Monday, October 8, 2018

What's a Four Letter Word for 'Tone Deaf Fake Indian'?

Senator Lizzy Warren (D- Mass)

If anyone knows about brazenly stealing things from Native Americans, it’s Elizabeth Warren. It’s sad enough that lefties have tried to erase Christopher Columbus from history, but of all people to tweet at #IndigenousPeoplesDay, Senator Lizzy manages to show her tone deafness, or that she just doesn't have any shame:

Of course as always, someone was peeking over the fence....

But, Senator Lizzy was in good company.........

And of course they never mention the slavery, genocide, atrocities against their fellow native american tribes, or the patriarchy that was already here when Columbus arrived. We won't talk about that.......

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport &
WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Sunday Matinee

*No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, October 5, 2018

We Should Never View The Democrat Party the Same Again

It Seems the Kavanaugh confirmation process has become the death rattle of the old Democrat Party (not that it was responsible for very much to be proud of for the past 200 odd years anyway) and the veneer of civility and respect for the rule of law, and its complete transformation and subsuming into and by a full-on bust-out Marxist neo-Maoist tyranny that is now openly fomenting political violence and the destruction of whatever vestiges of the Constitution and American principles of jurisprudence as well as comity that remain extant. And to paraphrase the great Fred Allen you can take what's left of any sense of decency the Dems may have had, place it in the navel of a fruit fly and still have room for three caraway seeds and Hillary Clinton's heart. But I digress...

The long march through the institutions, primarily through academia, has given us at least three generations of American citizens at best ignorant of our heritage, culture, laws, traditions and Judeo-Christian morality and ethics and as we are witnessing openly contemptuous of it and growing violent in the extreme to any and all who defend it. David Horowitz, who truly is a tireless defender of liberty and freedom (ironic since he was once a red-diaper baby and fellow traveler of Bill Ayers and the Weathermen) states it plainly:
"Every American should be concerned that an ideology so antithetic to everything this country has stood for should now be the conventional wisdom of half the country (including all the persecutors of Judge Kavanaugh). The U.S. Constitution does not contain the words "white," "black," "male" or "female," precisely because the Founders believed they were creating a society in which true equality would one day prevail. It took nearly two hundred years to bring about the social changes that would realize that dream. 
For the last fifty years, however, the left and the Democratic Party have been working hard to turn back the clock and reverse these gains - - to introduce racial and gender categories and quotas into virtually every aspect of social life, to portray white Americans as guilty before the fact, and non-white Americans as innocent even when the facts show they are not. The progressive goal is totalitarian in nature: to erase individuals, their achievements and failures and every aspect of the circumstances in which they find themselves, in order to judge them on the basis of their skin color, their gender and their sexual orientation."
Putting everything else aside, the Dem leadership is both caught in as well as caught up in what may very well be an historical turning point in the party's history and the nation's history. - Quoted from J.J. Sefton@AceHQ

Democrats did not need the U.S. Supreme Court to institute Social Security or establish the Peace Corps. But abortion on demand, gay marriage, prohibition on school prayer, the abolition of the death penalty, and much else on the liberal wish list became the law of the land because of the U.S. Supreme Court, a parallel national legislature when controlled by the Left. A party without the speaker’s gavel or the word “majority” prefixing “leader” struggles to pass substantive legislation. Add to these handicaps widespread public contempt for much of that party’s agenda, and one begins to see why Democrats need the courts so much. Unfortunately for them, the rude, no-holds-barred gambit for the high court (dishonestly used as something other than a court in their hands) makes it even further from their grasp.

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

No, Senator Heidi Won't Be A Heroine, Just a Farting Hippo Falling On A Dull Sword

Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND)

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp shocked just about no one by announcing that she will vote NO to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. She's a red-state Democrat senator running for re-election facing a double digit lead by her opponent in a state DJT won by close to 40%. She's toast, but valiantly claims she will vote no "even if it cost her an election", one she probably knows she won't win anyway. Way to throw yourself on your sword there Heidi. 

The last week showed the dems on the national stage increasingly falling into disarray and chaos. Senator Heidi's decision may be just a Hail-Mary to the back of the end-zone and get her a few extra votes from the teachers union in Minot. But you can bet after the mid-terms she will be invited to all the talk shows, portrayed as a Bold Feminist Heroine and Great Defender of Women and Democracy who gave all for her country. Who knows, they may even name a rock in North Dakota in her honor or something. To be truthful, the few times I've seen this woman on TV she reminded me of every female prison guard I've seem in the movies, and she kinda made my skin crawl......

Come on North Dakota, send Heidi back to the Natural Gas Co. where she came from!

Your News Cycle of Outrage for the Next 48-72 Hours

Expect the outrage to be played out across the media as they join in a choir of Kavanaugh's destroyers to attack the FBI report, and repeat the falsehood the FBI refused to interview Christine Ford or her collaborating witnesses.  Dr. Ford's story is already well documented and THERE ARE NO CORROBORATING WITNESSES! The FBI interviewed the witnesses she claimed, the witnesses did not support the claim. If the attorneys had more witnesses who could corroborate her testimony they should have identified them to the Committee. They did not. But when has any of this been about the truth..... 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Sara Sanders Dropkicks CNN's Jim Acosta.

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Oh The Irony: Squinty & Meat Puppet Criticize One-sided Bias of Media's Kavanaugh Circus

Anyone who has unfortunately spent any time killing brain cells watching the Dynamic Duo of Joe in the Morning should know everything between the intro and exit music is nutty one-sided bias epitomized. With the usual round-table lineup of vicious pinhead leftist making ridiculous allegations, sometime stopping just short of calling for insurrection, it is just a bit ironic to hear these two imply media bias. The wonders never stop.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

How The Media Lies With No Shame Whatsoever

RS - With midterms right around the corner, the media is  ramping up the fearmongering and outrage farming to new heights, especially given the rampant derangement Trump has managed to inspire among the left. While the circus around Brett Kavanaugh is definitely just the start, we’re already seeing the leftist media kick into gear with headlines meant to generate shock and anger.

USA Today decided to throw some gasoline on the fire already by publishing a headline titled “Trump administration halts visas for same-sex partners of diplomats, UN employees.

The vast majority of the population stops right at the headline and thus will walk away with the impression that Trump and his Republican colleagues are all the homophobic villains the media has been saying they were all along. However, clicking and reading the article will cause you to arrive a paragraph within it that gives the entire game away.
“The Trump administration believes the new policy is more consistent with the 2015 Supreme Court ruling to legalize same-sex marriage. The heterosexual partners of foreign diplomats and United Nations employees are also not eligible for U.S. visas."
So it doesn’t just apply to same-sex couples, it applies to everyoneThat’s not the impression you’re supposed to get from the headline, which mentions that Trump halted visas for same-sex couples specifically.

This entire decision around taking a look at visas for married couples is something Trump has been looking at since before he became president and having been inspired by the San Bernardino shooters in California, as reported on by The Hill back in 2015:
The GOP presidential frontrunner’s comments came after it was found that one of the two shooters who killed 14 people and wounded dozens in San Bernardino, Calif., this week came to the United States on a special K-1 visa last year, which allows foreigners to come to the country to marry a U.S. citizen.
The running narrative now is that Trump is doing it to punish homosexuals specifically because they would fall into the category of unmarried people trying to get into the U.S. to get married due to only 12 percent of participating nations in the U.N. supporting gay marriage. At this time, TIME, Foreign Policy, ABC, The Week, The Hill, and more are all running with the narrative that Trump is doing this to punish the gay community.

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Newest Weapon of the Left - "Credibly Accused"

When one hears the phase“credibly accused” you might automatically assume that the allegation being made have been examined and there is at least some credible amount of circumstantial evidence that the allegation is true.  Today, what “credibly accused” has come to mean that there is absolutely no corroborating evidence, no independent corroborating witness, no contemporaneous documentation and, most importantly, no way of verifying the allegations. It’s a phrase that reveals less of the accusations veracity than it does about the person using it and his/her animus toward the accused. It simply means the person reporting the allegation just *wants* it to be true. So it’s nothing more than an attempt to pronounce guilt without having to contend with bothersome issues like, ya know, the presumption of innocence or the need for evidence before destroying a hated target’s life and reputation.

The danger of “credibly accused” metastasizing out of the world of politics is very real. This week saw hundreds of law students from Yale and Harvard come out to endorse “credibly accused” as their preferred standard of justice. This is no accident; “credibly accused” is a close sibling to the star chamber adjudication system, much loved by University Administrators, feminist and radical minority student activists.

What should terrify every American is the fact that any number of these student activists, if current trends hold, will end up on the bench. Including the Supreme Court. Imagine; people who do not believe in the presumption of innocence, the right of the accused to confront his accuser, to present witnesses, to have access to counsel, charged with safeguarding Americans’ civil liberties. Scary, isn’t it? And after deciding that sexual assault defendants being stripped of these rights is in keeping with the Constitution, is there any guarantee that’s where it will stop? Which is why “credibly accused” needs to be shown for the evil it is now.

This becomes even more important when we read about things like this: On Saturday, Georgetown University distinguished associate professor C. Christine Fair, who's profile describes her as "Scholar of South Asian pol-mil affairs, inter-sectional feminist, pitbull apostle, scotch devotee, nontheist, and resister" went on a violent, graphic tweeter rant
“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.” 
“Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.” 
It’s not enough to simply rally and support Brett Kavanaugh, because this is about so much more than him. It’s about everybody’s father, uncle, brother, son, grandson, nephew, friend, etc. and the creation of a world in which their lives can be destroyed on a single person’s word. The Democrats and their toadies in the media need to be made to understand exactly what it is they have unleashed.

(The Blaze)
(Campus Reform)
MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!