Tuesday, June 8, 2021

There Was A Time People Like This Would Be Ostracized and Resoundingly Told To Go To Hell

I saw “dozens of American flags,” which was “just disturbing”

This made me think of Katha Pollit's famous reaction to flag displays after the 9/11 attacks. Here: "Put Out No Flags" (The Nation, September 20, 2001):

"My daughter, who goes to Stuyvesant High School only blocks from the World Trade Center, thinks we should fly an American flag out our window. Definitely not, I say: The flag stands for jingoism and vengeance and war. She tells me I’m wrong–the flag means standing together and honoring the dead and saying no to terrorism......."

"It seems impossible to explain to a 13-year-old, for whom the war in Vietnam might as well be the War of Jenkins’s Ear, the connection between waving the flag and bombing ordinary people half a world away back to the proverbial stone age. I tell her she can buy a flag with her own money and fly it out her bedroom window, because that’s hers, but the living room is off-limits."

[Ann Althouse]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Joe Got Rolled in Geneva - But He Got to Have Tea With Liz


Monday, June 7, 2021

Media Already Beginning to Push Excuses For Dems Potential Losses in '22 & '24 With Kooky Conspiracy Theories

Anyone with the intestinal fortitude to endure an early morning trip around the TV dial knows the mostly female former weather girls and failed actors pretending to be pseudo-journalist of the early morning shows for the most part set the news cycle for the day. Between cute cat videos and interviewing authors no one has heard of,  since the age of anti-Trump always wander off the rails into territory of which the don't belong. National Politics.

But it's now their job to help keep eyes off the stumbling inept Biden administration that increasingly resemble a grievance infused adolescent student council from a school for troubled youth in a runaway car speeding down hill.  Over on cable news, this is the all day norm.

None have produced so much conspiracy nonsense with so little available IQ then the confused mouth breathers at MSNBC.

This being the month of June means the 18 month run-up to the midterms have official begun. And this cycle, with the dems in justified fear of America waking up and their party getting their clock cleaned November 2022, will be pulling out all the stops. This mornings Squinty & Meat Puppy Show is the type of BS we all can expect here on out: Conspiracy. Conspiracy Everywhere!

Mika kicked things off by reading at length from a column by Yale professor Timothy Snyder, wherein he spun his conspiracy theory.

According to NewsBusters: Snyder is the same guy who in 2017 predicted that Trump would stage the equivalent of the Nazi Reichstag fire by declaring a state of emergency and taking full control of the government. That of course never happened, but Snyder's poor powers of prognostication didn't deter the Morning Joe crew from buying into his latest scaremongering theory.

In his column, Snyder foresees nothing short of "the collapse of the United States." He says he wrote his column upon awakening from a nightmare in which he was visiting the Empire State Building when a plane crashed into it. He knew the building was going to collapse, but people wouldn't listen to him and instead just go about their business.
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, June 6, 2021

"Wokeness" Has Become a Warm Blanket for all the Jealous and Weak and Insecure

For what ever reason, to some ‘Wokeness’ aims may be sincere. But it's method is pure madness. It associates itself with breaking away from any kind of rationality and logic and the complete subjugation of truth and the self to emotions. Its hatred towards of everything that has been carefully built up through long established truth and tradition is an act of moral vandalism. It’s not all doom and gloom though. Take your eyes off your Twitter stream or even better switch off all your social media and look around. It’s important to take a breath.

Hard as it may be in the echo chambers of the left and the right to understand, ‘wokeness’ is only a thing in the Anglo-American world. It has made negligible impact elsewhere so far (yes, it’s making inroads into Europe but not as much as Americans might think). Even in France, the country that gave birth to the very ideas upon which the foundations of the ideology of wokedom rests (the ideas of Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze that traveled to the Californian campuses since the 1970s), ‘wokedom’ hasn’t taken root. Indeed even France’s leftist intellectuals (many of them direct disciples of Foucault and Derrida) are horrified at how mangled and misunderstood their masters’ ideas have permeated into the rot of American intellectual discourse that’s now being drip fed into the cultural mainstream.

I sometimes wish I could take some of these white and black SJWs and show them the world (I’m pretty sure most don’t travel or ever engaged with other cultures or even learn another language). To show them how the world they inhabit is so shallow and inconsequential. Go to Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, or the Far East, and many just have no idea what ‘being woke’ is. More importantly, they do not care. Their struggles and challenges are a world away from the skin deep victimhood fueled tantrums of the spoiled Anglo-American millennial middle classes.

Those that do know (the ones who travel to the West) are shocked. My Japanese friend from school days in Europe look at ‘Cancel culture’ and how it is used to destroy people, publicly humiliate them just like intellectuals were during the Cultural Revolution in China. There is no grace, no forgiveness, just sadistic pleasure in personal annihilation. They worry that the West - whom they respect and admire is on a self-inflicted path to catastrophic destruction.

Some say that ‘wokeness’ is the new religion of the aimless white middle class millenials and ‘social justice’ is its new god. I can see the analogy except in one crucial and important aspect. Unlike Christianity which grew from the ground up through the truly marginalized - women and slaves - to change the world, wokeness has always been a top down movement, just like all the ill-fated and blood soaked ‘isms’ of the past (jacobinism, socialism, and communism). False gods will always fall.

Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with political activism per se, it is a mark of an engaged citizen and a good neighbor to stand up for things that are unfair and unjust. But when political activism is based on destructive emotions, we all lose.

I certainly don’t hate leftist woketards because hate is such an unhelpful emotion.  However, when your whole identity is based on emotional reasoning rather than a rational or empirical one then that is hard going. Nor do I blame the woke left. That would be too easy. They are just weak jealous fools.  For the most part, I blame the rest of us because we as a collective have become intimidated, loosening our grip and relinquished rightful claims to our inherited history, cultural traditions, and unique national heritages.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Tony The Martyr

EARL Done This

Tony appeared on Ricky Maddow's Conspiracy Central show Friday and laid claim to his creds as a Martyr by proclaiming the recent criticisms of him are “really very much an attack on science,” and “the thread going through what’s happening now is very much an anti-science approach."  Fauci added that the origin of the virus is an important question, but “it is being approached now in a very vehement way, in a very distorted way, I believe, by attacking me.”

We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Reality:
"Fauci emails are showing three key things:
* It was a conflict of interest for Fauci and the science community 
* Anything Trump said, the Liberal media pushed the opposite 
* CCP propaganda 
"We have a whole ecosystem of scientists in the United States and around the world that are financially, because of the grant monies, professionally and reputationally heavily invested in this type of research and had every incentive to make sure that the narrative they were wrong and that it leaked out — was suppressed." -  Rep.Mike Waltz 
Waltz’s remarks follow the publication of a Vanity Fair article which suggested State Department investigators were “repeatedly advised not to open a "Pandora’s box" in terms of investigating the origins of the Chinese coronavirus.

HT/Broadside Betty

Friday, June 4, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Throw Back Thursday - A Woman Should Be The First Person to Step Foot on Mars

From the Dank Archives of DMF 2018

"Allison McIntyre, who oversees NASA's Space Vehicle Mockup Facility in Houston, the home base for astronaut training, said it's only fair that a woman takes humanity's first steps on Mars. Twelve humans have set foot on a planetary body beyond Earth. All 12 were men, walking on the Moon during the late 1960s and early 1970s as part of the Apollo missions.  
NASA's first female astronaut to fly in the space shuttle, Sally Ride, notoriously had to explain that she wouldn't need 100 tampons for a week in space, in 1983. McIntyre says, "We have female astronauts, but we haven't put a woman on the Moon yet, and I think the first person on Mars should be a woman." 

I have to say, Oh Hell Yeah! I wholeheartedly agree with Ms. McIntyre. And it's About Damn Time! So in solidarity with my sisters in the struggle against the patriarchy, I have a few ideas myself who should be the first woman on Mars.  In fact, I think we should send a whole crew of females. I would throw my bra into the ring for a chance, but seeing it would probably be a one way trip in all.....uh....and I have seen the movie 'Alien'.....I remember I have some important things to attend to that weekend.  

Here are a few of my nominees for crew. You can leave your own suggestions for who you think should be the celebrated 'First Lady of Mars' in the comments below. Just don't be dissin' your Beloved Editrix or my sisters with some lame-ass women driver jokes........

Auntie Maxine

Cacklin' Hens of the View - Whoopi & Joy What's Her Name

Alleged Comedian Chelsea Handler

No Wait......She would Scare the Natives 

Brianna Stelter. Yeah, Her For Sure.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Lincoln Project Continues Habit of Stepping on Rakes

Yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill effectively banning confused men who think they are women from competing in women’s sports in the state of Florida.  As expected, DeSantis’ signing the law on first day of the “Pride Month” triggered the Usual Suspects, including the unhinged fanatics at the ironically named Human Rights Campaign, which is as strong an indicator as there can be that DeSantis absolutely did the right thing.

During the signing ceremony of a law that very well may effect her own life in the future, the governor’s young daughter Madison was next to him and handing him the pens with which to sign the bill: 

For reasons only known to him, Lincoln Project's Stuart Stevens, one of the more outfront members of the scummy group thought it’d be a good idea to use DeSantis’ daughter as a weapon with which to attack the popular Governor:
"I wonder when this girl grows up, how she’ll feel about being used as a prop in selling a piece of legislation that hurt people she is likely to go to school with, work with, go to church with. Using kids to sell hate for political gain is a favorite @GovRonDeSantis move."
That a member of a group that turned a blind eye for months as allegations swirled around them of predatory grooming behavior towards young men were being made against Lincoln Project would feign he cares for the young daughter of a governor he despises solely because of his political alliance with DJT was not lost on the politically aware who took to the tweeter to absolutely burn his ass for his lack of self-awareness and audacity.

A sample:

She’s a child, and Stevens and his colleagues at the Lincoln Pervert League should do the right thing and respect that instead of projecting their obvious inadequacies onto Gov. DeSantis. But then again, we know respecting underage kids (and women, for that matter) is not the Lincoln Project’s strong suit, so we shouldn’t really expect any better from this clown or his motley troupe of corrupt prevs.

[Sister Toldjah] 

The big ones are beginning to bite off their own.......

“What I want to fix your attention on is the vast, overall movement towards the discrediting, and finally the elimination, of every kind of human excellence – moral, cultural, social, or intellectual.  And is it not pretty to notice how ‘democracy’ (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient Dictatorships, and by the same methods? 
You remember how one of the Greek Dictators (they called them “tyrants” then) sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government.  The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of grain, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. 
The moral was plain.  Allow no preeminence among your subjects.  Let no man live who is wiser or better or more famous or even handsomer than the mass.  Cut them all down to a level: all slaves, all ciphers, all nobodies.  All equals. Thus Tyrants could practice, in a sense, ‘democracy.’ 
But now ‘democracy’ can do the same work without any tyranny other than her own.  No one need now go through the field with a cane.  The little stalks will now of themselves bite the tops off the big ones.  The big ones are beginning to bite off their own in their desire to Be Like Stalks.........” 
- C.S. Lewis - Screwtape Proposes a Toast