During the signing ceremony of a law that very well may effect her own life in the future, the governor’s young daughter Madison was next to him and handing him the pens with which to sign the bill:
For reasons only known to him, Lincoln Project's Stuart Stevens, one of the more outfront members of the scummy group thought it’d be a good idea to use DeSantis’ daughter as a weapon with which to attack the popular Governor:
"I wonder when this girl grows up, how she’ll feel about being used as a prop in selling a piece of legislation that hurt people she is likely to go to school with, work with, go to church with. Using kids to sell hate for political gain is a favorite @GovRonDeSantis move."
That a member of a group that turned a blind eye for months as allegations swirled around them of predatory grooming behavior towards young men were being made against Lincoln Project would feign he cares for the young daughter of a governor he despises solely because of his political alliance with DJT was not lost on the politically aware who took to the tweeter to absolutely burn his ass for his lack of self-awareness and audacity.
A sample:
Because we know if the Lincoln Project cares about anything, it's the well being of minors. https://t.co/NpwZ8inTXA
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 2, 2021
When you’re scared of @GovRonDeSantis so you go after his kid instead...🙄
— Emily Domenech (@ehdomenech) June 2, 2021
I wonder when any children of this guy grows up and how they'll feel about their dad being part of an organization that knew about and covered up that a child predator was in its inner circle. https://t.co/dkrnbQRAK2
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) June 2, 2021
[Sister Toldjah]
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