Sunday, November 26, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required * 

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Bless His Heart. M&M Is All Butt Hurt and Confused Cause Trump Is Ignoring Him and His Childish Petulant Rant

Eminem, The Lena Dunham of Hip Hop

I find it 
really hard to take seriously a uneducated blonde-headed 45 year old white guy pretending to be a badass black thug starved for attention.  The annoying and talentless entertainer Eminem, best know as a white boy anomaly in the rap world and for his amazing ability to do what 6 year old school children are good at, rhyming words, is pissed off that Donald Trump is outright ignoring him after he excoriated Trump and his presidency.

In an extremely emotional display of childlike anger and frustration, Eminem vilified the president in a four-minute freestyle rap during last months BET Hip Hop Awards.  Trump did respond to rapper Snoop Dogg for mocking his assassination on an album cover, so Eminem was expecting some retaliation and publicity, but it never came. Never happened. Not even a tweet. Nothing.

In an interview last week the Great White Dope expressed his displeasure that the president didn’t respond to “The Storm.”
“I was and still am extremely angry.  I can’t stand that motherf***er. I feel like he’s not paying attention to me. I was kind of waiting for him to say something and for some reason, he didn’t say anything.......”
When even Trump thinks you are too insignificant to respond to, it’s time to come to grips with your own irrelevancy.  Maybe M&M should just try and snag the next vacancy with the Trump vilifying, screeching banshee Joy Behar and the ladies of 'The View". 

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Y'all have Yourselves a Happy Thanksgiving, Hear.

"There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American." - O. Henry

Despite our present political atmosphere, as someone who spent most of their early life living in Europe, believe me when I say: We as Americans have much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving from DMF!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Ingrate UCLA Shoplifter's Dad Gets Roasted Like a Thanksgiving Turkey

Another Perfect Example of 'Money Can't Buy You Class'

DT - The loudmouthed, self-promoting father of one of the three UCLA basketball team shoplifters that President Trump helped spring from a future in a Chinese jail continues to redefine the word ingrate. Los Angeles sports personality and CEO of the pricey Big Baller brand of athletic shoes LaVar Ball has been engaged in a running war of words with the POTUS who he refuses to give credit to for the freedom of his son LiAngelo who he doesn’t seem to have been a good role model for since the young thug is stealing to begin with. 

Ball has continued to make an ass out of himself, even saying that the only way that he would have thanked Trump is if he would have given the young hoodlum a ride home on Air Force One. Ball’s antics have gotten him plenty of face time in the media to promote his overpriced shoes and allowed some of the more degenerate race baiters like Shaun King to insanely claim that “ungrateful” is now the equivalent to the dreaded N word.

King and the rest of the instigators will have plenty to wail about now because Trump just roasted Bell like a Thanksgiving turkey in a Wednesday morning Twitter strike:

Trump is absolutely spot on here, China is not exactly famous for being a global champion of human rights and young Bell and his fellow petty criminals may very well have faced years in a Chinese prison had he not appealed to President Xi Jinping for leniency. LaVar Bell is not only an ungrateful jerk but an arrogant egomaniac who like so many others, can’t accept the results of a legitimate election.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Nations Atheist Prepare To Offer Heartfelt Thanks To Random, Uncaring Universe On Thanksgiving

Again this year the nation's atheist are preparing to humbly show gratitude to the cold, mechanical processes that randomly led to mankind’s existence and their own fleeting lives this Thanksgiving.  They will bow their head silently before partaking in their family’s extravagant Thanksgiving feast Thursday evening to give thanks to the meaningless, cold, inconsequential universe; that vast and ancient universe that doesn’t care at all whether they live or die, for the blind, heartless processes that inevitably led them to eat this great feast, and thank those who died instead of their ancestors, so that they would be selected to survive in an endless, cruel cycle of natural selection that allows once again to enjoy bounty of celebration.

They will be  truly humbled to be able to partake in this futile tradition at least one more year before their inevitable demise and descent into the great black Lovecraftian void beyond.

Maxine Water's Liberal Champion of Women Got Some Real 'Splainin To Do

Rep. John Conyers Jr? Come on down! You’re the next contestant on the media extravaganza where hypocritical liberal creepy old dudes try to weasel their way out of sexual harassment claims. The fact that Conyers is the head of the Office of Compliance, which is supposed to oversee incidents of abuse, things get a lot more interesting.

Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the powerful House Judiciary Committee, repeatedly made sexual advances to female staff that included requests for sex acts, contacting and transporting other women with whom they believed Conyers was having affairs, caressing their hands sexually, and rubbing their legs and backs in public.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Looks Like Hillary Lost Another One

Thank You Pookie for the Linkage!

NYT's Walter Winchell Want-To-Be Gets Laid Low

Look at Me. I'm the Media. I'm Cool. I Got A Hat

DT - Liberal hypocrites continue to be exposed as the dishonest poseurs that they have always been and another leftist “reporter” has taken a fall on Monday. New York Times White House correspondent Glenn Thrush – formerly of Politico – has been sidelined by his newspaper after reports that he busted a move on a young female reporter.

Thrush has been at the tip of the spear of the anti-Trump propaganda that is put out by the Times and his loss puts a crimp in the assembly line of tales based on leakage of classified information from Obama loyalists as well as regurgitated sleaze left over from the 2016 presidential campaign.
"Just weeks ago, Thrush posted a Facebook note blasting political journalist Mark Halperin over allegations of sexual misconduct against young female journalists. He stated, “Young people who come into a newsroom deserve to be taught our trade, given our support and enlisted in our calling — not betrayed by little men who believe they are bigger than the mission.  
But apparently, Thrush has a habit of going drinking with young female journalists, then attempting to kiss them — and then later telling members of the newsroom that they came onto him."
Vox has additional details as well as damning screenshots of Thrush’s social media activity HERE.  The reporter is such a player that he even is featured in sketches on Saturday Night Live and was revealed in the WikiLeaks cache of emails from John Podesta as coordinating his coverage with the known Washington sleazeball and Clinton campaign manager.

No one expects people to be Simon pure but if you make a living out of writing less than honest stories that are intended to destroy others personally, then you better not shit in your own nest. Thrush is learning this now and his name will forever be mud after this. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy either.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, November 19, 2017

I Wonder If Waking Up Stupid Everyday is Really Painful

Student Claims Access To The Outdoors Is Now A Form Of White Supremacy.

I ask you dear reader; do you love the great outdoors? Do you find a short walk in the woods or dropping a fishing hook in the water relaxing? Well, if you do, it’s probably because you’re white, according to a student at Claremont Colleges in California. That’s right. In a recent op-ed in the student-ran newspaper, a student and keen observer of societal evolution named Malcolm McCann claimed that non-white people are excluded from the outdoors because of, yes, White Supremacy.
“Due to the predominance of whiteness in the outdoors, people of color have been denied access to the outdoors.”

Yes. McCann seems to take issue with outdoor programs at Claremont, which is a conglomerate of five colleges known as the “5Cs.” Those programs, McCann argued, are the most funded on campus, yet are saturated with white supremacy.  McCann admitted the clubs are open for all people, no matter the color of someone’s skin, but not everyone feels safe to attend.
“Historically, white people in imperialist conquests have appropriated land as their own. North America rightfully belongs to indigenous communities, yet it has been taken away from them by force. Consequently, a false sense of ownership of nature permeates white America.”
McCann then goes on to take issue with the “image of modern outdoor enthusiasts,” which he claimed is of white men. “The image of the ‘outdoorsy individual’ is an exclusive classification that gives white people the authority to venture into the outdoors freely, leaving people of color behind."

But there aren’t just “racial barriers” that prevent non-white people from stepping outside but also financial barriers. Only people with “economic privilege” can participate in outdoors activities and understand “obscure outdoor lingo.” 

When you stop laughing, here are this brilliant observer of america society solutions to the problem........  
- Affirming that nature belongs to all humans, not just white ones. 
- The “image” of the outdoor enthusiast should not “belong” to just white people.
- White people should “exert caution as to not dominate ownership” of the word “outdoorsy.”  
- Outdoor clubs on college campuses should work to increase accessibility and help people learn the skills they will need.
Outdoor Unskilled People of Color in Their Natural Habitat

No, No, No you freakin' white self-loathing snowflake! It's got NOTHING more to do with race or white supremacy then where the rain falls.  It's all about CULTURE! Nothing but CULTURE! Get a Clue.......and grow up! 

[The Blaze]                                              Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
h/t Konan The Bar Barron