Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Example #1062

Someone once told me Democrats would vote for someone with the IQ of an anvil if they thought they could beat a Republican. I said Nah. They once again prove me wrong.

I give you the Mayor of Charlottesville Virginia: 

After wide criticism, undeterred, she digs the hole deeper:

The Mayor sounds like she could use a Snickers Bar. Could be the inner anguish of having to repeat Nikuyah every time she says her name to anyone she doesn't know. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Double Standards Are Better Because You Get Twice As Many

To the Infotainment media, the crisis is not that thousands of illegal immigrants are showing up at the border, but rather that they might not be receiving adequate amenities. Thus these journalists are conveniently absolved of having to ponder whether Biden’s lax immigration policies could be partially driving for the spike in crossings.

With that I leave you with this Question: when will the media realize their 24/7 - 3 or 4 day coverage of a shooting by a mentally ill perp who shouldn't be loose in the public in the first place, only encourages copycats.  Or, is that the whole Idea??

Let Us Today Pay Visit to Our Old Friend Matthew for a Few Choice Tibbitts of Cultural Observation

 by Matthew Noto@My Planet, My Rules

"Your Overlord is a great believer in the old adage that if you live long enough you will see everything. He's also a believer in the axiom that history repeats itself, although that is conditioned by circumstances so that the repetition is never exact, but often close enough.  I also believe in the maxim that if you gather enough truly stupid people together in the same place, the resulting flash from the explosion of asshole can be seen in distant galaxies.

And so here we are, in this year of 2021 and all of these precepts have proven themselves true. It is both disheartening and quite amusing. Segregation is back in vogue.

Only the Modern Segregationist is now the former victim of the Old Segregationist, clinging to and advocating for a New Segregation as a means of...I'm not exactly sure. This past week, I have read stories of Segregated college graduations; I have read stories regarding Segregated public spaces; there is even a whiff of Segregation in the philosophical approaches people are taking to things like objective truth, history, arts, politics.

In the past, "separate but equal" was the hallmark of Jim Crow. I refer to the New Segregation as "Jim Slow".  Because it is being carried forward by perhaps some of the dullest intellects we're ever likely to see.

Most of these are charlatan race baiters and hustlers looking to make a quick buck and they are aided and abetted by the typical accessory-after-the-fact of the irrationally-guilty, white, upper-middle-class retard who is always more than happy to help the downtrodden remain downtrodden in the quest for a world without downtrodden. For if we didn't have downtrodden the upper-middle-class libtard would lose all status in society and have no one to virtue signal towards as a means of assuaging their irrational guilt, and no one to take advantage of in what is to supposed be an act of penance for the "crime" of being born non-downtrodden without having to sacrifice anything of actual value.

Now, I'm not about to plumb the depths of the stupid in the formulation that people who fought -- and often died -- for the cause of Civil Rights should find themselves living in a world wherein the inheritors and beneficiaries of their struggle should suddenly reject equality as an act of "equity", or whatever they're calling it this week. That's a scary place; it takes a real, weapons-grade doofus to believe that any community can cut itself off from interaction with another, and prosper, particularly when the communities involved are interdependent in so many ways.

If I had to take an educated guess at why an entire generation of people would go through the trouble of biting off their noses to spite their faces, I would probably look to two "separate but equal" (see what I did there?) catalysts: Demographics and an Achievement Gap."

(and give the Overlord a shout)

Monday, March 22, 2021

Media Pressure Taking It's Toll on WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki

NB- Continuing her streak of awful, no good, very bad days at the White House podium, Press Secretary Jen Psaki crashed and burned on Monday as she tried to explain away the Biden administration’s crisis at the border, responding to probing questions from Fox’s Peter Doocy and a whole cast of colleagues with bald-faced lies about the border being secure and how Facebook and Instagram ads will help deter illegal immigration.

Psaki insisted that border reporting was disinformation, calling it “an inaccurate depiction of what's happening at the border” because “there's no change in policy,” “the border remains closed,” adults “should not attempt to cross illegally,” and people will only be allowed to stay under “narrow, narrow circumstances.”

Psaki stuck to her talking points, claiming families were only allowed to stay under “limited cases” and they’re tested for the coronavirus before being deported.

Uh-huh. Sure.

Reporters pressed Psaki on immigration included (in order): Bloomberg’s Josh Wingrove, NPR’s Tamara Keith, the Los Angeles Times’s Chris Megerian, and The Guardian’s David Smith. With a roster like this of liberal outlets grilling an administration they had a vested interest in supporting (and destroying Donald Trump), the honeymoon has to, at least some extent, be over.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, March 20, 2021

In Case You Missed It: DSLS

This Week in Dumb Sh*t Liberals Say. 

* Hank Johnson: GOP Rep ‘Endorsed’ Lynching Because Trump Opened the Floodgates 

* WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki: Businesses Won’t Raise Prices if We Raise Taxes 

* Dem Rep. Sanchez: Not ‘Appropriate’ for Journalists to See Inside Border Facilities Holding Children 

* The Black Website 'Root' calls for genocide against white people…

* Obese Land Whale: 'Republicans 'Trying to Kill as Many Americans as Possible' 

* Ted Lieu: Trump Gave ‘Permission to Attack’ Asian-Americans

And what list of stupid comments would be complete without a word from America's Foremost Race Baiter Joy Reid?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS  & ABOVE TOP SECRET for the Linkage! ~