Friday, May 25, 2018

ESPN Doubles Down: Brings Back Keith Olbermann

Just a day after the Wall Street Journal published an article titled, “How a Weakened ESPN Became Consumed by Politics” the sports network announced they were raising the profile of the self-aggrandizing blowhard, a man reviled by his past co-workers, the one known as Keith Olbermann.

Olbermann, sports correspondent for CNN, host of ESPN's SportsCenter, political commentator at MSNBC, chief news officer of the Current TV network, host at ESPN2 and TSN2, fresh from his gig doing a little known political web series for from a cheesy set that looked like it was rescued from a dumpster behind a local community theater company and sounding as if being broadcast from an abandoned warehouse somewhere in New Jersey, has been back at the network doing a variety of odd jobs (cleaning the ladies room, poking through the desks of laid-off producers for unopened snacks). He’ll now be doing radio and making a variety of appearances on network shows.
"The new pact with Olbermann will likely be dissected by some right-leaning commentators, many of whom have hammered ESPN over an alleged left-leaning bias." Olbermann has been a frequent – and forceful - critic of President Trump and other Republicans on social media and other mediums."
Um, no, he’s been a snarling, unhinged left-wing psycho, wrapping himself in outrage and smearing anyone he disagrees with. And as USA Today also notes:
"Olbermann, who left ESPN for the first time in 1997, gained prominence outside sports by hosting Countdown, a political show on MSNBC and Current TV. Olbermann had a show on ESPN2 from 2013-15."
Not exactly a rock of stability for a network that’s in deep trouble. With every change of management and new round of layoffs, it’s easy to think ESPN has hit rock bottom and is ready to make a change. Olbermann's bathering should please the SJW crowd just fine we're sure, and maybe the network could bring in Rosie O'Donnell to do some expert Lesbian Wrestling analysis.....

(USA Today)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Crazy Ol' Gray Headed Woman Joins Another Unhinged Washed up Comedian as Trump Hate Artist

Where do comedians turn when they're no longer funny and become angry, hateful and unhinged because the world is not to their liking? In the case of the now slightly disturbed Jim Carrey, he has taken to relieving his hate by doing demented anti-Trump art.  Word is that Porky Rosie O'Donnell has also taken to doing artwork as a way to cope with her own intense Trump Derangement Syndrome, and is trying to selling it online. Now I'm not old enough to remember Rosie O'Donnell ever saying anything funny, so I'll have to take y'alls word for it that she's actually a comedian.  I do know the portly O'Donnell and Donald Trump have had a long standing feud and the election of DJT pushed her right over the cliff and straight into mental la-la land, and probably some serious meds.

She writes in a disjointed description on the website:
“I started doodling on my ipad..... many images of trump and his regime sadness, rage and disappointment flowed out my finger and then an apple I pen...... selling six at a time all money collected with me matched by me and donated to charities ones he hates........we can do this America save our nation love and peace as we move forward we are getting closer…he’s going down, and then we heal.”
I'm not sure I've ever heard of someone who hates a charity, but I guess we have to remember who's talking. Anyway, here's a taste of porky's artwork you too can own for as little as $125.

Yeah, first thing that does comes to mind is an element of a hostile, and fragile mind. Among other pieces for sale are “Vote Him Out,” depicting Trump with a red race and has “vote him out now,” written across the top and “illegitimate liar,” written across the bottom of the painting.  I wonder if any of those other has-been comedians like David Letterman and Kathy Griffin ever considered a more healthy, cerebral outlet for their hatred and rage in this age of Trump. 
* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

CNN Loses Cable Ratings Race to Cartoon Sponge in Pants.

You know it's time for a tearful facepalm when you call yourself the 'Most Trusted News Source' and still aren't respected enough to garner the viewers to beat Spongebob Squarepants & Co. But according to most recent released cable ratings, that just what's happened to CNN.

Western Journal 
CNN came in behind Nickelodeon and Home & Garden Television, and just a few slots above the History Channel in the latest cable network ratings based on Nielsen Media Research ratings for the week of May 14 to May 20. 
DePauw University communications professor Jeff McCall argued in a piece for The Hill in March that CNN has lost its way with its excessive coverage of salacious stories and with White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s constant attempts to position himself as the Trump administration’s “harshest antagonist.” “There might well be journalism to be had in the sagas of (Karen) McDougal and (Stormy) Daniels, but CNN has found little of it,” McCall wrote. “At some point, the sensational must lead to news of substance.”  
The Media Research Center’s NewsBusters concluded that CNN has a porn problem. In less than two months (from March 7 to April 30), (Daniels’ attorney Michael) Avenatti has been a guest on CNN a total of 59 times — an average of more than once per day,” according to the media watchdog group. CNN’s Jim Acosta often seems bent on trying to create the sensational. In January, the reporter strongly implied Trump was a racist to his face, questioning him in the Oval Office regarding immigration. Trump and Acosta have had several exchanges over the past year, with Trump labeling him as part of “fake news” CNN in January 2017 following the network’s unsubstantiated Russia dossier reporting. The president downgraded CNN to “very fake news” the following month." - READ MORE
Oh, how sweet it would be if Sara Sanders were to ask CNN's Jim Acosta at the next White House briefing if the above story is fake news or not..... 

Thank You Gerard VanderLeun for the Linkage!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Journalist Have Ruined The Reputation of Fake News

"Big light in skies, later to appear in east. Sonic booms scare minority groups in Sector B.
And there's hamburger all over the highway in Mystic, Connecticut."

 "Good morning, those are the headlines. Now for the rumors behind the news......"

Nestled among the shelves of my father's eclectic record library, scattered about in the Frank Zappa, Miles Davis and PDQ Bach LPs, were a smattering of vinyl jewels by the now legendary satirical comedy group, The Firesign Theatre. Their comedy is best described as cultural-lefty-absurdist, and was very much in keeping with their times (Nixon, Watergate, the Vietnam War, etc.). In live performances they wore bizarre costumes such as clown suits, safari garb with pith helmets, and some in the audience were likewise attired.  The sketches were well scripted with room for improvisation, with intricate wordplay and puns which were meant to be politically and culturally thought-provoking without being obvious.

I’ve been thinking lately about how much the Hate Trump Media has come to resemble this weird avant-garde ensemble. After all, “Fake News” was what Firesign Theater was all about. It was zany and absurd, and the joke was that the reality of life, especially contemporary American life, strained credulity, and invited not only satire, but a total flight into fantasy. A typical line from a sketch: “I don’t know what you know, but I do know that everything you know is wrong.” This illustrates the essence of Fake News, rooted in the leftist-inspired cultural divide that currently afflicts America.

The “mainstream media” (CNN, MSNBC, the three networks, the major newspapers) are so consumed by Trump hysteria that it places them squarely in this Firesign Theater zone. The NYT's Nicholas Kristof and his wife talk about the president in bed. CNN's Brian Stelter describes himself as “Trump addicted.” Any psychiatrist can tell you that monomaniacal, pathological hatred has its surreal aspects.  

MSNBC’s interpretation of the importance of the Mueller investigation in its various guises is a good example of this “Credibile est, quia ineptum est” approach. Ricky Maddow, Stephanie Ruhle and Chris 'Soyboy' Hayes constantly strain to outdo themselves with conspiracy theories. One would think there were more Russians involved with the Trump campaign than populate the pages of War and Peace. More entertaining are the nightly shouting matches on Don Lemon’s CNN show. The Bill Maher-type formula dating from that host’s “Politically Incorrect” days is the model for Lemon and three or four indignant progressives spewing their inherent Trump-hatred at a lone conservative panelist.

The Batshit Crazy Lawrence O’Donnell reminds me of the Big Brother in the old “1984” Apple computer commercial, and Chris Matthews a ranting drunk in your corner bar. You never know, Brian Stelter’s future at CNN might involve honking a clown horn while wearing a pith helmet as an introduction to his commentary. Fake News Used to be a Lot Funnier. Journalist Have Ruined it. Lately, all this has been sending me back to Firesign Theater (easily found on YouTube) for perspective. Maybe a study of the works of Marx and Lennon is in order. Groucho and John, that is.......

Monday, May 21, 2018

Study Suggest Average Journalist Just Ain't Right in the Head

According to a study released last year, Journalists' brains seem to show they operate at a lower level than the average population, they have trouble managing emotions and drink to much - but good at managing stress and not peeing on themselves.

I think this may go a long way in helping explain what we've been witnessing in the news media for the last couple of years now. You decide....
"The study, led by neuroscientist Tara Swart, analysed 40 journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcast, and online platforms over seven months. The participants took part in tests related to their lifestyle, health, and behaviour. It was launched in association with the London Press Club, and the objective was to determine how journalists can thrive under stress.  
The Doctor found Journalists' brains showed a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.   
The study also showed that journalists' brains were operating at a lower level than the average population particularly because of the tendency of journalists to self-medicate with alcohol, caffeine, and high-sugar foods. Forty-one percent of the subjects said they drank 18 or more units of alcohol a week. 
Compared with bankers, traders, or salespeople, journalists showed that they were more able to cope with pressure.  The blood tests showed that their levels of cortisol — known as the stress hormone — were mostly normal." 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Hillary to Finally Receive Award of Which She is Truly Worthy

It was recently announced that Hillary Clinton will this friday receive Harvard’s prestigious 'Radcliffe Medal' for her “Transformative Impact on Society” according to the university's website. And this is one award we believe she richly deserves because her 'Transformative Impact on Society' was, in our opinion, her magnificently disastrous executed presidential campaign and resulting defeat that ushered in Donald J. Trump and the renewing of America. And for that she should be thanked wouldn't you say? Now, if she'd just take her little medal and shut her #@&%*$ mouth about it all, a nation would be grateful. 

Of course the organizers at Harvard say Clinton was chosen for the award because she’s a “champion for human rights,” (yeah, I bet you're giggling at that too aren't ya) a “skilled legislator” (a one term backbench Senator with no important legislation to her name) and “an advocate of Global American Leadership” on the world stage (i.e flew around the world drinking cocktails and collecting money for her foundation and selling influence). But she did it all with such class, and for the children. Just ask the kids in Haiti.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director