Friday, December 29, 2017

Trump Ends 2017 Residing In His Enemies’ Head

by Kurt Schlichter@Townhall

As 2017 comes to a close, tumbleweeds roll down the empty Lido Deck while the Republican base answers the question, “What if Conservative, Inc., gave a cruise and nobody came?” The Democrats fled Washington under cover of darkness, desperate to keep their slobbering socialist wing from forcing them to commit ritual suicide by closing down the government over Christmas because the GOP Congress (for now) won’t hand a couple million illegal aliens citizenship. Robert Mueller’s Keystone Kop Korps started off with “unquestioned integrity” and ended the year with totally questioned integrity. 

Renowned Daytime Television Political Scientist
and Victim of Chronic TDS and TURD, Joy Behar
The mainstream media abandoned the principle of objectivity in favor of shrill advocacy, yet it is baffled that most Americans now consider its members like just another bunch of partisan hacks. In the White House, where everyone who was anyone told us Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit would reign, President Donald Trump finished the year by signing a tax reform bill that punished conservatives’ enemies and rewarded their friends. The Democrats get to go tell their base of blue state coastal swells, “Uh, sorry about losing those state tax deductions cuz we were too busy resisting to actually negotiate and thereby get a seat at the table.”

Cue the Sad Trombone. Trump plays for keeps, unlike the squish-cons who play for media hugs and invitations to the kool kidz’ parties. He was supposed to lose the primary, but he didn’t. He was supposed to lose the general, but he didn’t. He was supposed to fall victim to the covert schemes of leftist bureaucrats and the overt obstruction of The Resistance, but he didn’t. Instead, Donald Trump has prospered as the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. And it’s breaking the souls of his enemies. Deliciously. 

He just refuses to lose. He just refuses to submit. He just refuses to give a damn about what they say or what they think. And that infuriates them. He won’t take a knee, but he will offer them a finger. - Continue Reading

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Secret Service Responds to CNN’s Whining

In case you missed it, CNN is beside itself that President Donald Trump would spend his time golfing during the holidays. Specifically, they’re furious that the president would block breathless journalists from witnessing presidential history as he slices his way down the back 9.  Or did he?
"Yesterday and 2 other times during POTUS' Winter vacation,CNN cameras captured Trump golfing, from public sidewalk. Today, not possible."
The Secret Service has responded to CNN’s outragey reportage after a white truck blocked stalking journalists from getting clear shots of the president’s golf game. (Pulitzer Prize-winning stuff potentially, we know.)

The President's security detail denied sending out a white truck to frustrate CNN’s hard-up reporters. Then it added a delightful kicker:
[The Secret Service] “is in the business of protection and investigations not in commissioning vehicles to block the media’s view of the President’s golf swing.”
Fore! The economy’s humming along, tax cuts are passed, the Supreme Court is in good hands… just enjoy the holidays, CNN. There will be plenty of time for am-bush journalism in 2018.

[The Tweeter]

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Trump Sends Out Happy Kwanzaa Greetings and Predictably Gets Slammed

DT - Unfortunately many people in America, especially those who are unrepentant bigots and refuse to see past their own biases, Donald Trump can do nothing right nor is anything that he says to be accepted at face value without him being savaged for it. This is the case again after the president respectfully sent his best wishes to those of the colored persuasion who choose to celebrate the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa, a celebration that has little in common with any tradition and was invented by a man with a disreputable background long long ago in 1966. 

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Kwanzaa 
 Issued on December 26, 2017:
Today marks the first day of Kwanzaa, a weeklong celebration of African American heritage and culture. Together, let us celebrate during this joyous time the richness of the past and look with hope toward a brighter future. 
As families and friends join to light the Kinara, Melania and I extend our warmest wishes for a joyful holiday season and a prosperous year to come.
And the responses were predictable:
@TheRootDonald Trump mustered up his best Google searches to compose three sentences that wished African Americans a Happy 
@NewsweekTrump's Kwanzaa statement leaves out Obama-era praise for African-American values 
@splinter_newsTrump gives shortest Kwanzaa statement since presidents started giving them
Let us not forget, “Kwanzaa Was Invented By An Insane Leftist Gangster Who Tortured Women” It’s a pretty safe bet that you will find nothing at all from those who are ripping Trump for his holiday wishes that acknowledges the history of Kwanzaa’s founder. It is intellectual dishonesty as well as vintage hypocrisy from people who should not throw stones if they themselves reside in glass houses. Jesus never tortured any women and Christmas is a real holiday.

Stilton Done This
[The Tweeter Thingy]

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ten People We Wish Would Just Go Away And Leave Us Alone

When students of cultural history look back someday at America 2017 they will undoubtedly say it was a banner year for women.  It started with the historic Women’s March the day after the Inauguration of Donald Trump when Ashley Judd went full lunatic and gave a speech for the ages where she lamented everything from jean sizes to her monthly period. Liberal females nationwide have been having a collective 'period' every since, while beta males voluntarily hand over their balls to them.  Time magazine even named a gaggle of women “person of the year” for coming out with alleged tales of sexual misdeeds by the rich, powerful and famous.  Even dictionary editors jumped on the female bandwagon by declaring “feminism” the word of the year.

So, it should come as no surprise that seven of ten people I wish would just go away and stop bothering us 2018 are women (this is by no means a complete list) Here they are in reverse order:

#10 Lena Dunham - You can put lip-stick on a pig........Dunham is thankfully a fading entity. Two years ago, this loony beached walrus would have landed top three, but her drop this year indicates that not even the Left is listening to this actress/activist/liar/hoaxster/scammer/child molester. Yet, she kept herself in the news just enough to crack the top ten, meaning she broke her avowed exit from social media because as any woke justice warrior knows, life just isn’t the same without social media and the cool kids. 

  #9 Al FrankenA picture says a thousand words and a picture felled Al Franken from power as a Senator.  It also revealed the hypocrisy of so many champions of women’s rights who feel they have a right to cop a feel.  The fact is, I've never met anyone who thought Franken was that funny as a comedian and even less funny as a Senator from Minnesota. My guess is he will write some biopic in 2018 to much acclaim, do the talk show circuit and join Michael Richards on some wayward second rate comedy club stage.

#8 Harvey Weinstein - Bringing down this Hollywood honcho pretty much set off the #MeToo hysteria that swept the nation like a Santa Ana wind-driven wildfire.  His power and influence in Hollywood- not to mention the hypocritical Democratic Party- cannot be overstated.  Yet at the end, we see that Harvey Weinstein- avowed Democrat, the Party that supports women’s rights- was nothing more than a serial groper and in some cases, rapist.  Largely silent since the accusations arose leading to the loss of his production company, something tells me we haven’t heard the last of this ugly fat pervert after he emerges a “new man” from therapy.
#7 Colin Kaepernick  - America’s most famous unemployed NFL quarterback makes the list for his antics copied by cheerleaders and football teams alike who most still don't know what the hell they were protesting.  It started with sitting during the National Anthem, then taking a knee, then standing with arms locked in solidarity against this or that or whatever.  Meanwhile, the hair follicle-endowed ex-quarterback took to social activism in many areas (including supporting convicted cop killers).  But since people tune in to watch football games- not players making political statements- the NFL TV ratings are in the crapper and his influence over the decline in ratings cannot be denied. Now run along and play with your ball.....
#6 Chelsea Handler - What does a borderline mental case/comedian or comedienne do when their career is in decline?  They resort to social activism which, today, translates into Trump-bashing like all the cool people  The Comedy Hall of Shame is littered with the refuse- people like Sara Silverman, Rosie O’Donnell and Kathy Griffith.  And so it is no different with Chelsea Handler whose substance-abuse fueled ratings dropped through the floor on her late night show prompting the network to cut her off at the knees.  That caused Handler to pick up the phone and start drunk Tweeting and Facebooking and Instagramming all sorts of obnoxious social justice drivel. Rehab Chelsea, rehab......
#5 Jimmy Kimmel - Yet another “woman” on the list, Kimmel must be taking female hormone injections given the river of tears he has cried on late night television.  Whether it was Obamacare, gun control or some racist white supremacists in Charlottesville, Kimmel was there with tears in the eyes and hankie in hand.  Unfortunately, the cry act works once as with each subsequent one, he came under mounting derision.  Give it up- you’re not funny and you’re a fool. Oh and did I say you aren't funny? 
#4 Maxine Waters - In a way, you kind of wish this batshit crazy cheap wig wearing loud mouth doesn’t go away because she provides so much evidence of the unhinged nature of many on the Left.  Along with some other cohorts in the House, Auntie Maxine sees herself as the face of the #TheResistance that will bring down the mean Donald Trump.  And what a face it is!!  Her brain farts and ludicrous statements this year on Trump and in other areas have left even the most strident Leftist scratching their heads at times.  To the Right, she is the gift that just keeps on giving. But as of late, the bitch has been on my last nerve......
#3 Linda Sarsour - This Palestinian-American awoke one day and found that she could garner greater attention by donning a head scarf and barking out anti-Semitic nonsense.  But it is all for the “better good” since America is a seething cauldron of hatred against all Muslims.  It is ironic that one of the key organizers of the Women’s March is Muslim, since we all know that Islam is all about equal rights for the sexes.  However, that can be laid aside because there is a greater evil to be battled- Donald Trump.  You can put lip-stick on a pig......... 
#2 Nancy Pelosi - Seriously- its time for this recycled piece of aluminum to get an oil change and tune up.  The Minority Leader in the House who once famously proclaimed that they had to first pass a bill to see what was in the bill was full of head scratching moments this year too numerous to mention.  Whether it was gun control, DACA, tax reform- you name it- she and her strange shadow (Chuck Schumer) were there with cameras rolling predicting Armageddon.  Its time to put her on a truck, send her to that alien robotics factory from whence she came.
#1 Hillary Clinton - What is it going to take. She just will not go away.  Having penned yet another boring memoir- this time about the 2016 election- What Happened,  the answer is simple:  YOU LOST!  AGAIN!  TO DONALD TRUMP!!!  If that isn’t the definition of loser, I don’t know what is.  Yet, she persists in pushing her haggard face and obnoxious tipsy laugh on the public in a sorry attempt to gain sympathy.  She’s the political equivalent of herpes…only worse.  We have suggestions: go be a grandmother.  Dote on the kids!  Drink more Chardonnay and take more walks in the woods with Bill and eat mushrooms or hunt bigfoot or something.  Anything, whatever… just go away!

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Magazine Mocks Hillary With New Years Resolutions Suggestions for 2018

Some of the lefty media are starting to show signs they've had it up to here with the Hillary circus and want her to just disappear as much as we do. One such media publication is Vanity Fair, who nauseatingly fawned over her for 8 years and goo-gooed at her anticipated coronation. But as with all thing faux, people tend to tire of or see through them.  Mockingly, Vanity Fair suggest Hillary find other things to do in 2018 instead of bothering people by running for office again, like just get a hobby and go away. We couldn't agree more. Perhaps you have some suggestion for things she could do also.......

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

"I Got Your Milk and Cookies Right Here Baby"

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas Y'all

The Second Best Photo of 2017

Barky and Mooch wave good-bye as they board Special Air Mission 28000 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. to fly their asses out of town, Jan. 20, 2017, after the swearing in of the 45th President of the United States.