Monday, September 24, 2018

It's No Longer About The Truth

NKT - The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer appeared on CBS’s “This Morning” on Monday to discuss her reporting regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh exposing himself to Deborah Ramirez while a freshman at Yale and admitted that corroborating sources to the incident did not actually witness the event. 

On Sunday, the New Yorker reported:
“Ramirez said that, when both she and Kavanaugh were freshmen at Yale, she was invited by a friend on the women’s soccer team to a dorm-room party. She recalled that the party took place in a suite at Lawrance Hall, in the part of Yale known as Old Campus, and that a small group of students decided to play a drinking game together. “We were sitting in a circle,” she said. “People would pick who drank.” Ramirez was chosen repeatedly, she said, and quickly became inebriated. At one point, she said, a male student pointed a gag plastic penis in her direction. Later, she said, she was on the floor, foggy and slurring her words, as that male student and another stood nearby. (Ramirez identified the two male onlookers, but, at her request, The New Yorker is not naming them.)” 
CBS News’ John Dickerson asked Mayer about where the corroborating witness to Ramirez’s allegations came from and where he got the information about the alleged incident from. “He remembers it from from he was in the same dorm, same little building on Yale’s old campus,” Mayer said. 

“But did he see it?” Dickerson asked Mayer.

“No, as I’ve said, he heard it from someone that was there,” Mayer responded. Mayer said that her source was sure of his memory of the event, but CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell followed up, “But, as you admit, he was not at the party.”

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Joe Biden Plans Vice Presidential Library

Biden Takes Part-time Job to Raise Funds for New Library

Middle Finger News Service Wire:

MFNS - Wilmington Del.- Unnamed sources close to Joe Biden have told MFNS the former VP has decided to build his own Vice Presidential Library in his longtime home District in Delaware. The source told us supporters of Biden convinced him of the need of on honor, he being the historic 2 term VP of the first black President of the United States, and as Biden himself likes to say, "The Cream in the Coffee of the Obama Administration."

The initial plans set forth for the library are said to include a Bidenesque design of three wings. One showcasing his early life and lengthy time in the Senate, another housing pictures and mementos of his two terms as Vice President and a third holding his personal notes and the many proposed initiatives and ideas brutally shot down by President Obama. 

The building is planned to also feature a Gift Shop, 51 Political Correct Gender Specific Restrooms, an Indoor Super-Soaker Tactical Training Course, a Free-Range Fried Chicken Cafe and a Starbucks.

The project is said to be funded totally with moneys raised by private contributions. The FOB's (Friends of Biden) last month started a Go-Fund-Me page to raise money for the project. The target is $5.5 million. As of this writing the fund has so far raised $12.17.

In the meantime Biden has gone to work as a consultant for 'Turd Burglar Waste Disposal' to help in the financing of the project. 

Biden leads the members of the Congressional Black Caucus in a
Chorus of 'Movin' on Up'

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport & WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Spartacus Booker: "17-Year Olds Too Immature to Be Held Accountable for Actions"

Senator Spartacus (D-NJ)

Well this is interesting. While attacking Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Booker is sponsoring legislation that proposes letting juvenile offenders off the hook. (this is to gain minority favor and yes he is running for president). As all the the world knows by now, Judge Kavanaugh stands accused of assaulting Christine Blasey Ford when both were in high school. Blasey did not report the incident to authorities or apparently anyone else at the time. There is zero evidence.  Kavanaugh was 17 years old at the time.

As it happens, Senator Booker is a co-sponsor of something called the REDEEM Act along with Senator Rand Paul. The proposed legislation centers on expunging the records of juveniles convicted of non-violent crimes, thus ensuring some teenage mistake does not follow them for a lifetime. While what Kavanaugh is accused of presumably would be classified as “violent,” again, he was never charged much less prosecuted for this. But in an explanation of his concern for teenagers who get in trouble, as here at the Senator’s website, Booker says this, bold print supplied:
"Studies of youth brain development have found that the decision-making functions of the brain do not fully develop until much later than was previously believed to be the case. Despite this, some states still try 17-, and even 16,-year-olds as adults by default. 
The REDEEM Act incentivizes states to establish 18 years old as a floor for original jurisdiction by adult criminal courts by allowing preference to be given to Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant applications that originate from states that have enacted similar or stronger provisions."
In other words? If one assumes that Christine Ford’s account is accurate, it happened for one reason, the reason that no less than Cory Booker himself has — truthfully — asserted. Again, that is this: Studies of youth brain development have found that the decision-making functions of the brain do not fully develop until much later than was previously believed to be the case.

In other words? The activities of a 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh, not to mention 15-year-old Christine Blasey, were the result of immature teenagers whose “decision-making functions” were impaired to begin with because they had brains that were not “fully” developed. Not to mention that if Booker is literally sponsoring legislation that would make it the law of the land to seal youthful criminal records, there is no way that Ford’s 36-years later allegation, when no charges were even filed in the day, should be relevant in the first place.

There is zero evidence — say again zero — that Kavanaugh has ever exhibited this behavior in his adult life. Say again, zero. To the contrary. One woman after another has come forward to describe him in terms of being a gentleman on a personal level and an utter professional in the workplace. 

Contrast this with the behavior Democrats are silent about this very minute.

(The Spectator)
H/T Crazy Cousin Olivia
Thank You Whatfinger News for the Linkage!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Best Giggle Snort Tweet of the Year.

Why I Don't Write Satire Anymore. They Write It for Us.
The Comments are Hilarious!

If you want to report disinformation to the New York Times, go here.

Liberal Bloodsport and a Pound of Flesh

Even if Judge Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed and seated on the nation's Highest Court, the left will still have extracted their pound of flesh. Just as with the Florida recount of 2000 and the Trump election of 2016, any confirmation will be branded as suspect and accomplished only through brutish tactics and the wholesale disregard for the truth. If Franz Kafka had written about confirmation hearings, he couldn't have come up with a better scenario than the one now unfolding. An unimpeachable pillar of the legal establishment stands accused of a heinous offense that it is almost impossible to definitively rebut. Whether Judge Kavanaugh is innocent or guilty matters not now. He will forever be besmirched by the 10 second clips that are sure to come from the aftermath if further hearings are held, forever considered guilty of it by some portion of the public easily swayed by media propaganda and self interest, just because "she said". 

This is not due process, or any kind of decent process at all for that matter. But it is how the Senate conducts its business now, especially if you are a conservative jurist.  The confirmation process for the Supreme Court is badly broken, made into a forum for sheer bloodsport by the left. If, based on what we know now and this accusation keeps Kavanaugh from the court, it will be a new low even for them. The Senate will have embraced a new world where the existence of an allegation, regardless of whether it can be proven, is enough to stop a nominee and destroy his good name.

The effort to sink Kavanaugh is not just a naked attempt to change a confirmation vote but to forever brand him as illegitimate. Regardless of facts, vagueness, inconsistencies, and lack of evidence, any Republican nominee can now be derailed by an eleventh hour allegation and said allegation could now be given a public Senate hearing to lend it undeserved legitimacy. 

Thank You Whatfinger News for the Linkage!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Red Flags, Red Flags Everywhere....

As soon as Christine Blasey Ford was identity as accuser of Judge Kavanaugh, red flags popped up everywhere. It didn’t take long for people to poke holes in her story from over 30 years ago. The one thing that stands out is Ford’s presumption that she thought Kavanaugh was going to rape her or even kill her…This is conjecture on her part, but now the media has jumped on the “rape” word and moved the ball down the field to accuse Kavanaugh of attempted rape and even attempted murder. If this is supposed to have happened 36 years ago, Brett Kavanaugh (53) would have still been a minor. 

Ford claims she was reluctant to come forward with her accusations. Yet, when Brett Kavanaugh’s name was first raised as a possible candidate for the nomination, she contacted both her Congresswoman, Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) and the Washington Post tip line. Kavanaugh had not even received the nomination and she had already written a letter to politician and contacted a major newspaper. Does that sound like someone who is wrestling with a decision? The version told now has changed from the version told in 2012 to her therapist and once again the media is complicit with the Democrats in their effort to smear a man who has spent his entire life as an accomplished judge and citizen.

Red Flags? Let's look at few important ones shall we:
  • Judge Kavanaugh has gone through 6 FBI background checks. Came through clean.
  • Christine Ford scrubbed her social media accounts of her activism before revealing herself. Ford, has donated money to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Friends Of Bernie Sanders, and other leftist organizations.
  • Ford’s attorney is a self-described Anti-Trump Resistance activist. 
  • It was reported that Brett Kavanaugh would be Romney’s first choice for SCOTUS if elected in 2012. That is when Ford suddenly told of the incident with Kavanaugh in couples therapy. It appears as though Ford recovered her memory at an opportune time.
  • Judge Kavanaugh’s mother presided over the bankruptcy trial of Christine Blasey Ford’s parents. Judge Kavanaugh’s mother ruled against the Batey parents.
Democrats have reached an all time low in their attempts to destroy anyone in their path. For Democrats, the ends justify the means…

(100% FedUp)
                                   Thank You Whatfinger News for the Linkage!