path of fiscal irresponsibility of the past administration, giving trillions of dollars in tax cuts weighted towards millionaires and billionaires while sticking the middle class with the bill.
Democrats are right. Republicans won’t ignore the people who didn’t want the ACA in the first place. These are the same people who want it repealed. As for the part about “giving trillions of dollars in tax cuts” to “millionaires and billionaires”, corporations will be the ones who will have their deductions removed in exchange for lower marginal rates.

As for “sticking the middle class with the bill”, that’s supposition. There isn’t proof of that supposition anywhere. Saying Paul Ryan will “follow the same path of fiscal irresponsibility” that President Bush took isn’t credible. It’s as foolish as claiming that President Obama created as many jobs as President Reagan.

This paragraph is almost devoid of facts:

 They’re why we rescued the auto industry and revived our manufacturing supply chain. They’re why we helped American families who are working multiple jobs and struggling to pay the bills save a little extra money through tax cuts, lower health care costs, and affordable student loans.

First, it’s almost guaranteed that GM will return for another bailout. So much for rescuing the auto industry. Second, people aren’t saving money through lower health care costs. In fact, having government dictate how much money clinics, doctors and hospitals can make is creating a doctor shortage.

Finally, if there’s a choice between less expensive schools and less expensive loans to more expensive schools, I’ll take the former, not the latter. Student loans don’t automatically make for a more skilled workforce. They just make it easier to make decisions based on projection rather than on what’s best for the HS graduate.

I don’t see the usefulness in that.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Night 1: Pandering, Bullsh*t and Wookie Love

...and Joe Biden hasn't even taking the stage yet!

Three Strikes You're Out

via babalu

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Democrats Ready Their Launch of Commander Zero Lovefest


The air is full of anticipation.....

We shall hear triumphantly of greatly improving economic numbers, falling unemployment, millions of jobs saved and created,  of revitalizing the  industrial base  and of their respect for the job creators of America. Of plans for shrinking the national debt and tax cuts for families. Of lower numbers of home forecloses and an ever improving housing market. They will speak of saving the American Dream for all and a continuing forward movement. They will speak of saving the country from ruin, a job yet unfinished. 

There will be a lot spoken of their tolerance and valiant defense of the constitution, of protecting American's civil liberties and the first amendment. They will parade out smiling grandmotherly feminist speakers to remind America of the massive Republican open warfare on women. 

They will speak of a compassion candidate who represents all America as uniter, not a divider, who has tirelessly worked across the political isle to bring about an historically abundant legislative record. 

There will be high praise of prominent administration officials and democrat politicians conspicuously absent from the proceedings only because of their immediate important hard work for the people and to bring peace to the world, and of the growing respect by world leaders they bring back to America after years of disdain. There will be talk of their deep respect for our military and their families, and of the world's growing respect of our polices overseas and at home.

And there will be talk of the right wing extremist swinging the Sword of Damocles above the head of the next generation, and their fight on behalf of the stupid and brain dead of society.

They will loving speak of FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ and Carter.

We will witness the rousing words of the grand tellers of truths of the party, Debbie Wasserman Shitts, Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. And we shall see a gracious and modestly dressed First Lady, showing the country she is indeed a man of the people.

We shall witness the nation's great orator, Joe Biden.

And then there will be the candidate, smiling and wowing the crowd and a skeptical media with his  masterful use of the pronoun I, and his amazing teleprompter skills.

I'm excited. I for one can't hardly wait........


Monday, August 27, 2012

This Really Makes Me Angry!


While I really don't feel well enough to post today, when I saw this picture on Drudge I couldn't help make comment.


This is not a Photoshop. This was actually posted on Obama’s official Tumblr page:

After the passing of a great American, Neil Armstrong, who outside of the great sacrifice America gave the world by defeating the enemies of freedom in WWII, help give America pride and one of the greatest accomplishment of humankind as a whole by setting foot and walking on the moon. Armstrong was a private man of integrity who never sought the limelight. 

Yet the Self Absorbed resident of the White House pays tribute, not with a picture of an American Hero , BUT OF HIMSELF!

This angers me beyond believe! If this doesn't prove he deserves no respect, nothing does!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm Still Here....

Sorry I haven't posted anything for my regular readers this week, but I have had a severe medical problem that has arisen and I haven't felt to much like Diogenes lately. I'll be back as soon as I feel better.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Ryan Choice

DiploMad 2.0

I will leave to those more qualified to analyze and spin the electoral impact of Governor Romney's choice of Congressman Paul Ryan as his VP running mate. The masters of spin and parse will be out in force looking at whether the choice "alienates" single women, frightens senior citizens, or galvanizes the Tea Party into action. I am not going to get into that . . . much.

In terms of intellectual firepower, and track record of accomplishments in the private and public sector this presidential ticket, regardless of party, is the best one in decades and arguably ever. This is a serious ticket. Voters will have before them a stark choice in November. On the one hand, the Democratic ticket consists of a failed, truth-avoiding, and corrupt incumbent President running with Joe Biden, one of the dopiest and least interesting hack politicians of our time. The GOP ticket consists of a successful job- and wealth-creating businessman and governor running with the single smartest and most competent Congressman on the Hill, the one man in the whole Congress who knows how a federal budget is put together and the impact it has on the country. For me, there is no dilemma in making my choice.

The Democrats got nothin'. So they will double down on the sort of vicious assault on truth that we have seen over the past few weeks. The Democrat lie Gatling is already beginning to fire away: Ryan favors throwing the elderly off a cliff; he favors a federal budget to make the rich richer. More will come. Ryan can expect to have the most minute details of his life put out in public and subject to ridicule. The President who refuses to divulge the most basic information of his own life, will spare no expense in having his minions dig up anything and everything that can be used or distorted. It will be disgusting and infuriating.

I hope that Ryan will give as good as he gets while sticking to the truth and coming back again and again to the failed Obama-Biden record, and the basic choice now facing us: do we want to continue marching down the road to stagnation, dependency, poverty, and a government-run society, or do we get back to the basics that have made America great. There should be no problem in making that choice, except that we have been busy developing a society of half-educated college graduates and cynics with no basic understanding of the economy or the world. We have people more and more removed from the process of wealth production and further and further into wealth consumption. That will be the challenge facing the Republicans and the future of America, to wit, to tap into what I believe is a still strong American ethos of work, saving, and investment, to make it clear that we do not have to become Greece.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Pelosi's Unusual Silents on the Ryan Pick

Maybe her mind is on more important matters these days....


A Good Monday Morning


Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Elitist New Yorker's View of Paul Ryan

"After spending weeks looking into Ryan’s history for The New Yorker, visiting his home town, and interviewing him twice, I am genuinely surprised that Romney chose him. First, let’s tally the risks of a Ryan pick.
For one thing, Ryan has no significant private-sector experience. Besides summer jobs working at McDonald’s or at his family’s construction company, or waiting tables as a young Washington staffer, Ryan has none of the business-world experience Romney frequently touts as essential for governing. In the run-up to his first campaign for Congress, in 1998, that gap was enough of a concern for Ryan that he briefly became a “marketing consultant” at the family business, an obvious bit of résumé puffing."
Compared to the present White House occupants experience at being a community agitator and part time State and US Senator, Ryan’s private sector experience seems adequate.
"But Ryan’s Washington experience is also light, at least for a potential President—which, after all, is the main job description of a Vice-President. Ryan has worked as a think-tank staffer and Congressman, but he’s never been in charge of a large organization, and he has little experience with foreign policy. Given how Sarah Palin was criticized for her lack of such experience, I’m surprised that Romney would pick someone whose ability to immediately step into the top job is open to question."
Really? Ryan has more political experience and knowledge compared to Obama’s 2 year Senate sleeper. Obama hardly worked, voted present and started campaigning for president, instead of representing the people of Illinois. Paul Ryan has 14 years in Congress and chairs the House Budget Committee. Obama, multiple years of voting present! Ryan got his budget passed. Obama, his own party gave him no votes.
And what foreign policy experience did Dear Leader possess when elected? Maybe soaking in a little History Channel in between bong hits at Bill Ayers pad?

I bet we won’t find out that Ryan's friends were busted for soliciting prostitutes in a prostitution ring. I bet we don't find Ryan attended a racist church or embraced a racist preacher . I bet we won't find out that Ryan started his political career in the living room of a terrorist or had any felons helping him obtain a home he couldn't afford.
But that won't matter....he's going to push granny off a cliff.

More Elitist Tripe Here