Saturday, May 13, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, May 12, 2017

Kicking the Little Professor in the Nuts Again

Robert Reich Weighs in on  the Firing of Comey

One of our favorite kickballs Dr. Robert Reich, the twisted little troll leftover from another time, speaks his mind on the firing of FBI Director. And as usual, takes the dire propaganda low road. 
Are There 22 Patriotic House Republicans? 
"Trump warning to former FBI Director James Comey against leaking anything negative about him – tweeting “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” – is deeply troubling." 
First Professor, you are running with the media's assumption Trump was WARNING Comey about saying anything negative about him, when it actually sounds like he was advising Comey not lie about the details of the conversation because it may just have been taped. Do not assume Donald Trump is Stupid. 
"The core issue here is not whether Trump is secretly recording his meetings or telephone calls (Trump and his White House aides refuse to say whether he tapes his visitors, something he was suspected of doing when he was in business in New York). The real issues are these: (1) The illegality of a President of the United States seeking to intimidate a potential witness in a congressional investigation. (2) The illegality of a President potentially intimidating current FBI personnel who are investigating that president or his aides, by firing the former FBI head who was leading such an investigation and now threatening retaliation against him. These illegal acts cannot be ignored."
Again Dr Reich, where do you get that Trump is intimidating anyone by saying there could be a tape of what he and Director Comey discussed?  Why would Trump suggest the meeting was taped and open himself up to a supoena if he possibly had something to hide?

And as you should know, as your former boss did himself, the President has the authority to appoint or fire the FBI director. Your use of the word 'Intimidation' is just bomb throwing hyperbole, unless it's an admission of why Bill Clinton fired his FBI director investigating a potential scandal. Eh, Dr Bob? Again, Do Not Assume Donald Trump is Stupid. 

As for taping conversations and telephone calls in the oval Office, it is well known there was, and probably still are recording devices in the Oval Office. But I can understand the way you think, being just a Secretary of Labor, I doubt anything you and Bill Clinton discussed could have in anyway been considered sensitive and for your ears only.  It is well known, as it should be to you, that certain types of meets with government officials, such as security briefings, do not take place in the Oval Office. Ever wonder why, Dr. Reich?

And NO ONE ever accused JFK, LBJ or Nixon or any President since of it being a crime by recording the events in the oval Office. It was done for the record and to document the facts of discussions for further review for those outside the meetings.  THE RECORDINGS ARE IN THEIR LIBRARYS!
"We are facing a constitutional crisis potentially larger and more significant than Richard Nixon’s “Watergate.” As long as Donald Trump remains president, our governing institutions are threatened. The question now is whether there exist 22 House Republicans whose loyalty to the United States exceeds their loyalty to the Republican Party, who would join with House Democrats in seeking a bill of impeachment."
Good, good. Repeat that 'Watergate' thing. The only crisis we face is in the media and the left going full retard calling for impeachment day in and day out ever time Donald Trump moves a finger. The propaganda machine of the media and Butt Hurt Dems have become a disgrace, and lost all credibility they had left after coddling the former corrupt administration. You can join the rest of the loonies in the impeachment choir, Dr Reich, just be careful not to get stepped on.

But Do Not Assume Donald Trump is Stupid. 

Okay, Last Straw. Time to Impeach!

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bullet Head Calls for Emergency Hearings

DT - When it comes to President Trump it doesn’t take much to set off members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The gaggle of African American lawmakers have been quick to scream racism at every opportunity for years and have been particularly agitated with Trump who they perceive as not only a closet member of the KKK but also a secret Russian agent.

Perhaps none have been so vehemently anti-Trump (outside of the cretinous Maxine Waters) than Elijah Cummings of Baltimore who has lorded it over his gerrymandered district like a fat toad for over twenty years. Cummings has always had a wild hair up his ass over the delusional Democrats’ big excuse for losing the election by blaming it all on Russian interference and was an early advocate of an FBI investigation of Trump and his to the Kremlin. Of course it’s all bullshit – so much was expressed in the new book on Hillary’s doomed campaign “Shattered” – but it is all that the Democrats have got.

Trump’s surprise firing of self-serving FBI Director James Comey has driven the left even crazier than before and has elicited howls of anger in defense of a man who was just blamed by Hillary last week for costing her the election. Cummings and his fellow race trolls are also a pack of hypocrites. They wail about voter rights and disenfranchised voters but their insane vendetta and determination to have Trump removed from office would do exactly that to over 60 million voters.

This Russian hoax crap is really starting to get out of hand and is already on the brink of widespread mass hysteria among those who are dumb enough to listen to the likes of Rachel Maddow and the rest of the dishonest propagandists in the media who were unified in their support for Hillary and are in lockstep to evict Trump from the White House.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A Little Note From Team Pelosi:


Oh Shut Up Ya Snarling Old Bastard

Amy Schumer's Crazy Cousin Chuck

While the FBI was investigating Bill Clinton for the White Water corruption sandal, Clinton fired the FBI Director.  The media took the President's actions at face value. They did not question him. In fact, conservatives who raised red flags were dismissed. Today, we get to see what happens when a Republican does what Bill Clinton did. The reality is that many of those most critical of Trumps firing Comey were the same people demanding Comey be fired for his handling of Hillary Clinton's emails. 

We have a hyper-partisan environment in which all sides too easily and too quickly abandon intellectual honesty. It is notable that Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins, two of the GOP's most strident critics of Donald Trump, are okay with this firing.

It is not a constitutional crisis, nor is it a dark day for democracy. It is a President exercising his constitutional duties on the advice of his cabinet ministers. The timing is bothersome and may look bad, but the underlying rationale suggests the decision was made thoughtfully. However, the left will never believe President Trump nor believe anything other than the worst possible conspiracies about him. Russiaism is the new Birtherism.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

It's Still Beyond Me Why Any Red-Blooded Western Male Would Be In Favor of Muslim Immigration

You Guys are gonna have to explain it to me......

ACLU Lawyer Admits Trump's Travel Ban ‘Could Be Constitutional’ if Enacted by Hillary Clinton

Monday, while the media zeroed in on the Sally Yates/James Clapper testimony before Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee and their own elation over the French election results, quietly the first appeal hearing of the Trump's blocked travel ban began arguments in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia. During questioning an ACLU attorney arguing against the ban showed how politicized and a sham our judicial system has become in the hands of democrat appointed judicial activist on the bench following their own version of Blind Justice....... 

NKT - ACLU Lawyer Omar Jadwat, arguing against President Trump’s travel ban before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, admitted that the same exact travel ban “could be” constitutional if it were enacted by Hillary Clinton.

Jadwat argued that Trump’s campaign animus motivated the order, making it illegitimate. This claim was challenged by the Fourth Circuit’s Judge Paul Niemeyer.
“If a different candidate had won the election and then issued this order, I gather you wouldn’t have any problem with that?”
Jadwat dodged on directly answering the question at first, but Niemeyer persisted. Jadwat again tried to avoid the question, asking for clarification on the hypothetical, but Niemeyer once again demanded an answer.
“We have a candidate who won the presidency, some candidate other than President Trump won the presidency and then chose to issue this particular order, with whatever counsel they took. Do I understand that just in that circumstance, the executive order should be honored?”
Jadwat admitted:
“Yes, your honor, I think in that case, it could be constitutional.” - Video  
Jadwat also denied that presidents’ actions should be nullified by campaign statements, despite the fact that his entire argument seemed to rest on that claim. He also tried to claim that the order was illegitimate due to its being “unprecedented,” but this point also crumbled under a quick cross-examination.

Unprecedented? Amazingly enough, the ACLU still repeats 
that lie in court.  A quick key word search for "President" in the US Code brings you to the section pertaining to the legality of the executive order.  And take note that nowhere does it say "Except Donald Trump"........

(f) "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline."

Thank You MJA and Larwyn's Linx for the Linkage!