Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Bend Over and Smile. The Emergency Covid Bill is Finally Here

If you're watching the government spend $900 billion to cut $126 billion in relief checks, and you still think government-run healthcare will *save* money, you're a hopeless fool.

After months of Democrats delaying tactics to win an election, a COVID Relief bill has finally passed congress. A bill so large it had to be rolled into the capital on a cart.  Now that the details are seeping out we find out the years people spent getting political on warring sides, dividing this nation socially is now shown to be misspent energy.  With this bill both parties are now seen as corrupt and venal entities.

Thinking there is a significant difference between these avaricious bodies is foolhardy. For months these bickering brigands were posturing as if they were desperately hammering out aid for the citizenry. In fact, it is a just budget bill that has the relief bill spot-welded to it in order to justify the wasteful payouts. The two bills had been connected so the House voted to avoid the normal 72 hour period to vet the content. This was done in order to pass this like the fecal matter through the proverbial goose, much like they did with Obamacare. 

There is so much unneeded and wasted handout in this fiasco of a rescue that you will be asking for the riots that were tearing apart Portland for months to be unleashed inside the beltway.

This relief bill should have consisted of a single page — a dollar amount, and a sum delivered. Done.

Included in this new bill are the paltry $600 checks to be sent out that amounts to only $200 billion of the $900 billion bill. There are other needed assists in the bill, like $325 billion aimed at small business relief, and another $125 billion is paid out for unemployment benefits.  But this bill will do little to save the nation's second largest employer, the restaurant business. In total these payouts amount to roughly $600 billion, so where is the rest of this payout going?

For starters, the politicians saw fit to include not only illegal immigrants in the payouts this time around but also their family members. They also made this payout retro-active, so those who had been excluded in the first relief package will receive that payment as well. This translates to non-citizens becoming eligible for a $1,800 payment.

And remember the The Kennedy Center for the Arts? They got a cool 25 Mil. last round of covid relief,  and then shuttered the doors. Yeah, they got 40 Mil. this round. You can Read More about the details, but I warn you of potential indigestion if you do. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Beam Mr. Sulu To the Nearest Unfriendly Planet

George Takei, best know to most as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, the guy who pretended to drive around a big ass flying saucier with Cadillac fins and being yelled at by William Shatner on television has always been a pretty nasty, angry leftist. Now he's just an elderly washed-up antagonistic Homo, spouting bizarre or hateful things to and about Republicans on the tweeter. This weekend he channeled this inner bitch and sounded as if he was openly wishing for the severe illness or possible death of one of them. Saturday Senator Marco Rubio tweeted out that he was so confident in the COVID-19 vaccine that he took it himself.

Takei didn't let the opportunity pass him by:
Friend and Foe alike showed their displeasure. A Sample:
@Joelmpetlin - "You can strongly disagree with someone's policies without wishing them a painful death. It's sad that this has to be said periodically on Twitter, but here we are nevertheless." 
@TheRightColumn - "The US Left wishing death on the US Right, while simultaneously thinking of themselves as the good guys, is very on brand." 
@PBeq2 - Amazing how libs say they are tolerant of other but always go personal first. You may be a Sci Fi icon, but so are a lot of B actors. 
@josephcphillips - I’m betting this sounded a lot more clever before you hit send. It also violates Twitter policy" 
The tweet is still up on Twitter and Takei hasn’t issued an apology or tried to walk it back.

So, we have yet another example of what happens when celebrities bubble themselves in their own culture. Takei believes that wishing harm on someone just for a difference in political or religious views is just okay. 

If this is the kind of “unity” the Democrats want then I can say with some measure of confidence that this is going to be the most divisive and violent unity the world has ever witnessed. If the left has this much hatred in its heart that it believes in visiting evil on innocent people who merely disagree with them politically as a moral good then this is going to be a very nasty next four years.

[509 XP]
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Dear Santa,
    I can explain.  How much do you know??

Love & Kisses
Lil' Jan 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Your Saturday Night Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix turns things over to you, the readers.
Post your links. Say your piece.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Newsman Dan Award Confirms Honorable Journalism Is Pretty Much Dead

The University of Texas at Austin’s Moody College of Communication announced Wednesday the Dan Rather “Medals for News and Guts” awards.  Considering the 2004 “fake but accurate” scandal involving former CBS News anchor’s fake news “reporting” on George W. Bush’s National Guard service, you’d think no journalism school worth its salt would have the gall to actually create awards in his honor. But they did.
"The medals, to be awarded annually, further Rather’s goal of supporting and defending excellence in journalism by recognizing those journalists who defy overwhelming odds to report on important stories — no matter the size of their newsrooms."
I'll wait while you laugh.
Of course this is not the first award in honor of Newsman Dan. Diogenes'Middle Finger created way back when "The Dan Rather Award for “Excellence in Media" as part of our weighty, semi-renowned  Infrequently Annual Golden Turd Awards.

The Real Threat To Democracy is a Prevaricating & Dishonest Media. And there is nothing honorable about it these days. But I have sometime found it entertaining to listen to hypocritical, lying shit-bags pretend to take the high ground and argue from position of morality and goodness. I think we all know someone like that. Rather’s career came to an embarrassing end when he relentlessly pushed lies and the fake news story about George W. Bush that he still claims is true.

Since being booted from the anchor chair at CBS for propagating the fake news, Rather has been slowly circling the media drain, bouncing around various liberal cable news network outlets including a multiple-year stint with Mark Cuban’s HDNet that no one has heard of either.

What's the Frequency Kenneth??

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

About That Unity and Healing Thing.....

President-Elect 46* Unsniffable Chief of Staff, Jen O’Malley Dillon

RS - Ever since Election Day, the calls for unity and healing from Democratic leaders, the Biden campaign, and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) have been rolling in fast and furious. Joe Biden, in particular, has made frequent statements to this effect, claiming he’s ready to start building bridges and forging ahead in an effort to get things done, yada yada.

Considering Biden and his surrogates have spent the last year and a half demonizing President Trump and his supporters as racists and “chumps”, it’s not too terribly surprising that not many Republicans have found the calls sincere enough to step up to the plate and oblige him beyond mouthing off platitudes about how we must respect the Electoral College.

So with all of that in mind, it should come as a shock to absolutely no one who has been on to the media’s/left’s phony “unity” games from the start that Jen O’Malley Dillon, the person Biden has picked as his Deputy Chief of Staff, decided she was going to do her part to bring unity and healing to the nation.

The spouting off of feel-good catchphrases about uniting together and all that jazz coming from Democrats rings more hollow now than they ever have, and for good reason. Not just because of the last four years of “racism!” accusations, but also because every time – and I do mean every time – they call for differences to be put aside, for a “new tone” in politics, etc., what they’re really wanting is for Republicans to sit back and shut up while Democrats pull the country further to the left without impediment.

So if anything, a thanks of sorts is owed to O’Malley Dillon for in so many words saying the quiet part out loud. We “Republican f**kers” knew it all along, but it’s still nice when Democrats make our jobs easier by just coming right out and admitting it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pete Buttigieg Picked to Fill the Nation's Potholes

Reuters has reported President-elect 46
* has been informed he picked former primary opponent and staunch surrogate Mayor Pete Buttigieg to be his Transportation Secretary, with the important task of insuring a good ride and filling nation's potholes.  
How Buttigieg serving two terms as mayor of small town South Bend Indiana qualifies as valuable knowledge on transportation issues is only our guess.
Mayor Pete beat out several others with extensive experience including Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, butt Pete has some serious chips to cash in with Biden after his crucial endorsement ahead of the Super Tuesday primary elections in March.  Mayor Pete has been recently touting his foreign policy knowledge and his allies have been lobbying for a foreign policy post, with some openly suggesting he’d be a great ambassador to the United Nations. (it's rumored he knows where Uzbekistan is located)  

Okay Class - Pop Quiz: Name one previous Transportation Secretary 

This might not be the right place for Mayor Pete, though. Unless that's the whole idea.....
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport - 
for the Linkage! ~

Monday, December 14, 2020


He Shall This Day And For Evermore Be Known Here As 46*

*Questionably Legally Elected