Friday, June 30, 2017

Our Monthly Visit to Crazyville

Alex Jones - Naked Lunch  

Last night we took our regular month ending visit to Ground Zero For Crazy, the websites Salon dot com and Alex Jones' InfoWorld.  And man did we pick the right night. Jones was taking a break Thursday from his important work like exposing the secret conspiracy of how Hillary Clinton’s death squads (or the CIA) keep killing Trump pal, Roger Stone, to do some old-school space-alien X-Files craziness for a change. It was actually kind of nostalgic!

Jones’s guest, Robert David Steele, casually brought up the secret pedophile pleasure colonies on Mars that are the final destination for thousands of kidnapped children. (It's secret, that’s why there’s no evidence!).  After Steele explained that virtually all the kidnapped children have their bone marrow taken and used as a youth serum (oddly, he cited no clinical trials on that), Steele got to the real scandal that nobody dares talk about:
"This may strike your listeners as way out but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20 year ride. So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony. There’s all kinds of ..."
Unfortunately, before Steele could explain more about this Mars colony, like how long it’s been there, who runs it, and why there’s no trail of evidence from missing children reports to these secret rocket launches, Jones interrupted him. That’s a shame since we wanted to know more about those 20-year rocket trips, which apparently use prop planes, since NASA usually gets probes to Mars in under a year.  Or maybe it’s a trip to Mars plus 19 years of servitude, and then the pedophile colonists eat the now-adult victims. In any case, Jones had to share what HE knows about all of NASA’s trickery:

Note: Must read in Alex Jones Voice:
"Look, I know that 90 percent of the NASA missions are secret and I’ve been told by high level NASA engineers that you have no idea, there is so much stuff going on. But then it goes off into all that, that’s the kind of thing the media jumps on. But I know this: we see a bunch of mechanical wreckage on Mars and people say, “Oh look, it looks like mechanics.” They go, “Oh, you’re a conspiracy theorist.” Clearly they don’t want us looking into what is happening. Every time probes go over they turn them off. Well I don’t know about Mars bases, but I know they’ve created massive, thousands of different types of chimeras that are alien lifeforms on this earth now." 
Well, yeah. Everyone knows about the alien chimera lifeforms, DUH! But as expected,  NASA quickly denied the rumor.  We actually rather missed the good old bugfuck-crazy version of Alex Jones, the guy who’s worried about the Gay Bomb that’s Turning all the Frogs Gay and the New World Order plot to replace most of humanity with cyborg slaves. At least that nonsense is sort of harmless, as opposed to inciting idiots to harass the parents of slain Sandy Hook School Children.

For the First Time Since November, The Word That Does Not Appear on the Front-page at CNN: Russia.

The Narrative has Changed

Clicky to Embiginate

Althouse - "I do see — look closely — "Van Jones: O'Keefe video is a hoax." The video is the one where we hear Van Jones say "That Russia thing is just a big nothing-burger." But the teaser on the front page doesn't give us a clue that the video had to do with Russia, and even when you click through, there's no mention of the substance of what we hear Jones say in the video, just the assertion: "CNN's Van Jones says the ambush video of him done by notorious provocateur James O'Keefe is a hoax."

And how is the video a hoax? I think Jones is misusing the word, because he does not deny that he is the man in the video or that there's some context that would change the meaning of his statement. He indicates that he could have said other things, but not that he did actually on that occasion say more and O'Keefe had it edited out......."  - READ MORE

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, June 29, 2017

We're Trapped in a Junior High Lunch Room of National Politics

MSNBC's Morning with Squinty and Meat Puppet

Since we're living in a world gone mad, I suppose nothing should surprise us. No matter how weird things get, we should probably just shrug our shoulders, say "huh. that happened," and move along. I mean, the last election should have prepared us for how strange things were going to get, right? Nope.

This morning, we woke to find ourselves in a strange new reality where the President of the United States rips a TV host for her bleeding face lift, and she fires back with a "small hands" meme. We're trapped in the Junior high lunch room of national politics, a place where children squawk at each other while the world burns around them.

Sure, Mika's a blithering dolt. No one's arguing otherwise. She's wrong about virtually everything, has no business being the host of an alleged "news" show, and the flood of faux outrage she pours over every single minute issue grew exhausting years ago. But doesn't the leader of the free world have better things to do? 

I get that the media is, rightly, despised, and that they provide a hilarious punching bag, but at some point you have to step away from the keyboard and think about what you're saying. 

Punchline that she is, Mika fired back in predictable fashion...

Yep. A "small hands" joke - which, as you know, is really a reference to a small ...something else. In other words, Mika's decided to go the "I know you are but what am I" route. It's just as childish and probably twice as dumb.

This whole episode illustrates my one and only complaint with Donald Trump: Not using social media to his advantage to forward his policies and agenda.  Everyday reporters in the traditional media expose themselves as biased and fraudulent. You don't arm your enemy, and you don't get in the way of your enemy while they are in the process of committing suicide

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Even When Donald Trump Loses, He Wins!

Trump Tower Toronto
Donald Trump is the greatest deal-maker ever. If you don’t believe that, then consider this story from Canada, where The Trump Organization will make a tidy profit off people who want nothing to with him.

JCF Capital ULC, which owns the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Toronto, is so keen to get the Trump name off the building that it’s paying an undisclosed sum (said to be upwards of $6 million) to get out of a licensing agreement initiated by the original owner that allowed them to slapped the Trump brand on the hotel complex.

The Trump name is expected to be removed from the buildings as early as August 1, according to “a person with knowledge of the matter” who spoke to Bloomberg Business anonymously, since the deal is confidential. It was not reported whether the source was snickering at the idea that getting out of Donald Trump’s name was worth every penny, or just Loony. A new name for the building complex hasn’t been announced yet, but maybe they could go with “The Sexxy Justin Trudeau Arms.” 

Since JCF Capital is a U.S. based company, it remains to be seen whether a foreign company paying to distance itself from the president would violate the obscure "Emoluments" clause. For those who slept through civics class, it is 49 words in Article I of the Constitution:
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
According to legal scholars, these words were added out of a concern from the 1700s that American ambassadors, on the far side of the pond, might be corrupted by gifts from rich European powers. Benjamin Franklin, for instance, had accepted a snuffbox festooned with 400 diamonds from the King of France. John Jay accepted a horse from the King of Spain. Both basically said FU to their critics, and after that the Emoluments Clause rarely came up again. It’s never been the subject of a major court case and never been taken up by the Supreme Court, leaving great uncertainty about what it really means. And you can bet the left will find some miraculous unknown restriction or prohibition and try and make hay.  

But as I said, even when he loses, he wins. Last October, the CEO of Trump Hotels announced plans for a new chain of exciting, high priced luxurious resort hotels, unpolluted by the Trump brand to be called “Scion”, pointed at wealthy millennials who wouldn't vote for him anyway and would rather stay in a hotel that sounds like a failed Japanese car brand. 

[Business Week]

ANTIFA Is Gettin' Their Inner Chuck Norris On Because Y'all Just Way Too Violent

Chicago-area ANTIFA Group Crowdfunded an Anti-Right-Wing Gym to Train Up Them Some Bad Asses

A group of ANTIFA morans in Chicago who call themselves “Haymaker Collective”, who vowed to combat an ‘increasingly violent’ Right-wing Trump America, recently emerged from their parents basements after crowdfunding a startup for a “self-defense” training gym. The Indiegogo fundraiser asked for donations totaling $50,000, but sadly fell short by only $44,000 bucks. Since they didn’t hit anywhere near their goal (mainly because anti-fascist fascist protesting doesn't pay very well) the group of mostly pasty white millennial would-be-ninja gym members are regulated to training on the spacious lawn behind the Chicago’s Museum's Adler Planetarium. 

The gyms purpose is to train ANTIFA members to fight “white supremacy” and to combat “hetero-normative, masculine gym culture,” creating a safe space for those who feel threatened by “Trump’s America” and traditional gyms full of those testosterone laden muscle bound bullies. 

A video produced by Unicorn Riot, which bills itself as “Your Alternative Media” features the project’s creators and members talking about their goals with their modest startup gym. We'll let them explain this whole thing as only a pasty white basement dwelling unemployed millennial can do. 

And Please, put down your drinks before watching this.......

I'll bet these guys couldn't even walk the day after this video was shot. LOL!

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The UN Declares War On Tits!!!

It's Time to tell the United Nations to move their Circus HQ somewhere else. They're like a crazy aunt living in our attic......

Downtrend - The United Nations is on a roll. Recently they announced their efforts to make cultural appropriation illegal and now they want to ban titties in advertising. I’m not even kidding about this. A UN group is aiming to ban any sexy ads that that reinforce negative stereotypes of women. What that means is anyone’s guess, but clearly the UN has their priorities straight because there are no more pressing issues than scantily-clad women in burger chain commercials.

The Unstereotype Alliance is part of the UN Women’s Group and their mission is “to banish stereotypical portrayals of gender in advertising and all brand led content.” See, I told you I wasn’t joking around. This is a serious thing, or actually it’s something that lunatics take seriously.

According to their mission statement, they will “tackle the widespread prevalence of stereotypes that are often perpetuated through advertising.” How exactly they plan on tackling this made up issue remains a mystery, but apparently tackling is a big part of the solution.

The UN is a ridiculous organization and this new initiative is all the proof you need. There are places where women do not have equal rights. There are countries where women are abused and murdered. A Carl’s Jr. ad doesn’t make Muslims mutilate the genitals of little girls. A Go Daddy commercial with below-average Danica Patrick isn’t why women are stoned to death because that’s what passes for divorce proceedings in certain places. If the UN really wants to help some worldwide, why not go after the after the mostly Islamic countries where women are treated like property?

Three Fake News Journalists Leaving CNN After Russia Story Retracted

According to CNN, three of their of their fake news/investigative unit journalist, including Thomas Frank, formally of USA Today and Newsday who wrote the story, Eric Lichtblau, a veteran of The New York Times and Pulitzer Prize winner, and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit and previously the executive editor of CNNMoney have resigned after their publication of a Russia-related article was retracted.
CNN Money- "In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story's publication," a spokesman said Monday evening. The story, which reported that Congress was investigating a "Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials," cited a single anonymous source."
As if that is unusual for the media these days??? Can we say 'Fake Dossier' anyone?
"These types of stories are typically reviewed by several departments within CNN -- including fact-checkers, journalism standards experts and lawyers -- before publication. On Friday, one of the people named in the story, Trump ally Anthony Scaramucci, disputed Frank's reporting and said, "I did nothing wrong." In a staff meeting Monday afternoon, investigative unit members were told that the retraction did not mean the facts of the story were necessarily wrong. Rather, it meant that "the story wasn't solid enough to publish as-is," one of the people briefed on the investigation said."
Think this all kinda laughable now seeing CNN's reputation of passing off rumor and innuendo as news through the airwaves and social media. And obvious what they've done shows their lack of any journalistic integrity. I think this story was, like all the Trump stories we have had to endure, was just more shady sourced BS out of some government office or DC bar (if sourced at all). And I think someone at CNN Corporate, watching the whole news organisation  become a laughing stock, in an attempt to stop the bleeding is starting to put their foot down on the bullshit.

The Trump/Russia story, no matter how much they try and make it go, is going nowhere. And maybe someone finally realized it. Maybe not. 

Now I suggest to CNN, if they really are an investigative news organization and want their street cred back, (short of firing that Don Lemon guy and the crazy woman on in the daytime) would be to get your Woodward and Bernstein on, and point your journalistic snoop dogs towards uncovering the "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" of  Hillary Clinton and company. Helping to rake over the coals and put the first former First Lady in prison would surely get you one of those Pulitzer thingies. Guaranteed!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Secret Service Leaks Details of Clinton Post Elect Condition



STATION: Chappaqua, New York 

PROTECTEE: Hillary Rodham Clinton 

Date: Jan. 24, 2017 


Mrs. Clinton did not emerge from sleeping quarters until almost noon again today, as has often been the case since Nov. 9. Her attention to personal grooming continues to deteriorate, as evidenced by her now customary attire of housecoat and fuzzy slippers, both of which are very much in need of laundering. As has also become customary, she spent the afternoon pacing the house with a cup of coffee in one hand and a tumbler of Wild Turkey in the other, which are replenished as needed by Ms. Mills and Ms. Abedin, respectively. Mrs. Clinton has also taken up smoking cigarettes, unfiltered Camels to be precise, and is often careless with the ashes. The carpeting throughout the house now bears numerous burn marks along with stains from spilled coffee and whiskey. (See accompanying requisition for additional fire extinguishers.)

While pacing the house, Mrs. Clinton talks to herself, at times making reference to some hoped for but yet unplanned visits to Iowa and New Hampshire. At other times she shouts, often inquiring as to the whereabouts of President Clinton. “Where’s Bill?” she screamed at one agent this morning. “Where the [redacted] is my husband? Where the [redacted] is my [redacted][redacted][redacted][redacted] husband?” 

Mrs. Clinton’s full-time hair-and-makeup staff, which during the campaign numbered as high as 25, saw the final resignation last week. “I can’t do this anymore,” the woman screamed as she ran from the house. For Mrs. Clinton’s attendance at the inauguration, hair and makeup artists had to be recruited from the D.C. area market. Even then, Mrs. Clinton’s mercurial reputation is such that some would only sign on for the task after being assured that Mrs. Clinton would be disarmed and medicated. Household staff also suffers from high rate of attrition due to Mrs. Clinton’s behavior, which grows more erratic by the day.

The decision to surreptitiously medicate Mrs. Clinton prior to the inauguration, though fraught with risk at the time, appears to have been prudent. Members of the detail report that in no one’s memory has she been as easily handled as she was on Friday. “I didn’t hear her curse all day,” said one agent, “at least not until the meds wore off.” More importantly, the medication allowed agents to retrieve and conceal the revolver Mrs. Clinton has taken to carrying, thus lessening (but not eliminating) the potential threat to Mr. Trump during the ceremony at the capitol.

Should the tactic of medicating Mrs. Clinton be employed again for some future public appearance, I recommend additional precautions be taken. Though President and Mrs. Clinton are seldom together, we should guard against President Clinton being accidentally exposed to the substances used to sedate his wife. He appeared to have ingested some stupefying agent on Friday, as revealed by this photograph from the Chicago Tribune. Though unintentional, having President Clinton medicated as well did yield benefits. Accusations of unwanted propositions and other improper behavior toward women are commonplace during President Clinton’s public appearances, yet none were reported on Friday.
H/T Scott Osborn