Friday, March 3, 2017

Please Help Us Identify the Mysterious Man Sharing a Krispy Kreme with Chuck Schumer in this Photo

Here's what we know.  In the photo below, Chuck Schumer appears with an unidentified foreign personage of some sort. They're eating donuts at a Kirspy Kreme. We assume everything is on the up and up, because Schumer is obviously a person of the highest moral character, but we'd still like to know who his companion is.  He looks kind of familiar, but we just can't seem to place the face.  
Here's the picture in question:

We're trying to do a little forensic work to determine the identity of this mysterious man. As you know, Schumer (a Clinton campaign surrogate) has called for Jeff Sessions to resign immediately over alleged - but utterly unproven collusion with Russia.


Chuck and Nancy: The New Punks

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Burning Jeff Session

News of AG Jeff Session's supposed illegal contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak came from a New York Times story stating that officials under former President Barack Obama had sent information throughout government about potential Russian contact with Trump's associates and interference in the 2016 election. The officials did so in order to preserve the information after Obama left office.  

Two days before Trump's inauguration, the State Department sent Sen. Ben Cardin (D -MD.) the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a batch of documents related to Russian attempts to meddle in elections worldwide. Cardin spokesman Sean Bartlett told news media that the senator had received the classified documents on request and that they were shared with both Republican and Democratic committee staffers.

This Information remains classified.

I'm not buying any of this present Bullshit.  If there was known hacking of Hillary's emails believed to be the Russians (we all know they came from inside) then why was nothing leaked during the campaign on Trump if U.S. intelligence/FBI had compiled all this info the Russians were influencing election worldwide? Because Trump couldn't win.

I'm saying this is payback. You can argue Donald Trump's criticism of the Intel community was not such a wise thing to do or not, but with Barky remaining in D.C. and at the helm of a not so underground resistance movement, combined with a some segments of not so friendly intelligence community, (who know a little about disinformation) giving the Dems ammo for a witch hunt, anything is possible. Burning Jeff Sessions has their fingerprints all over it. And I think things are just warming up.   The swamp not only needs to be drained, but also salted.

[Clown News Network]
[New York Freakin' Times]

Left Threatens Dem Senators Who Swim Away From the Sinking Ship.

After Donald trump garnered accolades after his speech before a joint secession of congress Tuesday from some of the most unlikely members of the media and the left, like Barky's commie buddy Van Jones, and from the left side of the congressional aisle like Senator Joe Manchin, progressives who were already running around hysterically with there hair on fire completely burst into flames and are now threatening there own.
The Hill - "Progressives are threatening primary challenges for Democratic lawmakers who don’t commit to full obstruction of President Trump’s agenda.  Democrats already face a daunting 2018 landscape, with 10 senators up for reelection in states that Trump won. However, the threat of primaries foes going up against vulnerable Democrats such as West Virginia’s further complicates the party’s chances of coming out with a net victory. But the party’s left flank is convinced that a full embrace of progressivism is the only way to return to power, and it is ready to fight for the party’s soul. " 
The website We Will Replace You states it's mission and in it's title the the veiled threat to uncooperative lawmakers: 
“We fundamentally reject the assumption that Democrats can only win in red states by pandering to racists and big bankers....." 
“The way we beat Trumpism and take back Congress and statehouses is offering a coherent vision of our own to put people back to work. … We don’t need to completely compromise our own values and principles......” 
It will be interesting to watch the left eat it's own. And to watch and see if an of the ten Senators up for re-election recognize the progressive ship they have been sailing has a big hole the shape of the letter "T" in the side of it and decide to swim with the tide or let the dem leadership shove their head further under water. 

Thank You MJA For The Linkage! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Breaking News: Shock and Awe on Captiol Hill

This Just in from MFNS Senior Washington Correspondent Earl of Taint:

The Moaning and Gnashing of Teeth

Most of the usual suspects spoke out but didn’t stop at irrelevance and incoherence. They went on to disrespect war widow Carryn Owens, whose late husband, Navy SEAL Senior Chief Ryan Owens, died defending America, including Americans who could not be bothered to clap or stand while she was being honored.

How low can you go? Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Keith Ellison did not clap or get off their sorry asses when the rest of the hall was honoring a widow who had lost so much, and an American warrior and hero who had given all. This behavior is, to use one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite adjectives, deplorable. (My own choice of adjective is despicable.)

One Dan Grilo, a Hillary Clinton volunteer and principal for the Chicago-based Liberty Advisor Group has been fired for his despicable tweet, which before being deleted received hundreds of retweets and favorites from other disgusting progressive liberal Democrats. 

And Nan Pelosi wanted us to all know how "very proud" she was of the dignity displayed by Democrats who sat and listened to the President's speech.

I hope and trust it will be seen as such in most precincts outside of the five boroughs, California, and university towns. Democrats are circling the drain, much of the damage has been self-inflicted. Perhaps the only thing they can rely on now to save the remaining examples of them is the Endangered Species Act.

It Was A Bases Loaded Home Run

It probably torched what soul the Democrats have left to stand when they did.  And as the President's address ended with "God Bless The United States", they scattered like cockroaches......