Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Crazy Ol' Gray Headed Woman Joins Another Unhinged Washed up Comedian as Trump Hate Artist

Where do comedians turn when they're no longer funny and become angry, hateful and unhinged because the world is not to their liking? In the case of the now slightly disturbed Jim Carrey, he has taken to relieving his hate by doing demented anti-Trump art.  Word is that Porky Rosie O'Donnell has also taken to doing artwork as a way to cope with her own intense Trump Derangement Syndrome, and is trying to selling it online. Now I'm not old enough to remember Rosie O'Donnell ever saying anything funny, so I'll have to take y'alls word for it that she's actually a comedian.  I do know the portly O'Donnell and Donald Trump have had a long standing feud and the election of DJT pushed her right over the cliff and straight into mental la-la land, and probably some serious meds.

She writes in a disjointed description on the website:
“I started doodling on my ipad..... many images of trump and his regime sadness, rage and disappointment flowed out my finger and then an apple I pen...... selling six at a time all money collected with me matched by me and donated to charities ones he hates........we can do this America save our nation love and peace as we move forward we are getting closer…he’s going down, and then we heal.”
I'm not sure I've ever heard of someone who hates a charity, but I guess we have to remember who's talking. Anyway, here's a taste of porky's artwork you too can own for as little as $125.

Yeah, first thing that does comes to mind is an element of a hostile, and fragile mind. Among other pieces for sale are “Vote Him Out,” depicting Trump with a red race and has “vote him out now,” written across the top and “illegitimate liar,” written across the bottom of the painting.  I wonder if any of those other has-been comedians like David Letterman and Kathy Griffin ever considered a more healthy, cerebral outlet for their hatred and rage in this age of Trump. 
* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

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