The long march through the institutions, primarily through academia, has given us at least three generations of American citizens at best ignorant of our heritage, culture, laws, traditions and Judeo-Christian morality and ethics and as we are witnessing openly contemptuous of it and growing violent in the extreme to any and all who defend it. David Horowitz, who truly is a tireless defender of liberty and freedom (ironic since he was once a red-diaper baby and fellow traveler of Bill Ayers and the Weathermen) states it plainly:
"Every American should be concerned that an ideology so antithetic to everything this country has stood for should now be the conventional wisdom of half the country (including all the persecutors of Judge Kavanaugh). The U.S. Constitution does not contain the words "white," "black," "male" or "female," precisely because the Founders believed they were creating a society in which true equality would one day prevail. It took nearly two hundred years to bring about the social changes that would realize that dream.
For the last fifty years, however, the left and the Democratic Party have been working hard to turn back the clock and reverse these gains - - to introduce racial and gender categories and quotas into virtually every aspect of social life, to portray white Americans as guilty before the fact, and non-white Americans as innocent even when the facts show they are not. The progressive goal is totalitarian in nature: to erase individuals, their achievements and failures and every aspect of the circumstances in which they find themselves, in order to judge them on the basis of their skin color, their gender and their sexual orientation."Putting everything else aside, the Dem leadership is both caught in as well as caught up in what may very well be an historical turning point in the party's history and the nation's history. - Quoted from J.J. Sefton@AceHQ
Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!
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