Friday, December 19, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Kim Jong-un Tweets Boast of Cyber Attack

Normalizing Relations With Cuba

"In recent months, the outlook for the Castro regime in Cuba was growing steadily darker. The modest reforms it adopted in recent years to improve abysmal economic conditions had stalled, due to the regime'€™s refusal to allow Cubans greater freedoms. Worse, the accelerating economic collapse of Venezuela meant that the huge subsidies that have kept the Castros afloat for the past decade were in peril. A growing number of Cubans were demanding basic human rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly. ...
"Mr. Obama says normalizing relations will allow the United States to be more effective in promoting political change in Cuba. That is contrary to U.S. experience with Communist regimes such as Vietnam, where normalization has led to no improvements on human rights in two decades. ...
"The Vietnam outcome is what the Castros are counting on: a flood of U.S. tourists and business investment that will allow the regime to maintain its totalitarian system indefinitely. Mr. Obama may claim that he has dismantled a 50-year-old failed policy; what he has really done is give a 50-year-old failed regime a new lease on life." - The Editors, The Washington Post

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

All it Will Cost Us is Another Piece of Our Soul…

"There’s always that super-powerful person who prefers to stay out of the spotlight…(and I don’t mean Valerie Jarrett, even though the resemblance may be striking)."

Sony Emails Show State Department Blessed Kim Jong-Un Assassination in ‘The Interview’

CEO Michael Lynton showed a rough cut of the movie to U.S. officials
before moving ahead.

by Nick Sorrentino

Propaganda comes in many forms. Hollywood has a long history of it. Just watch the war movies from the 40s, many of the sci-fi movies from the 50s, or Top Gun from the 80s to see that government and Tinsel Town tend to tango a lot. But for the State Department to give the OK (Why are they giving an OK?) to a movie about the assassination of a head of state is unusual. I think.

I say we all go on Netflix and watch Dr. Strangelove, have a cup of soothing green tea, and forget all about The Interview. My bet is that both Sony and the US Government would prefer that at this point too.
"Several emails that reveal at least two U.S. government officials screened a rough cut of the Kim Jong-Un assassination comedy The Interview in late June and gave the film—including a final scene that sees the dictator’s head explode—their blessing.
The claim that the State Department played an active role in the decision to include the film’s gruesome death scene is likely to cause fury in Pyongyang. Emails between the Sony Entertainment CEO and a security consultant even appear to suggest the U.S. government may support the notion that The Interview would be useful propaganda against the North Korean regime..."
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* Just more proof we are being ruled by idiots

I Wonder If This Guy Would Take Darren Wilson's Case?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Surgeon General Position is No Place for Radical Politics

by Robert Janicki

President Obama and current Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, are not about to roll over in the face of the incoming Republican Senate majority.  Their first confirmation victory in the remaining days of the current congress occurred Monday evening with the confirmation of 37 year old Dr. Vivek Murthy as U.S. Surgeon General. 

Murthy's nomination has been in limbo since he was first nominated in 2013.  It seems everyone of Obama's nominations has been made on the basis of strong political allegiance to the president's radical ideological agenda, rather than what is in the best interest of America and Americans.  

The position of U.S. Surgeon General would seem to have no place for politics, but it is now obvious it has become politicized with the confirmation of a doctor with little practical experience and a strong desire to politicize the position along the exact radical political lines and agenda of the president.

What makes this otherwise nondescript position rather important in these times, revolves around two points to be made.  

Again, Dr. Murthy is medically inexperienced, which makes it questionable if he is actually qualified for the position of the nation's Surgeon General.  Murthy's greatest activity has been centered around his creation of an activist group called Doctors for America, which was originally called Doctors for Obama and is essentially a propaganda machine for all things on President Obama's agenda, the most significant of which is gun control of all things. 

The second and most important point to be made is that Murthy brings blatant politics to the position of Surgeon General.  In particular, he is a political hack with a political activist agenda bent upon using the power of his office to push for wide ranging and radical national gun control laws, rules and regulations by co-opting the lagging liberal gun control agenda and declaring guns to be a national health concern.  

Needless to say, the NRA considers Murthy a most serious detriment to an individual's exercise of their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  Republicans in the new Congress will have to be very vigilant in monitoring  his activities as he uses his position as a bully pulpit for national gun control.  Republicans will be further challenged to rein in Murthy as he tries to use his position for gun control objectives.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) voted no because of his concern with Murthy's strident political activism in the anti-gun movement.  When Manchin voted against Murthy, you know there is concern among even some Democrats about Murthy's extreme activism on gun control issues.  However, even with Manchin's "no" vote, the Democrats managed a 51-43 vote for confirmation of Murthy with their current majority in the Senate, which will change on January 3, 2015, with a Republican majority of 54-46.

Here are some of the radical items on Dr. Murthy's agenda as Surgeon General as propounded by the group Doctors for America, which he founded.  Some of these items are recycled liberal goals, but some are even more radical than liberals have even thought to push for.
  • A federal ban on the sale of assault weapons and ammunition
  • Buyback programs
  • Strengthening “regulations for guns used for hunting, sport, and self-protection”
  • Universal background checks and licenses for anyone purchasing guns and ammunition
  • Mandatory firearm safety training and testing
  • Regulation of private sales and transfers of guns and ammunition
  • Mandatory waiting periods of at least 48 hours
  • Limits on the purchase of ammunition
  • Better policing of neighborhoods with a high concentration of gun violence
  • Prohibit laws preventing physicians from discussing gun safety with patients.
  • Remove the provision in the Affordable Care Act and other federal policies that prohibit physicians from documenting gun ownership.
  • Invest in improving access to mental health resources.
  • Reinstating CDC and NIH funding for firearms injury and death prevention research.
  • Removing restrictions in the Affordable Care Act and other legislation that prohibits databases and data collection on gun violence programs.
  • Ensuring that newly implemented programs are studied carefully to assess impact.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Lefty Fringe Continues to Line up Behind Lizzy

The far left group  is readying themselves to spend $1 million on a campaign to draft Elizabeth Warren into the 2016 presidential race, an indication of an appetite among some activists for a more progressive alternative to Hillary Rodham Clinton.’s executive director, Ilya Sheyman, said the group planned to open offices and hire staff in Iowa and New Hampshire, the states that kick off the presidential nominating process, and ultimately to air television ads in those states. The group will begin its push with a website, “Run Warren Run,” allowing supporters to sign a petition urging Ms. Warren to pursue a White House bid and featuring a video about her.
“We want to demonstrate to Senator Warren that there’s a groundswell of grass-roots energy nationally and in key states and to demonstrate there’s a path for her,” Mr. Sheyman said. He added that the effort was not being made in coordination with Ms. Warren and that the group advised her staff about it only last weekend."
Whether there is significant energy behind the “Run Warren Run” effort may be known soon: is planning a kickoff on next Tuesday in Des Moines.

A Good Monday Morning

Just in Time for the Holidays: A New CD from Al Sharpton

From Reverend Al's National Action Network, the perfect gift
for that special street protester this holiday season

* Available at all nationwide protest marches and riots. CASH ONLY!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Django In Charge

by  Donald Joy 

“I kill all the white people in the movie — how great is that?!” ~ actor Jamie Foxx, hosting the TV show Saturday Night Live on 12/8/2012

“First of all, give an honor to God, and our lord and savior Barack Obama!!” ~ Jamie Foxx, at the 2012 Soul Train Music Awards

Even more disturbing than the extremely high rates of violent crime among blacks in our country is how almost invariably the criminals’ families, community leaders, media and government officials all the way up to the President and Attorney General of the United States aggressively run interference for them.

We’re now in an upside-down hell where criminals are exalted as heroes, and the heroes are treated like villains (even after juries sift through the facts and find no cause to accuse them).

The predatory wolf is seen as a noble martyr, while the brave sheepdog is vilified and banished from his job for the sin of doing his job.  This nightmare-narrative has taken hold all across the land in the form of a poisonous miasma which is force-fed to schoolchildren at the earliest possible age, in order to guarantee new generations of zombies who think naming streets, scholarships, and public buildings after a violent thug like Michael Brown is something socially responsible people do, while innocent and courageous sentries named George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, and Daniel Pantaleo are forced into hiding, with no real future expectation for being able to make a living or move around safely.

It’s easy to predict the continued, long-range ramifications of such insanity.

For decades, we’ve had a leviathan government bureaucratic apparatus staffed by legions of pretentious do-gooders which perpetuates itself by aggressively subsidizing and enabling poor adolescent girls and women in doing the one thing that ensures, more than anything else, that they will remain in the perpetual cycle of poverty: Have children out-of-wedlock.

When liberals ushered in the massive welfare state which pays unmarried women ever-increasing amounts for each additional illegitimate child they crank out, they knew (and counted on) two things:  

Keep Reading

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Coming Soon to Middle Finger TV Family Channel

Another Exciting Reality Series 

Obama / Clinton Blood Feud is Coming to Pass and it Won't be Pretty

by Robert Janicki

Earlier this year political writer Edward Klein published a book entitled, "Blood Feud", subtitled, "The Clintons vs. the Obamas", which now looks like it was quite prescient in its predictions of the Obamas supporting someone other than Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.  A reading of Klein's book is very revealing in its insights into the long standing and continuing animosity between the Obamas and the Clintons that runs deep and wide ranging, despite all the 'kiss ups' in public.

Obama, admittedly the quintessential manipulating masterful politician and especially outstanding  campaigner/fundraiser, has been quietly and subtly pushing for someone of his own radical political ilk to confront Hillary and upset her apple cart along the way to the 2016 Democratic National Convention.  It has now surfaced that 300 former Obama campaign staffers have rallied round the idea of Elizabeth 'Fauxcahontas' Warren, recently minted United States Senator in 2012, as the Democratic presidential nominee.

This group of 300 former Obama staffers have organized a group called "Ready for Warren" with an open letter to Elizabeth Warren.  The contents of the letter included these observations from the group.

We believed in an unlikely candidate who no one thought had a chance.
We worked for him — and against all odds, we won in Iowa.
We organized like no campaign had organized before — and won the Democratic primary.
We built a movement — and the country elected the first-ever African American president.
We know that the improbable is far from impossible.
Now, former staffers from President Obama’s campaigns, along with former staffers from OFA, are joining with the thousands of Americans who are calling on Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016.
Rising income inequality is the challenge of our times, and we want someone who will stand up for working families and take on the Wall Street banks and special interests that took down our economy.
We urge Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016.

Expect to see Elizabeth Warren, despite protestations to the contrary, to run against Hillary.  The money will be there at her disposal from the multitudinous sources cultivated by the master campaigner and fundraiser, Barack Obama.  All Obama has to do is call in all the chits he has planted among the rich and powerful liberals in high places in business and banking.  Obama, the socialist who has, for tactical and strategic purposes, morphed into a corporatist for pragmatic political purposes, has the power and forces necessary to anoint Elizabeth Warren as his successor to his mantle of the radical liberal as president

Forget about Warren supposedly challenging Obama over the CRomnibus bill and it diminishing the Dodd-Frank legislation regulating financial institutions.  This pales in comparison to the long standing animosity between the Obamas and the Clintons.  On the plus side, it gives Warren the image of being independent of Obama, all the while utilizing his political influence and campaign resources to challenge Hillary.  Dizzy Lizzie may be saying she won't run, but that's only good until the moment she announces that she will run.  Expect it to happen since there simply is no other Democrat that could possibly be viewed with winning potential.  It's either going to be Hillary or Lizzy and I'm putting my betting money on Lizzy when I look toward who will be supporting her and all the resources Obama brings to the fight for the future of the Democrat Party.

The real problem that both Hillary and Lizzy have to overcome is that America does not appear to share their thought of continuing the failed radical liberal policies of a warmed over mutation of Barack Obama.  Hillary has a more formidable challenge to separate herself from Obama.  Warren is not burdened with all that Obama administration baggage that Hillary has to drag to the campaign trail.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks.