Monday, October 31, 2016

Dingy Harry Reid is All Fightin' Mad and Stuff....

Harry is Not Taking the Thought of the Impending Implosion of His Favorite Candidate Very Well 

Senate Minority Leader Dingy Harry Reid was FBI director James Comey's bestest friend when he bowed to wishes of a corrupt DOJ and refused to further the investigation of Madam Cankle's email scandal. But now Harry is pissed and all up in the FBI Director Comey's sh*t for sending out a vague letter to Congress  about what Harry believes is maybe-pertinent, maybe-relevant emails found on Carlos Danger's laptop computer. 

It made him mad. It made the former bad-ass boxer mean-mad. And so he did what a senior statesman and former boxer (who lost his last bout) would do when he’s been pushed too far, and is just a walkin’ chunk o’ mean-mad: He sent a very sternly worded letter to Mr. FBI Comey, and is ready to kick some butt! Reid outraged by Comey’s actions, said the letter to Congress may have violated the Hatch Act, which bars political action by government employees:

Yeah, integrity in action is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Congressional Democrats and the present adminstration...

Dingy Harry also reminded Mr. Comey that Justice Department employees had received a warning .....threats back in March that they’d better not be engaging in any “activity directed towards the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.” No Sir! None of this kinda stuff.

The accusation that Comey is sitting on information about Trump and Russia is pretty heavy stuff, so what proof does Reid have? None. But Harry is Nevada Boxer fighting mad!
We’ll really miss you when you're gone Harry, especially as a guy who can close a letter with such a finely crafted burn:

See ya Harry....... You and the Donkey you rode in on!

[]                          Thank You MJA and Larwyn's Linx for the Linkage!

Anthony, Hillary Would Like to Know.....

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United States

Borowitz © - London UK - In an unexpected televised address on Saturday, Queen Elizabeth II offered to restore British rule over the United States of America.  Addressing the American people from her office in Buckingham Palace, the Queen said that she was making the offer “in recognition of the desperate situation you now find yourselves in.”

“This two-hundred-and-forty-year experiment in self-rule began with the best of intentions, but I think we can all agree that it didn’t end well,” she said.

The Queen urged Americans to write in her name on Election Day, after which the transition to British rule could begin “with a minimum of bother.”

Elizabeth acknowledged that, in the wake of Brexit, Americans might justifiably be alarmed about being governed by the British parliamentary system, but she reassured them, “Parliament would play no role in this deal. This would be an old-school monarchy. Just me, and then, assuming you'd rather not have Charles, we could go straight to William and those children of his who have mesmerized you so.”

Using the closing moments of her speech to tout her credentials, the Queen made it clear that she has never used e-mail and has only had sex with one person “only very occasionally.”

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

*No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to You By BLUESJUNKY - Honorary Chair of Music- Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

MFNS Breaking News......

Secretary of State Joe Biden??????

Thank You MJA for the Linkage

Friday, October 28, 2016

Delta Force Training for January 20, 2017 Mission

"Watch Out Men, She's Got a Sniper Rifle"

MFNS - Middle Finger News Service has confirmed rumors that have swirled for weeks in the military community of the training of special forces units for a secret mission, slated for inauguration Day 2017.  Lt. General Ward Hawk of 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Central Command (Delta) told MFNS the Pentagon has given the green light to special training of Delta Force Commando Units.

The mission (code named unknown) came about because of intelligence gathered recently by White House Military Personal of a disturbing private conversion overheard between two White House residents. 

In a tape of a loud and spirited conversation recorded in the White House family residence, Marion 'Moms' Robinson, Mother of First Lady Michelle Obama, reportedly told her daughter she felt slighted after reading a report on a fake news site called The Boston Tribune, and repeated by dumbass bloggers, that Moms Robinson would receive a yearly $160,000 taxpayer funded retirement for being Mooch's mother. During the same conversation Mrs. Robinson was angrily heard to say she was "under no circumstances" leaving the White House after Mr. Obama's term is up:
"I know that big eared nigga I told you not to marry is gonna take my daughter and grand babies off to live in the lap of luxury in Hawaii and send my ass back to an old folks home in that crime ridden Chicago! NO MA'AM....ain't gonna happen! I ain't moving out........I ain't going nowheres. THIS PLACE IS MY REPARATIONS!" Uh Huh.
First Lady and Moms Robinson in Cuba
General Hawk told us the commando units are training for the dangerous mission to forcefully remove Moms Robinson from her luxurious, private third floor White House apartment she has occupied  free of charge since the inauguration of Barrack Obama in 2009. Due to the dangers of a Urban warfare mission of this type, volunteers were asked to step forward. When none did, orders were issued to assign members of the elite Delta Force commando ranks. 

Word is that the Navy Seals will also train for a like mission at the Navel Observatory, the residence of the Vice president,  just in case the Joe Biden barricades himself in a closet. 

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Campaign Ad of the Year

Stopping Black-Robed Community Organizing

Last week Sen. Grouchy McCain took the very principled stand of announcing in advance that not only would he not allow Barack Obama’s anti-second amendment Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland to ever get a confirmation vote, he suggested he would also automatically reject anyone Hillary Clinton might appoint, too. This only stood to reason, since she'd probably pick wild-eyed leftist like Buzzy Ginsburg or the "Wise Latina", or maybe the reanimated corpse of their leftist hero, Harry Blackmun himself. McCain did clarify he would “thoroughly examine” any nominee's qualifications before reject them. 

Radical you say? No, radical is unelected people in black robes making law instead of interrupting the law! Radical is by-passing congress and dictating from the oval office. 

Ilya Shapiro at The Federalist got to thinking about the Constitution and unacceptable judicial nominees. According to him, the Senate's only Constitutional mandate is to provide “advice and consent” on judicial nominees. If the Senate's advice is “take your nominees and shove em,” then they've fulfilled their duty. But what if the Rs took their principled opposition to government actually working a step further? Shapiro says go for it; that's totally an option the Founders had in mind.  
"During the battle over the current vacancy, some senators have said they've fulfilled their duty by giving President Obama the advice that they simply won't confirm anyone. (Also, why hold farcical hearings that would be even more Kabuki theater than what we've come to expect?) The voters seem to have evaluated this position and found it acceptable, although of course the GOP could lose its Senate majority for other reasons."
"Similarly, if a majority of senators refused to confirm anyone to any offices, or pass any legislation whatsoever, that's their prerogative. As a matter of constitutional law, the Senate is fully within its powers....."
Utah Sen. Mike Lee said: “Not a single Democratic nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court since [Byron White, nominated by President Kennedy in 1962] has voted independently,” he detailed, which is why he’s been skeptical of all President Obama’s nominees
"Indeed, Hillary Clinton herself said at the last presidential debate that the Supreme Court is meant to answer questions like “What kind of country are we going to be? What kind of opportunities will we provide for our citizens?” Well, gee, if those are the questions you ask, of course you'll end up with super-legislators, presumably in ideological agreement with the president appointing them...." 
So if Hillary Clinton insists on appointing “black-robed community organizers,” says Shapiro, then if the Republicans hold the Senate, “it would be completely in keeping with the Senate's legal constitutional duty to vote against essentially every anti-constitutional leftist judicial nominee she names.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pat Buchanan Schools Pointy Headed CNN Anchor

“In the nineteenth century, Marx said power is control of the means of production. Arthur Schlesinger said, around 1960, power is control of the means of communication. The Left and the Establishment control 85% of the communications in the United States… The System is rigged, okay? Overwhelmingly, the Left and the Establishment control the media, and they are controlling the outcome of this election. What are we supposed to do, get up and salute?”
Here is Buchanan’s recent blockbuster column which is the subject of this interview.

Petition To Remove Soros Owned Voting Machines

This man has been linked to a persons campaign who is running in the election and has a clear bias to one candidate. His ownership of voting machines in 16 states is clear breach of integrity of our electoral system.